- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武俊玲撰写;穆朝娜翻译;北京市文物局,《北京文物鉴赏》编委会编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京美术摄影出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7805013535
- 页数:107 页
明代青花瓷器 10
Blue and White Porcelains of the Ming Dynasty 12
洪武、建文青花(1368-1402) Blue and White in the Hongwu and Jianwen Reigns 14
1.青花缠枝菊纹盏托 Blue and white cup-stand with design of chrysanthemum scrolls 15
2.青花折枝花卉纹盖罐 Blue and white covered jar with design of floral sprays 16
3.青花折枝花卉纹盖罐(罐盖) Lid 17
永乐、宣德青花(1403-1435) Blue and White in the Yongle and Xuande Reigns 18
4.青花桃竹纹带盖梅瓶 Blue and white covered meiping vase with design of peach and bamboo 19
5.青花折枝葡萄纹盘 Blue and white plate with design of grape vines 20
6.青花阿拉伯文无挡尊 Blue and white wudangzun with Arabic inscription 21
7.青花缠枝花卉菊瓣纹碗 Blue and white bowl with floral scroll design 22
8.青花缠枝花卉菊瓣纹碗(碗心) Interior 23
9.青花云龙纹洗 Blue and white xi with design of cloud and dragons 24
10.青花云龙纹洗(洗内底) Interior 25
11.青花缠枝花卉纹壮罐 Blue and white floral design jar of Islamic albarello form 26
12.青花云龙纹罐 Blue and white jar with design of cloud and dragon 27
13.青花海水云龙纹高足碗 Blue and white stem bowl with design of sea water,cloud and dragons 28
14.青花海水云龙纹高足碗(局部) Detail 29
15.青花花卉纹高足碗 Blue and white stem bowl with floral design 30
16.青花花卉纹高足碗(碗心) Interior 31
17.青花灵芝纹石榴尊 Blue and white pomegranate shaped zun with lingzhi immortal fungus design 32
18.青花折枝花果纹葵口碗 Blue and white bowl with petalled rim and design of flower and fruit sprays 33
19.青花缠枝莲托八吉祥纹高圈足碗 Blue and white bowl with design of lotus scroll and the Eight Buddhist Emblems 34
20.青花束莲纹盘 Blue and white plate with bundled lotus design 35
21.青花束莲纹盘(底部) Exterior bottom 35
正统、景泰、天顺青花(1436-1464) Blue and White in the Zhengtong,Jingtai and Tianshun Reigns 36
22.青花人物纹罐 Blue and white jar with figure design 37
23-24.青花人物纹罐(局部)Detail 39
25.青花花卉纹香炉、青花人物图烛台 Blue and white incense burner with floral design and candlesticks with figure design 40
26.青花访贤图罐(画面一) Blue and white jar with design of visiting a person of virtue(ViewⅠ) 42
27.青花访贤图罐(画面二) Blue and white jar with design of visiting a person of virtue(ViewⅡ) 43
28.青花人物纹罐(画面一) Blue and white jar with figure design(ViewⅠ) 44
29.青花人物纹罐(画面二) Blue and white jar with figure design(ViewⅡ) 45
成化、弘治、正德青花(1465-1521) Blue and White in the Chenghua,Hongzhi and Zhengde Reigns 46
30.青花群仙祝寿图罐 Blue and white jar with design of immortals offering birthday congratulations 47
31-34.青花群仙祝寿图罐(局部) Detail 48
35.青花宝相花纹卧足碗(一对) Blue and white wozuwan bowls with rosette design 52
36.青花人物楼阁图盖罐 Blue and white covered jar with design of figure and pavilion 54
37.青花灵芝纹阿拉伯文罐 Blue and white jar with design of Lingzhi immortal fungus and Arabic inscription 55
38.青花穿花龙纹盘 Blue and white plate with dragons crossing lotus scroll design 57
39.青花灵芝纹阿拉伯文笔架 Blue and white brush rest with design of Arabic inscription 58
40.青花双狮戏球纹绣墩 Blue and white xiudun or garden stool with design of two lions playing with an embroidered ball 60
嘉靖、隆庆、万历青花(1522-1620) Blue and White in the Jiajing,Longqing and Wanli Reigns 61
41.青花云龙纹油缸 Blue and white oil urn with cloud and dragon design 62
42.青花婴戏图盖罐 Blue and white covered jar with design of kids at play 63
43-46.青花婴戏图盖罐(局部) Detail 64
47.青花群仙祝寿图盖罐 Blue and white covered jar with design of immortals offering birthday congratulations 66
48.青花群仙祝寿图盖罐(局部) Detail 66
49.青花花卉纹梅瓶 Blue and white meiping vase with floral design 68
50.青花八卦云鹤纹串铃式盒盖 Blue and white box cover in the style of a hollow metal ring with design of the Eight Diagrams,cloud and cranes 69
51.青花朵花纹象耳瓶(一对) Blue and white vases with elephant shaped handles and flower design 71
52.青花云鹤纹盘 Blue and white plate with design of cloud and cranes 72
53.青花团龙纹方盒 Blue and white squ a re box with dragon medallion design 73
54.青花云龙纹盘 Blue and white plate with cloud and dragon design 74
55.青花鱼藻纹盘 Blue and white plate with design of fish and waterweed 75
56.金托盘金盖青花花卉纹瓷碗 Blue and white bowl with floral design,gold tray and gold cover 76
57.青花缠枝番莲纹梅瓶 Blue and white meiping vase with design of passionflower scroll 78
58.青花缠枝番莲纹梅瓶(局部) Detail 79
59.青花龙纹梅瓶 Blue and white meiping vase with dragons design 80
60.青花渭滨访贤图盖罐 Blue and white jar with design of visiting a person of 82
61.青花云凤纹缸 Blue and white urn with cloud and phoenix design 82
62.青花莲瓣形盘 Blue and white plate in the form of lotus flower 83
63.青花莲瓣形盘(盘底) Exterior bottom 84
64.青花莲瓣形盘(盘心) Interior 85
65.青花布袋僧像 Blue and white statue of Maitreya 86
66.青花人物纹提梁壶 Blue and white pot with loop handle and figure design 87
67.青花凤兽穿牡丹纹葫芦瓶 Blue and white gourd-like vase with design of phoenix,beast and peony scroll 88
68.青花凤兽穿牡丹纹葫芦瓶(局部) Detail 89
泰昌、天启、崇祯青花(1620-1644) Blue and White in the Taichang,Tianqi and Chongzhen Reigns 90
69.青花莲池情趣图八方盖罐 Blue and white octagonal covered jar with design of lotus pond 91
70.青花海兽纹鼓式砚 Blue and white inkstone in the shape of a drum with sea beast design 92
71.青花五老图罐 Blue and white jar with design of wulaotu(scene of five elders) 93
72.青花人物纹瓶 Blue and white vase with figure design 94
73.青花驯马图盖罐 Blue and white covered jar with design of taming horses 95
小辞典 Small Thesaurus 96
2004年明代青花瓷器拍卖价格表 Auction Price of Blue and White Porcelains in the Ming Dynasty 2004 101
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