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建筑设计年鉴  2006  下
建筑设计年鉴  2006  下

建筑设计年鉴 2006 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:广州唐艺文化传播有限公司编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787561133842
  • 页数:225 页
《建筑设计年鉴 2006 下》目录

04 公共建筑 6

上海建筑建材业行政服务中心Administrative and Service Center of Shanghai Building Material Industry 8

徐州行政中心/市民中心Xuzhou Administration Center/Civic Center 14

常熟世茂新城政府办公楼Government Office Building in Shimao New Town,Changshu 20

樟树新行政办公大楼及会展中心Zhangshu New Administrative Office Building and Exhibition Center 26

马鞍山地税局办公楼Office Building of Maanshan Local Taxation Bureau 32

张家港建设局/农村商业银行办公大楼Zhangjiagang Construction Bureau/Office Building of Rural Commercial Bank 36

常州武进长途客运站Wujin Long-distance Bus Station in Changzhou 42

郑州郑东新区颐和医院Yihe Hospital in Zhengdong New District,Zhengzhou 50

05 会展 58

北京中国国际展览中心China International Exhibition Center in Beijing 60

重庆科技馆Chongqing Science and Technology Museum 68

安徽省国际会议展览中心Anhui International Exhibition&Conference Center 74

成都新国际会展中心Chengdu Century City·New International Convention&Exhibition Center 80

深圳龙岗区规划展览综合大楼Longgang District Urban Planning Exhibition Complex Building in Shenzhen 86

深圳南山艺术博物馆Shenzhen Nanshan Museum of Art 92

扬州博物馆新馆/中国雕版印刷博物馆New Building of Yangzhou Museum/China Woodblock Prints Museum 100

霸州博物馆/科技馆Bazhou Museum/Science and Technology Museum 108

06 文体 116

北京奥林匹克中心柔道/跆拳道比赛馆Beijing Olympic Judo and Taekwondo Gymnasium 118

北京奥林匹克中心飞碟靶场Beijing Olympic Shooting Range Field 124

上海文化广场改建工程Culture Plaza Redevelopment in Shanghai 128

广州歌剧院Guangzhou Opera House 134

澳门东亚体育馆Macau East Asian Game Dome 138

沈阳图书馆及儿童活动中心Shenyang Library and Shenyang Children Activity Center 142

深圳梅林文体活动中心Meilin Activity Center in Shenzhen 146

中央音乐学院珠海分校Central Conservatory of Music,Zhuhai Branch 152

珠海联合国际学院United International College in Zhuhai 160

胶南市委党校Party School of Jiaonan Muncipal CPC Committee 166

07 科研 170

北京握奇数据系统公司总部办公区Headquarters Office Area of Beijing Watchdata System Co.,Ltd 172

深圳硅峰生态软件园Shenzhen Guifeng Ecological and Software Park 176

南宁广西药用植物园科研综合楼Scientific Research Building of Guangxi Botanical Garden of Medicinal Plants in Nanning 180

08 会所/住宅 184

The Absolute Tower(玛丽莲·梦露大厦) 186

上海佘山高尔夫别墅6号地块Plot No.6 of Sheshan Golf Villa in Shanghai 192

上海财富海景花园Fortune Residence in Shanghai 200

北京中国农机研究院综合社区Chinese Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences Comprehensive Community in Beijing 206

泰然·武汉南湖Terra·Wuhan South Lake 212

北京龙海苑香山会所Royal Garden Fragrant Hill Clubhouse in Beijing 220
