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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:9787544603126
  • 页数:346 页

PART I Foundation 1

1 Introduction to Intercultural Communication 3

Why Study Intercultural Communication? 4

Technological Development 4

Globalization of the Economy 5

Widespread Population Migrations 6

Development of Multiculturalism 7

A Short History of Intercultural Communication 7

The Chronological Development of Intercultural CommunicationStudy 8

The Content of Intercultural Communication Study 13

Outline of the Textbook 16

Recap 17

Rethink 19

Questions for Discussion 19

2 Communication and Culture 20

The Communication Process 21

Communication Defined 21

Characteristics of Communication 21

A Model of Communication 24

The Nature of Culture 25

Culture Defined 25

Functions of Culture 26

Characteristics of Culture 26

Intercultural Communication 28

Forms of Intercultural Communication 28

Recap 29

Rethink 30

Questions for Discussion 30

3 Cultural Perception and Values 32

The Nature of Perception 33

Perception Defined 33

Stages of the Perception Process 33

Cultural Inuence on Perception 35

Stereotypes 39

Dimensions of Stereopes 40

Prejudice 40

Forms of Prejudice 41

Origins and Impact of Stereotypes and Prejudice 42

The Nature of Values 43

Values and Communication 43

Cultural Value Orientations 45

Models for the Study of Cultural Value Orientations 46

Kluckhohn and Strodbeck’s Model 46

Condon and Yousef s Model 46

Hall’s Culture Context Model 50

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 51

Recap 54

Rethink 55

Questions for Discussion 57

PART Ⅱ Context 59

4 Language and Culture 61

Linguistics 62

The Structure of Human Language 63

Morphology 63

Phonology 63

Syntax 63

Semantics 64

Pragmatics 64

Characteristics of Language 65

Variations of Human Language 66

Dialects 66

Pidgins 68

Creole 68

Lingua Franca 69

Jargon 69

Argot 69

Taboo 70

Language and Culture 70

Language Determines Our Culture 70

Language Reects Our Attitude 71

Cultural value Orientations and Language ExpressionsRelational Orientations 73

Positional Role Behavior 76

Ancestor Worship 78

Recap 80

Rethink 80

Questions for Discussion 81

5 Nonverbal Communication and Culture 82

The Nature of Nonverbal Communication 83

Nonverbal and Verbal Communication 83

Functions of Nonverbal Communication 84

Repetition 85

Replacement 85

Emphasis 85

Contradiction 85

Regulation 85

Characteristics of Nonverbal Communication 86

Nonverbal Communication Is Less Systematized than Verbal Communication 86

Nonverbal Communication Is Culture-Bound 86

Nonverbal Communication Is Ambiguous 88

The Structure of Nonverbal Communication 88

Kinesics 88

Proxemics 95

Paralanguage 96

Chronemics 99

Nonverbal Communication and Culture 101

Intercultural Skills in Nonverbal Communication 104

Recap 105

Rethink 106

Questions for Discussion 107

PART Ⅲ Interaction 109

6 Intercultural Relationship Development 111

The Nature of Human Relationship 112

Human Relationship Defined 112

Characteristics of Human Relationship 113

Stages of Relationship Development 114

Devito’s Model 115

Knapp and Vangelisti’s Model 115

Chen’s Model 117

Theories of Relationship Development 120

Social Exchange Theory 120

Social Penetration Theory 121

Uncertainty Reduction Theory 122

Communication Accommodation Theory 124

Relationship Development and Culture 124

Particularism/Universalism 126

Long-Term/Short-Term Relationships 126

Ingroup/Outgroup Relationships 128

Formal/Informal Relationships 128

Personal/Public Relationships 130

Third-Culture Building 133

Intrapersonal Intracultural Communication 134

Interpersonal Intercultural Communication 135

Rhetorical Intercultural Communication 136

Metacultural Communication 137

Intracultural Communication 137

Recap 138

Rethink 138

Questions for Discussion 139

7 Intercultural Conflict Management 140

The Nature of Conftict 141

Types of Conflict 143

Cultural Influence on Conflict Management 144

Thinking Patterns 144

Language Barriers 146

Cultural Context 148

Determinant Factors of Conflicts 150

Face 152

Interrelation 153

Favor 154

Seniority 156

Status 156

Power 156

Credibility 157

Interest 157

Severity of the Conflict 157

Gender 157

Effective Management of Intercultural Conflicts 158

Recap 161

Rethink 161

Questions for Discussion 162

8 Intercultural Adaptation 163

Culture Shock and Intercultural Adaptation 164

Aspects of Culture Shock 165

Forms of Culture Shock 167

Symptoms of Culture Shock 167

Effects of Culture Shock 169

Perspectives on the Study of Intercultural Adaptation 170

Dimensions of Intercultural Adaptation 171

Stages of Intercultural Adaptation 172

U-Curve Pattern 173

W-Curve Pattern and Reentry Shock 174

Models for the Study of Intercultural Adaptation 175

A Dialectical Model 175

A Transformative Learning Model 178

Recap 179

Rethink 181

Questions for Discussion 181

9 Listening between Co-Cultures 182

Levels of Listening 185

Intrapersonal Listening 185

Interpersonal Intracultural Listening 187

History 191

Intercultural Listening 191

Listening across Emotions 191

Fusing Horizons 192

Selective Listening 192

Components of Intercultural Listening 193

Reciprocal Attending 193

Verbal and Nonverbal Messages 194

Differing History, Linguisticality, and Socialization 195

Mutual Understanding 197

Intercultural Listening as Qualitative Research 198

Stepping Outside to Listen 199

Narrative Listening 200

Sense-Making 201

The Media and Co-Cultural Narratives 203

How to Listen across Cultures 204

Reducing the Need to Consider New Ideas 204

Accepting the Added Demands of Seeing and Hearing Novel Messages 204

Waiting as Long as Possible before Merging the Story of Another into Our Own Narrative 205

Using Reciprocal Questioning to Build a Common Narrative with the Other Cultural Interactant 206

Recap 206

Rethink 207

Questions for Discussion 208

PART Ⅳ Application 209

10 Cultural Diversity and Multiculturalism 211

The Challenge of Cultural Diversity 213

Cultural Diversity in Organizations 215

Report by the U.S.Department of Labor 215

Gender Impact 216

Ethnic Impact 218

Business Impact 220

Managing a Culturally Diverse Workforce 221

Planning 221

Organization 222

Leadership 222

Techniques for Diversity Management in Organizations 224

Multicultural Education 225

Exposure to Multicultural Perspectives 226

Maintaining Cultural Identity 227

Developing Intercultural Communication Skills 227

Diversification of Curriculum 228

Stages of the Process ofMulticulturalism 229

The Need for Intercultural Sensitivity 230

What is Intercultural Sensitivity? 230

Intercultural Sensitiving and Training Programs 231

Components of Intercultural Sensitivity 232

Recap 236

Rethink 236

Questions for Discussion 238

11 Intercultural Communication Competence 239

The Nature of Communication Competence 240

Definition of Competence 240

Definition of Intercultural Communication Competence 241

Culture and Communication Competence 242

Approaches to the Study of Intercultural Communication Competence 242

Overseasmanship Approach 242

Subjective Culture Approach 242

Multicultural Person Approach 243

Social Behaviorism Approach 243

Typology Approach 243

Intercultural Communicators Approach 243

Dimensions and Components of Intercultural Communication Competence 244

Personality Attributes 244

Communication Skills 246

Psychological Adjustment 249

Cultural Awareness 252

Recap 253

Rethink 254

Questions for Discussion 257

12 Intercultural Training 258

Why Intercultural Training? 259

Effects of Intercultural Training 259

Goals of Intercultural Training 261

Models of Intercultural Training 262

The Classroom Model 263

The Simulation Model 264

The Self-Awareness Model 265

The Cultural Awareness Model 266

The Behavioral Model 266

The Interaction Model 267

Intercultural Training Techniques 268

Role Playing 268

Case Studies 268

Critical Incidents 272

Cultural Assimilators 273

Simulations 275

Evaluation of Intercultural Training 277

Recap 279

Rethink 279

Questions for Discussion 280

PART Ⅴ Ethical Issues and the Future 281

13 Ethics and the Future of intercultural Communication 283

The Nature of Intercultural Communication Ethics 284

Ethics Defined 284

Why Study Intercultural Communication Ethics? 284

Theories of Ethical Study 285

Principles of Ethical Intercultural Communication 288

Mutuality 288

Nonjudgmentalism 288

Honesty 288

Respect 289

Ethical Rules for Intercultural Communication 289

Promote Voluntary Participation in the Interaction 289

Seek Individual Focus Prior to Cultural Focus 289

Maintain the Right to Freedom from Harm 290

Accept the Right to Privacy of Thought and Action 290

Avoid Imposing Personal Biases 290

The Future of Intercultural Communication 292

Increasing or Decreasing Intercultural Contact 293

International Perspective 293

Domestic Perspective 295

Unity versus Division 296

Ethnocentrism 296

Gender Impact 298

The Study of Intercultural Communication 299

Education 299

Business 302

Research 303

Recap 305

Questions for Discussion 306

References 307

Indcx 332
