跟我游承德 世界历史文化名城 the world-famous historical and cultural city 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:毕伟力,刘魁红,毕舒雅著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国广播电视出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7504351555
- 页数:320 页
Preface 1
Ⅰ Part One(第一部分) 3
A Welcome Speech and the City Introduction 3
1.A Welcome Speech at the Railway Station(火车站欢迎词) 3
2.A Brief Introduction of Chengde(承德市简介) 3
3.The Origin of the Name Chengde(“承德”地名的由来) 4
4.The View Introduction along the Road(沿途风景介绍) 5
(1)The Wulie River and the Rubber Dams(武烈河、橡胶坝) 5
(2)The Five Deer Statues(五鹿雕像) 6
(3)The Ten Grotesque Mountain Peaks in Chengde(承德十大名山峰) 7
Ⅱ Part Two(第二部分) 9
The Mountain Resort(避暑山庄) 9
1.The Red Screen Wall(红照壁) 9
2.The Stele for Getting off a Horse(下马碑) 9
3.A Pair of Stone Lions(石狮子) 9
4.Li Zheng Men(丽正门) 10
5.The Emperor Qianlong's Poem for Li Zheng Men(乾隆皇帝为丽正门所题诗) 10
6.The Wooden Club Peak(棒槌山) 10
7.The Main Palace Area(正宫区) 11
(1)The Outer Wumen(外午门) 11
(2)The Painting of the Imperial Hunting Ground and Some Exhibits(木兰秋狝图和部分展品) 11
(3)The Panorama Painting of the Mountain Resort(避暑山庄全景图) 14
(4)The Qing Emperors Had the Political and Cultural Activities in the Mountain Resort(清帝在避暑山庄进行的政治活动和文化活动) 16
(5)A Pair of Bronze Lions(铜狮子) 19
(6)The Inner Wumen(内午门) 20
(7)The Hall of Simplicity and Sincerity(澹泊敬诚殿) 20
(8)The Exhibition of Clocks(钟表展览) 22
(9)The Exhibition of Hanging Screen(挂屏展览) 23
(10)The Music Pavilion(乐亭) 24
(11)Four Knowledge Study(四知书屋) 24
(12)The Exhibition of the Uniforms of the Eight Banner Troops in the Pine Crane Hall and the Manchu Eight Banner System(在松鹤斋中展览的八旗军服和满族八旗制) 25
(13)The Exhibition of the Weapons Used by the Qing Emperors and the Soldiers in Hunting and Fighting(清朝皇帝和士兵在狩猎和打仗中所使用的武器装备展览) 27
(14)The Exhibition of the Manchu History in the Pine Crane Hall(在松鹤斋中举办的满族历史展览) 28
(15)The Underground Central Heating in the Palace(宫中的地下采暖系统) 29
(16)The Waxwork Show of the Twelve Qing Emperors in the Fifteen Rooms(在十五间房中举办的清十二帝蜡像展览) 29
Nuerhach(努尔哈赤1559—1626) 31
Huangtaiji(皇太极1592—1643) 31
The Emperor Shunzhi(顺治1638—1661) 32
The Emperor Kangxi(康熙1654—1722) 32
The Emperor Yongzheng(雍正1678—1735) 32
The Emperor Qianlong(乾隆1711—1799) 33
The Emperor Jiaqing(嘉庆1760—1820) 33
The Emperor Daoguang(道光1783—1850) 34
The Emperor Xianfeng(咸丰1831—1861) 34
The Emperor Tongzhi(同治1856—1874) 34
The Emperor Guangxu(光绪1875—1908) 35
The Emperor Xuantong(宣统1906—1967) 35
(17)The Waxwork Show of the Two Dowager Empresses with the Eight Ministers in Ji De Tang(在继德堂中举办的两宫太后和八大臣蜡像展览) 36
(18)The Nineteen Rooms in the Main Palace(正宫区十九间房) 37
(19)The Exhibition of the Imperial Sedan Chairs(御轿展览) 37
(20)The Exhibition of Cloisonne(景泰蓝展览) 38
(21)The Exhibition of Porcelain(瓷器展览) 40
(22)The Stone Drums,the Bronze Tablet and Columns(石鼓、铜匾和铜抱柱) 41
(23)The Hall of Refreshing Mist and Wave(烟波致爽殿) 42
(24)The West Chamber——the Emperor's Bedroom(西暖阁——皇帝的寝室) 43
(25)The System of the Empress and the Imperial Con-cubines in the Qing Dynasty(清代的后妃制度) 44
(26)The Empress Dowager Cixi's Life(慈禧太后的生平) 45
(27)The West Courtyard——the Residence of the Em-press Dowager Cixi and Her Hobbies(西所——慈禧太后的居处和慈禧太后的爱好) 46
(28)The Manchu Women's Shoes and the Han Women's Foot Binding and the Old Marriage Custom(满族妇女的鞋与汉族妇女的裹脚和旧式婚俗) 48
(29)The East Courtyard——the Residence of the Empress Cian(东所——慈安太后的居处) 49
(30)The Toilet in the Qing Palace(清代皇宫中的卫生间) 50
(31)Yun Shan Sheng Di(云山胜地) 50
8.The Garden Area(苑景区) 51
(1)The Lake Area(湖区) 51
(2)The Plain Area(平原区) 63
(3)The Mountain Area(山区) 65
Ⅲ Part Three(第三部分) 69
The Eight-Out Temples(外八庙) 69
1.Why do we call the temples in Chengde“The Eight-Out Temples”?(承德的寺庙为什么叫“外八庙”?) 69
2.Why did the Qing Emperors decide to build so many temples in Chengde?(为什么清朝皇帝要在承德建造如此多的寺庙?) 69
Ⅳ Part Four(第四部分) 72
A Brief Introduction of Buddhism(佛教简介) 72
1.The Origin of Buddhism(佛教的起源) 72
2.Mahayana and Hinayana(大乘佛教和小乘佛教) 74
3.Buddhism came to China(佛教传入中国) 75
4.The Tibetan Buddhism(藏传佛教) 76
5.Living Buddha(活佛) 79
6.Reincarnation System(转世制度) 79
7.The Influence of Buddhism on the Chinese Culture and the Influence of the Tibetan Buddhism on Chengde(佛教对中国文化的影响以及藏传佛教对承德的影响) 80
The Other Religions in China(在中国其他的宗教) 82
1.Taoism(道教) 82
2.Islam(伊斯兰教) 83
3.Christianity(基督教) 83
4.Confucianism(儒教) 84
The Basic Policy of the Chinese Government on Religious Belief(中国政府对宗教信仰的基本政策) 85
The Influence of the Religious Ethic on Society(宗教的伦理道德对社会的影响) 85
Ⅴ Part Five(第五部分) 86
Puning Temple(普宁寺) 86
1.The Significance of Building the Temple(建庙的意义) 86
2.The Architectural Characteristic of Puning Temple(普宁寺的建筑特点) 86
3.The Mountain Gate and“Heng Ha Warriors”(山门和“哼哈二将”) 86
4.The Stele Pavilion(碑亭) 87
5.The Bell and Drum Towers(钟鼓楼) 87
6.The Incense Burner(香炉) 88
7.The Hall of the Four Heavenly Kings(四大天王殿) 88
(1)The Big Bellied Maitreya Buddha(大肚弥勒佛) 88
(2)The Four Heavenly Kings(四大天王) 89
(3)Wei Tuo(韦陀) 89
(4)A Doorsill(门槛) 90
8.The Buddhist Ritual(佛教仪式) 90
9.The Treasure Hall of the Great Buddhas(大雄宝殿) 91
(1)The Three Generation Buddhas(三世佛) 93
(2)A Vivid Story about the Birth of Buddha Sakyamuni(佛祖释迦牟尼出生的故事) 93
(3)Hand Gestures of the Three Generation Buddhas(三世佛的手印) 94
(4)The Five Offerings,the Seven Gems and the Eight Treasures(五供、七珍和八宝) 96
(5)The Virtue Tower(功德塔) 97
10.The Little Animals on the Eaves of the“Treasure Hall of the Great Buddhas”(大雄宝殿屋檐上的小兽) 97
11.The East-Side Hall(东配殿) 99
12.The West-Side Hall(西配殿) 99
13.The Prayer Wheel(转经筒) 101
14.Mandala——the Concept of the Buddhist Universe(曼荼罗——佛教的宇宙观) 102
15.The Hall of Great Vehicle(大乘之阁) 105
16.The Huge Woodcarving Buddha(木雕大佛) 106
17.Shancai and the Daughter of Dragon King(善才和龙女) 107
18.The Wall Niche inside the Hall of Great Vehicle and the Buddha Statues Upstairs(大乘之阁内墙上的壁龛和楼上的佛像) 108
Putuozongcheng Temple(普陀宗乘之庙) 110
1.A Brief Introduction(简介) 110
2.The Architectural Characteristic of the Temple(寺庙的建筑特点) 110
3.The Stele Pavilion(碑亭) 111
4.The Five Pagoda Gate(五塔门) 112
5.The Glazed-Tile Archway(琉璃牌坊) 114
6.The East Hall,the Middle Hall and the West Hall(东罡殿、中罡殿和西罡殿) 115
7.The Broad Courtyard in the Middle of Temple(寺庙中部宽敞的院落) 116
8.The Buildings on White Solid Foundation(白台基座上的建筑) 117
(1)The Pavilion of Ten Thousand Buddha Niche(千佛阁) 117
(2)Wen Shu Sheng Jing(文殊胜境) 117
(3)The Mute Courtyard(哑巴院) 117
(4)The Red Palace Building(大红台) 117
9.Inside the Red Palace Building(大红台内部) 118
(1)The Hall of Wan Fa Gui Yi(万法归一殿) 118
(2)A Group of Buildings with Cloister Shape(回字形群楼) 121
(3)On Second Floor of the Cloister Buildings(在回字形群楼二楼) 126
①The Buddhist Pagoda(佛塔) 127
②The Buddhist Shrine(佛龛) 127
③The Buddha Statues(佛像) 128
④The Sacrificial Implements and the Ritual Instruments(供法器) 128
10.Thc Constructions on top of the Cloister Buildings(在回字形群楼上的建筑) 129
(1)Luojia Holy Land(洛伽圣境) 129
(2)Quan Heng San Jie(权衡三界) 129
(3)The Imperial Throne Building(御座楼) 132
(4)Ci Hang Pu Du(慈航普渡) 132
Xumifushou Temple(须弥福寿之庙) 134
1.The Historic Background(历史背景) 134
2.The Architectural Feature of the Temple(寺庙的建筑特点) 136
3.The Panorama Painting of the Temple(寺庙全景图) 137
4.The Stele Pavilion(碑亭) 137
5.The Glazed Archway and the Stone Elephants(琉璃牌坊和石象) 138
6.The Red Palace Building(大红台) 138
7.Inside the Red Palace Building(大红台内部) 138
8.The Hall of Dignity and Solemnity(庙高庄严殿) 139
9.The Hall of Auspicious and Joy(吉祥法喜殿) 141
10.The Hall of Wan Fa Zong Yuan(万法宗源殿)and the Hall of Jin He Tang(金贺堂) 142
11.The Hall of Pleasant Mind(生欢喜心) 142
12.The Octagonal Longevity Pagoda Made of Glazed Tiles(八角形琉璃万寿塔) 142
Pule Temple(普乐寺) 144
1.The Aim of Building the Temple(建庙的目的) 144
2.The Architectural Layout and Form of the Temple(寺庙的建筑布局和建筑形式) 144
3.The Stone Lions(石狮子) 145
4.The Mountain Gate(山门) 145
5.The Bell and Drum Towers(钟鼓楼) 145
6.The Hall of Heavenly Kings(天王殿) 146
7.The Hall of Zong Yin(宗印殿) 146
8.The Hall of Wisdom Force and the Hall of Sheng Yin(慧力殿和胜因殿) 146
9.The Architectural Form of Mandala(曼荼罗式建筑) 147
10.The Esoteric Buddhism(密宗佛教) 148
11.The Happy Buddha of the Esoteric Buddhism(密宗欢喜佛) 151
12.The Eight Lama Stupas(八座喇嘛塔) 152
13.Xu Guang Ge(旭光阁) 152
14.A Legend about the Wooden Club Peak(棒槌山的传说) 153
Anyuan Temple(安远庙) 155
Shuxiang Temple(殊像寺) 158
The Hall of Arhats(罗汉堂) 159
Guangyuan Temple(广缘寺) 161
Guangan Temple(广安寺) 162
Puyou Temple(普佑寺) 162
Puren Temple(溥仁寺) 163
Pushan Temple(溥善寺) 164
Ⅵ Part Six(第六部分) 165
Kuixing Temple(魁星楼) 165
1.The Historic Background of Kuixing Temple 165
2.The Mountain Gate 166
3.Wu Kui Yuan(五魁苑) 166
4.Ba Xian Feng Kui Yuan(八仙奉魁苑) 167
5.The Opera Building(戏楼) 167
6.The Dragon Gate(龙门) 167
7.Zhong Dou Palace(中斗宫) 168
(1)The Gate Hall of Zhong Dou Palace(中斗宫门殿) 169
(2)A Large Mural Paining Wall(大型壁画墙) 170
(3)The Rongshi Hall(荣仕殿)and the Lezhen Hall(乐真殿) 170
(4)The Hongwen Hall(弘文殿) 173
8.The Seven-Star Altars and Cheng Tian Platform(七星坛和承天台) 177
9.Kui Xing Temple(魁星楼) 178
The Mu Lan Imperial Hunting Ground(木兰皇家猎场) 181
1.A Brief Introduction of Wei Chang County(围场县简介) 181
2.Mu Lan Wei Chang——The Imperial Hunting Ground 181
3.How did the Qing Emperor hunt? 183
4.The Partition of Mu Lan Wei Chang(木兰围场的划分) 183
5.The Itinerary of Visiting Mu Lan Wei Chang(游览木兰围场的观光路线) 184
(1)The Cliff Entrance of the Yixun River(伊逊河崖口) 184
(2)The Dongmiao Palace(东庙宫) 185
(3)The Chessboard Mountain(棋盘山) 186
(4)Ha Li Ha Village(哈里哈乡) 186
(5)Cui Hua Palace(翠花宫) 187
(6)Sai Han Ba(塞罕坝) 187
(7)The Moon Lake(月亮湖) 188
(8)The Slope Ground with Countless Flowers(百花坡) 188
(9)The Mountain Peak of Appointing a General(点将台) 188
(10)The Boundary River(界河) 189
(11)Wu Lan Bu Tong(乌兰布通) 189
Great Wall——The Jinshanling Great Wall(长城——金山岭长城) 191
The Local Products and Game Food of Chengde(承德土特产和野味) 198
Ⅶ Part Seven(第七部分) 200
跟我游承德 200
Ⅷ Part Eight(第八部分) 301
试谈英语导游翻译中语言艺术的发挥和运用 301
我的英语导游生涯 305
编后记 320
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