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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:曲桂林,刘洪存,张守攻等编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国林业出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7503845554
  • 页数:210 页

一、林业政策 1

中国林业政策&祁宏 1

Policy Matter!-Forest Policy in Asia-Pacific&Patrick B.Durst 5

乡村林业发展的政策支持&沈月琴 16

UNFF:Standing Objectives and Future Goals&Pekka Patosaari 20

Property Rights:Implications for Production,Conservation and Porerty Alleviation&Andy White 32

Property Matters:Collective Forestry Policy Issues and Opportunities&Zuo Ting&Andy White 36

二、森林保护 38

中国的野生动植物保护&严旬 38

森林景观恢复:国际现状和中国的机遇&李宁 42

Biodiversity Conservation Priority Setting and PA Management Effectiveness Improvement in China&Zhu Chunquan 46

Wetland Conservation and the Project Implimenting in China 51

Minshan Landscape Restoration and Development Initiative—Ensuring Environmental Sustain-ability Through Working with Stakeholdors&WWF China Programme office 58

三、林业管理 63

中国森林资源管理&苏春雨 63

大自然保护项目开展的森林资源保护工作之——探讨木材非法采伐与贸易解决方案&The Nature Conservancy 66

Regional Aspects of Forest Goremance—Case Study on Indonesia&China 68

林业执法与施政后多方参与:Stakeholder Participation in Forest Law Enforcement and Governance Processes&Guide Broekhoven,Li Ning 72

四、林产品工业与贸易 76

中国木材贸易现状及有关问题分析&宋维明 76

Forest Products Trade and Improved Forest Governance:Linkages and International Trends&Gerhard Dieterle 80

Global Trends in the Production and Trade in Forest Products&Osamu Hashiramoto 85

China and Forest Trade in the Asian Region:Implication for Forest Governance&Andy White 89

China's Wood Market,Trade and Environment&Zhu Chunquan 93

Chinese Bamboo Industry:Resource,Market and Policy&Li Zhi-yong,Wang Deng-ju,Fan Bao-min 97

五、森林认证 100

中国森林认证Forest certification in China&李明琪 100

Sustainable Forest Management PEFC and The Australian Forestry Standard&Hans Drielsma 105

Experiences with Certification to the Australian Forestry Standard&Calton Frame 109

世界自然基金会在中国推动森林认证工作:WWF's Role in promoting Forest certification in China&Dong Ke 112

六、森林可持续经营 115

中国营造林工作回顾与展望&李怒云 115

国家林业重点工程投资社会经济效益监测报告&戴广翠 119

中国森林可持续经营及其重点合作领域&肖文发 127

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue—Experience from Pilot Projects from China&姜春前 133

Sustainable Management of Forests:Policy Direction for Sustainable Forest Management in Japan and its Related International Cooperation Activities in China&Fusho Ozawa 140

Innovative Instruments:Payment for Environmental Services&Gerhard Dieteric 145

Participatory Approaches in Agriculture and Forestry&Christine Martins&Li Xinping 152

携手共建“中华水塔”生态安全屏障……李三旦( ) 155

Make Joint Efforts in Coustruction of a"China Water Tower"for Ecological Safety&Li Sandan 155

综合生态系统管理实践——林业可持续经营的一条途径:青海省林业资源管理项目的经验&张雪梅 160

集水区森林对话机制研究——以密云水库集水区为例&校建民 李智勇 马履一 樊宝敏 167

国外林业社会化服务体系的现状及其借鉴&冯彩云 173

七、控制木材非法采伐 179

Tackling Illegal Logging and Associated Trade:Action by the UK and other Governments&Hugh Speechly 179

Keeping Illegal Pooducts out of International Markets:Options for EU and Other Consume Countries&Duncan Brack 183

ENA FLEG:Proposed Elements of St.Petersburg Declaaration and Indicative Plan of Action&Jagmohan S.Maini 187

FLEG:Forest Law Enforcement and Governamce:Illegal Logging and Associated Trade&Kerstine Canby&Sun Xiufang 189

附录:中国森林对话机制第一次会议日程安排 193

List of Participants 197
