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全球化时代的刑法变革  国际社会的经验及其对中国的启示
全球化时代的刑法变革  国际社会的经验及其对中国的启示

全球化时代的刑法变革 国际社会的经验及其对中国的启示PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵秉志主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民公安大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7811097656
  • 页数:355 页
《全球化时代的刑法变革 国际社会的经验及其对中国的启示》目录

第一编 国际刑法的变革 Section One:Change and Reform of International Criminal Law 3

当代国际刑法的新发展&高铭暄 王秀梅 3

New Developments of Contemporary International Criminal Law&by Gao Mingxuan,Wang Xiumei 19

欧盟刑法的一体化进展&[西班牙]胡塞·路易斯·德拉奎斯塔 20

Unification Development of EU Criminal Law&by Jose Luis De La Cuesta/Spain 30

论国际刑事法院的某些主要特点&[加]彼得·伯恩斯 著 郭健 译 31

Several Main Features of the International Criminal Court&by Peter Burns,Q.C/Canada 36

关于国际刑事法院对非缔约国行使管辖权问题的研析&赵秉志 王秀梅 42

Study on the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court Applying to Non-state Parties&by Zhao Bingzhi,Wang Xiumei 56

卢旺达国际法庭的实践&凌岩 57

Practice in International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda&by Ling Yan 64

第二编 外国刑法的变革 Section Two:Change and Reform of Foreign Criminal Law 75

走近英美刑法——英美法系国家刑法变革的经验&储槐植 75

Approaching the Anglo-American Criminal Law:The Experience of Criminal Law Reform in the Countries of Anglo-American legal system&by Chu Huaizhi 81

美国刑事法发展动态&[美]虞平 83

New Development of USA Criminal Law&by Daniel Yu/USA 91

针对公民的刑法或者针对敌人的刑法——恐怖主义的挑战和增大的警察权力&[德]贝恩特·舒乃曼 著 冯军 译 92

Criminal Law against Citizens or Enemies?——The Challenge of Terrorism and Police Power&by Bernd Schünemann/German 97

日本刑法的发展及其启示&张明楷 104

The Progress of Japanese Criminal Law and Its Illumination on China&by Zhang Mingkai 119

韩国刑法的改革和发展&[韩]许一泰 著 韩相敦 译 121

The Reform and Development of Korea Criminal Law&by Hoh Il-Tae/South Korea 135

1996年俄罗斯联邦刑法对中国的借鉴价值&黄京平 赵微 136

The Reference Value of Russian Criminal Law for China&by Huang Jingping,Zhao Wei 143

现代社会中刑法的机能&[日]金尚均 著 冯军 译 144

The Function of Criminal Law in Modern Society&by Kim Sang Yun/Japan 152

刑法中的客观归属理论&冯军 153

Objective Culpability Theory in Criminal Law&by Feng Jun 166

韩国死刑制度的废除与绝对终身刑制的引进&[韩]文採圭 著 韩相敦 译 167

Abolition on Death Penalty and Introduction of Life Imprisonment in South Korea&by Moon Che-kyoo/South Korea 171

韩国的恢复性司法&[韩]姜东汜 著 韩相敦 译 172

Restorative Justice in South Korea&by Kang Dong Pum/South Korea 175

附随刑法的产量和对策&[韩]卞钟弼 著 韩相敦 译 176

Creation and Countermeasure of Subsidiary Criminal Law&by Pyun Jong-Pil/South Korea 181

对网络犯罪的研究&[韩]吴庆植 著 韩相敦 译 182

Research on Network Crime&by Kyung Sik/South Korea 191

当前加拿大刑事司法若干改革:应对全球及国内压力示例&[加]爱琳·斯根乃德 著 韩瑞丽 译 192

Some Recent Criminal Justice Reforms in Canada:Examples of Responding to Global and Domestic Pressures&by Eileen Skinnider/Canada 201

加拿大警力一体化与有组织犯罪的打击&[加]玛丽安妮·瑞安 著 郭健 译 217

Integrated Policing to Combat Organized Crime in Canada&by Marianne Ryan/Canada 221

加拿大检察官的作用和职责&[加]大卫·L·温克勒 著 韩瑞丽 译 226

The Roles and Responsibilities of Canadian Prosecutors&by David.L.Winkler/Canada 229

英格兰和威尔士警察权以及刑事调查的改革:刑法改革与研究之间实践关系的一些教训&[英]比尔·赫伯顿 著 苗苗 译 233

Reform of the Legal Powers of the Police and Criminal Investigation In England and Wales:Some Lessons in the Practical Relationship Between Criminal Law Reform and Research&by Bill Hebenton/UK 237

犯罪被害人保护制度&[韩]元惠郁 著 韩相敦 译 242

On Protection of Victim&by Won Hae-Wook/South Korea 246

第三编 中国刑法的变革 Section Three:Change and Reform of Chinese Criminal Law 249

全球化时代中国刑法改革中的人权保障&赵秉志 249

Human Rights Protection in China's Criminal Law Reform Under Globalization&by Zhao Bingzhi 265

《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》与我国刑法罪刑法定原则的完善&卢建平 叶希善 266

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Perfection of The Provisions Concerning the Principle of Legality of China&by Lu Jianping,Ye Xishan 274

中国传统犯罪构成理论之求索&赵国强 276

Probing into the Traditional Theory of Criminal Elements of China&by Zhao Guoqiang 285

陪审制度:为新时代带来司法公正的旧制度&江乐士 287

Jury System:Old System Which Brings New Era Judicial Justice&by Jiang Leshi/Hong Kong,PRC 293

庭审的具体问题:普通法系的实践经验&陆贻信 300

On Trial Issues:The Experiences of Common Law System&by Lu Yixin/Hong Kong,PRC 307

反恐时代的香港反恐刑事法律要论&汤显明 308

Highlights of Anti-Terrorism Criminal Law of Hong Kong in An Age Of Counter-Terrorism&by Timothy H M Tong,JP/Hong Kong,PRC 323

澳门对实施国际法文书的刑法保护&徐京辉 344

Protection of Implementation of International Legal Instruments through Criminal Law in Macao&by Xu Jinghui/Macao,PRC 354
