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中国东北虎 杨国斌摄影作品集 中英文本 Yangguobin photograph works
中国东北虎 杨国斌摄影作品集 中英文本 Yangguobin photograph works

中国东北虎 杨国斌摄影作品集 中英文本 Yangguobin photograph worksPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:杨国斌摄
  • 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江美术出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7531816008
  • 页数:117 页
《中国东北虎 杨国斌摄影作品集 中英文本 Yangguobin photograph works》目录

深山虎跃 jumping to the of the other  8

虎视眈眈 eye covetously  9

龙腾虎跃 a scene of bustling activity  11

云飞剑舞 tail as a sword  12

赤舌怒舞 roaring with wide open mouth  13

爱的旅程 the love journey  15

以逸待劳 wait at ease  16

雪里行军 marching in the snow  17

虎腾云生 splashing the snow  19

三雄泅江 crossing the river in a line  20

决战江湖 a fierce battle in the river  21

虎步峰台 climbing down the peak  22

密林深伏 crouching in the clusters   23

流云赶月 chasing the wind and pursue the moon  24

双雄逐日 two tigers chasing the sun  25

狮情虎意 the affection between a lion and a tiger  26

虎气冲天 caprioling to the heaven  27

穷追不舍 hotly pursue  28

神光劲射 fire-eyed  29

疯行天下 chasing one another in the snow  31

生死瞬间 instant of life and death  32

凶相毕露 betraying oneself  33

独往独来 being alone  34

啸震山林 roars cchoing in the mountain  35

峰巅展姿 model on the mountaintop 36

信步出山 strolling out of the mountain  37

食鸭之梦 dream of eating ducks  38

山之骄子 king of the mountain  39

美味尽享 playing knife and fork  40

虎痴回眸 turning around  41

坐山观虎 watching in safety while others fight  43

虎头虎脑 looking strong and good natured  44

拳掌交织 hand in hand  45

雪地早餐 having breakfast in the snow  46

山林漫步 taking a walk in the mountain forest  47

英俊虎崽 cute baby tiger  48

饱餐之后 resting after great lunch  49

火速出击 attacking at top speed  50

风驰电掣 running like greased lightening  51

情意绵绵 full of affection  52

相依为命 depending on each other  53

山中霸主 governor in the mountain  55

五虎嬉雪 five tigers playing with the snow   56

饥不择食 beggars can not be choosers  57

酣战不休 fighting ceaselessly  58

静观其变 apparently relax actually vigilant  59

金秋游山 promenading in the autumn  60

战地黄花 fighting in the clusters  61

夫妻还家 a couple going back home  62

母子情深 deep love between mother and son  63

山野觅踪 looking for something in the mountain  64

风影同行 gone with the wind  65

剑拔弩张 at swords' points  66

殊死之战 an ardent battle  67

鸡不可失 opportunity knocks but once  68

张牙舞爪 bare fangs and brandish claws  69

草丛独步 promenading alone in the grass  70

各霸一方 guard my territory  71

坐卧不安 feeling restless  72

伺机而动 waiting game  73

若有所思 seeming lost in thought  74

戏水如蛟 playing with water like the dragon  75

雪地摇滚 amusing themselves in the snow  76

石台小息 a nap on the stone  77

五虎踏雪 five tigers stepping on the snow  79

金睛觅猎 waiting in patience  80

顽劣之徒 prankster  81

四虎瞄凤 four tigers gazing  82

分道扬镳 going different ways  83

气吞山河 imbued with spirit that con quers mountains and rivers  84

疯拥而上 coming swarming  85

威震四方 hold the world in awe  86

守株待兔 waiting behind the tree  87

跃然绿茵 springing out of the grass  88

横行山里 stride through the hills  89

大山深处 in the depth of the mountains  91

力提山兮 the huge strength to uplift a mountain  92

林中虎没 emerge in the wood  93

噬尽山中 roaring in the mountain  94

蓄势待发 storing up the energy  95

美虎峰行 beautiful tigers  96

三雄同行 three tigers going together  97

虎跃龙潭 springing out of the water  98

荡雪兴风 roaring wind pregnant of the great snow  99

怒不可遏 be hopping mad  100

大地伏虎 crouching on the ground  101

亲切问候 friendly greetings  102

金躯卧雪 lying on the snow  103

纵横林海 sweep through the whole forest  104

骄姿无双 unique pose  105

落荒而逃 be defeated and flee  106

觊觎之光 gazing covetously  107

雪地鼾睡 snoring in the snow  108

草中匍匐 groveling in the grass  109

怒刺青天 running tide towards the vault of the heaven  110

凶光四射 atrocious look  111

金波蹂雪 golden tide on the snow  113

雪野凶风 thunder roaring in the snow filed  115
