塑性成形理论与实践中的创新 王仲仁文选PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王仲仁,何祝斌主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787030196040
- 页数:876 页
第一篇 王仲仁教授的学术论文文选 5
塑性理论 5
20世纪50年代初期中国的固体强度理论在金属塑性成形中的重要应用成果 5
试论塑性加工的实质是“力处理” 17
论塑性加工中应变应力顺序对应规律——兼评古布金的最小阻力定律 23
论应力偏量及应力张量第三不变量的物理意义及其在主应力空间中的几何意义 34
广义屈服准则 41
一点的三维剪应力图及其与金属变形类型的对应关系 48
主剪应力法及其在锥模薄管拉拔与缩颈中的应用 54
内压椭球壳塑性变形的发生部位与扩展过程分析 63
三向应力Mohr圆的真实构成及剪应力作用方向的确定 67
偏应力张量第二及第三不变量在塑性加工中的作用 74
Hencky应力方程与主剪应力迹线上正应力方程的比较 83
三维最大剪应力迹线上的正应力变化规律 89
板料变形受压失稳临界条件分析 94
用嵌入螺柱法研究金属塑性应变分布 100
A Consistent Relationship Between the Stress-and Strain-components and its Application for Analyzing the Plane-stress Forming Process 108
A New Method to Prove the Rule of Change of Normal Stress Along a Slip Line 114
Principal Shearing Stress Locus Theory of Axisymmetrically Plastic Flow 120
The Application of Strength Theories and Yield-criteria in Engineering 126
The Method of the Principal Shear Stress Tracing Line and its Application in the Flaring and Expanding of a Thin-walled Tube with a Conical Punch 133
Three-dimensional Representation of Normal Stress Magnitude with Applications to Hydrobulge Forming 144
Multiple-factor Dependence of the Yielding Behavior to Isotropic Ductile Materials 153
Graphical Methods of Representing the Stress Components on Different Inclined Planes at One Point 175
Comprehensive Analysis of Stress-Strain in Typical Metal Forming Processes 184
液力成形 195
椭球壳体液压成形的塑性变形规律的研究 195
无模胀球的原理与研究进展 201
单曲率多面壳体液压胀球工艺 206
应力莫尔圆变化分析及其在典型液力塑性成形中的应用 210
内高压成形起皱行为的研究 221
Experimental Research and Finite-element Simulation of Plates Hydrobulging in Pairs 230
Progress in Shell Hydroforming 237
Numerical Simulation of Plastic Deformation of Pressurized Oblate Spheroid-Inscribed Single-Curvature Shells 248
Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Research into the Integral Hydro-bulge Forming of Oblate Shells 265
Hydroforming of Typical Hollow Components 275
The Integrally Hydro-forming Process of Pipe Elbows 283
Safety Analysis of 200m3 LPG Spherical Tank Manufactured by the Dieless Hydro-bulging Technology 288
Research on the Integral Hydrobulge Forming of Ellipsoidal Shells 296
Research into the Dieless Hydro-forming of Nonuniform Thickness Spherical Vessels 303
Experiment and Numerical Simulation of Hydro-forming Toroidal Shells with Different Initial Structure 312
Analysis of the Internal Pressure in Tube Hydroforming and Its Experimental Investigation 318
Effect of the Initial Structure on the Hydro-forming of Toroidal Shells 328
新成形技术 337
多点“三明治”成形及其在风洞收缩段形体制造中的应用 337
板材数控增量成形过程的研究 344
粘性介质压力成形的应用研究 352
管件电磁成形研究 359
等径侧向挤压应变分析 367
Al-Li2091合金超塑成形/扩散连接工艺研究 371
钛合金半球件超塑成形的数值模拟与实验研究 378
用大尺寸粉末颗粒材料制备PM-SiCP/LY12及其超塑性研究 382
静液压力下7075铝合金圆环压缩试验研究 392
曲轴RR法镦锻成形的数值模拟与缺陷预测 398
胀形法加工聚碳酸酯板材制品的工艺参数研究 403
马鞍形板材件多点“三明治”成形实验研究 408
Multi Point Sandwich Forming 415
Spinning Conical Workpiece without Mandrel 421
Analysis of Blanking Vibration with Consideration of the Break-through State 428
Research into the Properties and Microstructure of ZA13 Alloy Tubes Formed byLiquid Extrusion 436
An Experimental Study of the Roll-bending of Double-curvature Workpieces 443
Hot Hydrostatic Extrusion and Microstructures of Mechanically Alloyed Al-4.9Fe-4.9Ni Alloy 452
Development of the Technique of Extrusion Directly Following Infiltration for the Manufacturing of Metal-matrix Composites 461
An Advanced Superplastic Sheet-forming Machine Controlled by Microcomputer 469
A Comparison of the Mesomechanism of Dynamic Ddorrnation between Copper and Aluminum 476
Viscous Pressure Forming(VPF)of Corrugated Thin-walled Sheet Part with Small Radius 481
Numerical and Experimental Research of the Cold Upsetting-extruding of uhbe Flanges 491
Sheet Bulging Experiment with a Viscous Pressure-carrying Medium 502
Flexible Bending of Aluminum Profiles with Polyurethane Pad 510
塑性成形中的有限元模拟 521
基于映射法的三维有限元网格自动划分 521
几种典型件成形过程的弹塑性有限元数值模拟 526
板材超塑成形/扩散连接过程的三维有限元模拟 531
对圆柱体镦粗过程中塑性变形发生和发展的探讨 538
塑料板材热成形过程三维温度场的有限元分析 543
有限元六面体网格的典型生成方法及发展趋势 553
Simulation of Superplastic Sheet Forming and Bulk Forming 562
FEM Analysis of Axisymmetrical Superplastic Piercing Process 568
Analysis of the Conventional Spinning Process by FEM 573
Numerical Simulation of the Integral Hydro-bulge Forming of Non-clearance Double-layer Spherical Vessels:Analysis of the Stress State 579
A Preform Design Method for Sheet Superplastic Bulging with Finite Element Modeling 592
Recent Development in the Mechanics of Superplasticity and its Applications 601
Numerical Simulations for Extrusion and Ironing and Die-angle Optimization 613
Stress Analysis of Approximately Ellipsoidal Cold-spun Tri-arc Tank Head and Parameter Optimization 621
Finite Element Simulation of a New Deformation Type Occurring in Changing-channel Extrusion 629
A New Contact Judgement Method for Sheet Metal Forming Simulation 633
Finite Element Simulation of Rotary Forging 639
Explanation of the Mushroom Effect in the Rotary Forging of a Cylinder 646
Applications of Numerical Simulation to the Analysis of Bulk-forming Processes-case Studies 654
Numerical Simulation and Experimerntal Study on the Multi-step Upsetting of a Thick and Wide Flange on the End of a Pipe 664
Numerical Simulation of Deformation in Multi-point Sandwich Forming 673
第二篇 业内专家对王仲仁教授学术贡献的评价 689
结合塑性加工发展塑性力学——王仲仁教授在塑性理论方面的贡献 689
应力应变顺序对应规律及其学术意义 703
超塑成形理论与实践——王仲仁教授在超塑性研究领域的贡献 713
无模液压胀形技术——王仲仁教授的一项发明 724
粘性介质压力成形技术(VPF)研究——王仲仁教授指导的学术新方向 737
Uniform Principle on Stress,Strain and Yield Locus for Analysing Metal Forming Processes:The Contribution of Prof.Z.R.Wang 755
Progress in Large Vessel Forming:Introduction of Some Innovations of Prof.Z.R.Wang 764
第三篇 王仲仁教授在创新与创业、科学研究及教书育人等方面的部分文章中国人要自尊自强 775
院士首先应在本领域做出贡献 777
谈创新与创业 779
球迷与无模胀球技术 781
从无模胀球技术的应用看科技成果商品化 784
读一点《论语》 787
关于研究方法 789
试谈导师如何对研究生“导”与“引” 793
试谈科研选题的辩证关系 797
谈博士论文的规格及选题 799
重访KM6 802
综合素质决定一个人的发展——由“铁匠”变成航天光学院士的启示 807
第四篇 王仲仁教授相关报道 811
“球迷”教授站在国际讲坛上 811
记无模胀球技术发明人王仲仁教授 812
“小太空”圆国人飞天梦——访神五KM6工程总工程师王仲仁 816
他为“神五”做出贡献——记“KM6工程”总工程师王仲仁教授 819
王仲仁:哈工大的一位快乐老“先生” 823
Journal of Materials Processing Technology专辑前言及目录 827
《塑性工程学报》专集贺词 832
《王仲仁教授及其科技贡献》前言及文章题录 834
第五篇 附录 839
王仲仁教授简历 839
王仲仁教授获奖成果目录 840
王仲仁教授发表的主要学术论文目录 841
王仲仁教授主编书籍目录 870
王仲仁教授指导和合作指导博士生的论文题录 871
王仲仁教授作为合作导师培养的博士后 873
后记 874
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