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多元下的统一?  当代翻译研究潮流
多元下的统一?  当代翻译研究潮流

多元下的统一? 当代翻译研究潮流PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787560061948
  • 页数:196 页
《多元下的统一? 当代翻译研究潮流》目录

Section One:The Nature of TranslationDis-unity and Diversity Feminist Approaches to Translation Studies&Luise von Flotow 3

Translation,Autobiography,Bilingualism&Susan Ingram 15

Section Two:Translation in National ContextAntigone A Scots/Welsh Experience of Mythical and Theatrical Translation&Ian Brown and Ceri Sherlock 25

'Genuine'and'Fictitious'Translations of Science Fiction and Fantasy in Hungary&Anikó Sohár 39

Theory and Practice:Translation in India&Paul St-Pierre 47

Marginal Forms of Translation in Japan Variations from the Norm&Judy Wakabayashi 57

Choices and Constraints in Screen Translation&Eithne O'Connell 65

Section Three:Descriptive Translation StudiesSix Subtitlers-Six Subtitling Texts&Irena Kovacic 75

Parallel Texts in Translation&Christina Sch?ffner 83

Bilingual Reference Corpora for Translators and Translation Studies&Carol Peters and Eugenio Picchi 91

The English Comparable Corpus A Resource and a Methodology&Sara Laviosa 101

Section Four:Computer-Aided TranslationPractical Experience of Computer-Aided Translation Tools in the Software Localization Industry&Sharon O'Brien 115

Translation Memories:Insights and Prospects&Matthias Heyn 123

Consistency and Variation in Technical Translations A Study of Translators'Attitudes&Magnus Merkel 137

The Problem with Machine Translation&Reinhard Sch?ler 151

Machine Translation as a Model of Human Translation&Paul Bennett 157

Section Five:Interpreting StudiesUnity in Diversity:The Case of Interpreting Studies&Franz P?chhacker 169

Language Direction and Source Text Complexity Effects on Trainee Performance in Simultaneous Interpreting&Jorma Tommola and Marketta Helev? 177

User Responses to Simultaneous Interpreting&Anna-Riitta Vuorikoski 187

Contributors 195
