公共行政学经典文选 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:竺乾威,马国泉编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7309025318
- 页数:601 页
Chapter One From the end of the 19th century to the 30s of the 20th century 3
Introduction 3
1.The Study of Administration Woodrow Wilson 6
2.Politics and Administration Frank J.Goodnow 31
3.Scientific Management Frederick W.Taylor 38
4.Bureaucracy Max Weber 44
5.Notes on the Theory of Organization Luther Gulick 55
Chapter Two The 40s of the 20th century to the 70s of the 20th century 75
Introduction 75
6.Bureaucratic Structure and Personality Robert K.Merton 78
7.A Theory of Human Motivation A.H.Maslow 94
8.Power and Administration Norton E.Long 121
9.Parkinson's Law or the Rising Pyramid C.Northcote Parkinson 137
10.The Human Side of Enterprise Douglas Murray McGregor 145
11.The Science of“Muddling Through” Charles E.Lindblom 159
12.Organizations and the System Concept Daniel Katz & Robert L.Kahn 181
13.Policy Analysts:A New Professional Role in Government Service Yehezkel Dror 202
14.The Life Cycle of Bureaus Anthony Downs 216
15.Public Administration in a Time of Revolution Dwight Waldo 241
16.The Peter Principle Laurence J.Peter & Raymond Hull 256
17.Towards a New Public Administration H.George Frederickson 263
18.Organization Design:a Situational Perspective Jay W.Lorsch 288
19.Historical Trends in Leadership Theory and Research Ralph M.Stogdill 309
20.Public and Private Management:Are They Fundamentally Alike in all Unimportant Respects? Graham T.Allison 328
Chapter Three The 80s of the 20th century to the 90s of the 20th century 363
Introduction 363
21.Some Developments in the Study of Market Choice,Public Choice,and Institutional Choice Vincent Ostrom 366
22.Exploring the Limits of Privatization Ronald C.Moe 402
23.Public Administration in Post-Socialist Eastern Europe Eric M.Rice 423
24.Understanding Government Regulation Richard Lehne 447
25.Privatization Revisited William T.Gormley Jr 470
26.Breaking through Bureaucracy Michael Barzelay with Babak J.Armajani 494
27.Productivity and Quality Management Marc Holzer 533
28.Public-Private Partnership in the Twenty-First Century Graham Finney & David A.Grossman 548
29.Reinventing Government David Osborne & Ted Gaebler 562
30.Reinventing the American Federal Government:Reform Redux or Real Change? Patricia W.Ingraham 579
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