- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:R.O. DAVIES
- 出版年份:1963
- 页数:441 页
Development of Concepts in Superconductivity&John Bardeen 3
KEYNOTE ADDRESS&Andrew M.Sessler 11
Fermi-Dirac Spin Degeneracy in 3He Vapour&R.H.Romer 17
Nuclear Susceptibility of Liquid 3He under Pressure&A.L.Thomson and H.Meyer 19
Low Temperature Susceptibility of 3He&J.M.Goodkind,E.D.Adams,D.H.Cohen and W.M.Fairbank 22
Nuclear Magnetic Susceptibility of Liquid 3He&B.T.Beal,D.F.Brewer,J.Hatton and M.G.Richards 24
The Competition between the Exclusion Principle and Exchange in Liquid 3He&H.E.Rorschach,Jr.and H.A.Schwettman 25
The Pressure Dependence of the Entropy of Liquid 3He Down to 0-04°K&D.F.Brewer and J.R.G.Keyston 27
Specific Heat of Liquid 3He&M.Strongin,G.O.Zimmerman and H.A.Fairbank 29
Sound Propagation in 4He and 3He-4He Mixtures&J.H.Vignos and H.A.Fairbank 31
The Heat Conductivity of Gaseous 3He and 4He between 0-4° and 3-0°K&K.Fokkens,K.W.Taconis and R.de Bruyn Ouboter 34
Freezing and λ Curves of 3He-4He Mixtures&C.le Pair,K.W.Taconis,R.de Bruyn Ouboter and P.Das 37
Phase Separation in Solid 3He-4He Mixtures as Shown by Specific Heat Measurements&D.O.Edwards,A.S.Mc Williams and J.G.Daunt 39
Measurements of the Melting Curves of 3He-4He Mixtures&H.Weinstock,F.P.Lipschultz,C.F.Kellers and D.M.Lee 41
On a Possible State of Supermobility in 3He-4He Mixtures&J.M.J.van Leeuwen and E.G.D.Cohen 43
Influence of a Small Amount of 3He (10-5<x<3×10-3)on the Propagationof Heat Pulses through He Ⅱ Below 1°K&C.G.Niels-Hakkenberg,L.Meermans and H.C.Kramers 45
The Velocity of Sound in Liquid 3He&B.E.Keen,P.W.Matthews and J.Wilks 47
The Viscosity of Liquid 3He&D.S.Betts,D.W.Osborne,B.Welber and J.Wilks 49
Ionic Mobility in Liquid 3He&I.Modena 51
Ions as Probes into Quantum Fields&L.Meyer,S.A.Rice and H.T.Davis 53
Magnetic Resonance Measurements on β-Phase 3He below 1°K&R.L.Garwin and A.M.Landesman 56
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Experiments on Adsorbed 3He&M.Santini 59
Measurements of T1 in Liquid 3He near the Melting Curve Minimum&H.Weinstock,F.P.Lipschultz,C.F.Kellers and D.M.Lee 60
Spin-lattice Relaxation and Self-diffusion in Liquid 3He&J.R.Gaines,K.Luszczynski and R.E.Norberg 62
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Gaseous 3He&K.Luszczynski,R.E.Norberg and J.E.Opfer 64
KEYNOTE ADDRESS&Macroscopic Quantization in Helium.H.E.Hall 69
Critical Velocities in Capillary Tubes and Quantized Vortexes&V.P.Peshkov and V.K.Tkachenko 73
Persistent Currents in He Ⅱ&D.Depatie,J.D.Reppy and C.T.Lane 75
Superfluid Circulation in Liquid He&D.J.Griffiths 77
Transport Processes at Low Temperatures:He Ⅱ and Superconductivity&L.Blum 78
Macroscopic Modes of He Ⅱ&J.K.Percus 80
Energy of a Vortex Ring in a Tube and Critical Velocities in Liquid He Ⅱ&J.C.Fineman and C.E.Chase 82
Statistical Mechanics of Superfluidity&P.Résibois 84
Discontinuity of the Drift Velocity of Ions in He Ⅱ Directed by the Heat Flush Effect&G.Careri,S.Cunsolo and M.Vincentini Missoni 86
Helium Ions in Rotating Helium&G.Careri,W.D.McCormick and F.Scaramuzzi 88
Periodical Discontinuities in the Drift Velocity of Ions in Superfluid He&G.Careri,S.Cunsolo and P.Mazzoldi 90
Ionic Recombination in Superfluid He at Supercritical Velocities&F.S.Gaeta 92
Laminar and Turbulent Flow of He Ⅱ in Wide Capillaries&F.A.Staas,K.W.Taconis and W.M.van Alphen 93
The Effect of Pressure on the Normal Component Viscosity and Critical Velocities of Liquid He Ⅱ&D.F.Brewer and D.O.Edwards 96
Attenuation Experiments by Means of Second Sound Helmholtz Resonators&T.M.Wiarda and H.C.Kramers 98
Critical Heat Currents in Liquid He Ⅱ&C.E.Chase 100
Turbulent Viscosity in Rotating He Ⅱ&P.P.Craig 102
Determination of the Coefficient of Mutual Friction between the Superfluid and Normal Components along Vortex Lines&J.S.Tsakadze 104
Quantized Magnetic Flux in Superconducting Cylinders&B.S.Deaver,Jr.and W.M.Fairbank 116
Critical Persistent Current in Superconductors&J.E.Mercereau and T.K.Hunt 117
Momentum Vortices as Possible Mechanism of Hysteresis in ‘Hard’ Superconductors&G.B.Yntema 119
The Behaviour of Superconductive Alloys and Hard Transition Elements&C.J.Gorter 121
Dispersion Relations in Superconductors&A.W.B.Taylor 123
Theory of the Knight Shift and Flux Quantization in Superconductors&L.N.Cooper,H.J.Lee,B.B.Schwartz and W.Silvert 126
Quantum Periodicity in the Transition Temperature of Multiply-connected Conductors in a Magnetic Field&W.A.Little and R.D.Parks 129
Superconductivity of Transition Metals under Pressure&E.Bucher and J.L.Olsen 139
Superconductivity with Combined Parallel and Antiparallel Spin Pairing&N.R.Werthamer,H.Suhl and T.Soda 140
Superconductivity without Electron-Phonon Interactions&J.W.Garland 143
Ferromagnetism versus Superconductivity of the Transition Elements,Particularly Alloys of Chromium and Iridium&B.T.Matthias and T.H.Geballe 146
Factors Affecting Superconductivity in Alloys with Unfilled d-Bands&R.D.Blaugher,J.K.Hulm,J.A.Rayne,B.W.Veal and R.A.Hein 147
Superconductivity in Lanthanum Alloys&A.R.Mackintosh 149
Electronic Specific Heat and Superconductivity of Nb-Ru Alloys&R.Bucher,J.Muheim and J.Müller 151
Superconductivity and Electronic Properties of Binary Complex Phases of the Transition Metals&E.Bucher,F.Heiniger and J.Müller 153
The Transition Temperature of Superconducting Films Containing Paramagnetic Additions&R.Hilsch,G.v.Minnigerode and K.Schwidtal 155
Superconductivities Near Impurities&D.R.Fredkin,J.S.Langer,B.T.Matthias and H.Suhl 157
The Isotope Effect in Superconducting Transition Metal Elements and Compounds&T.H.Geballe and B.T.Matthias 159
Superconductivity of the Molybdenum Borides and Related Materials&G.K.Gaulé,O.Adlhart and R.L.Ross 162
Thermal Conductivities of Tantalum-Niobium Single Crystals&A.F.Rice 166
Energy Gaps in Some Hard Superconductors&I.Giaever 171
Measurements of the Enersy Gap in Superconducting Tantalum Single Crystals&I.Dietrich 173
The Tunnel Effect on Single-crystal Tin&N.V.Zavaritsky 175
Tunnelling in Superconducting Nb3Sn&T.Seidel and A.W.Wicklund 176
Superconductive Tunnelling&M.H.Cohen,L.M.Falicov and J.C.Phillips 178
Measurements of the Superconducting Energy Gap in Lead and Aluminium Films&D.H.Douglass,Jr.and R.H.Meservey 180
An Investigation by Electron Tunnelling of the Superconducting Energy Gaps of Tantalum and Niobium&J.Sutton and P.Townsend 182
Magnetic Field Dependence of the Energy Gap in Superconductors&Y.Nambu and San Fu Tuan 185
Ultrasonic Measurements in Three Superconducting Transition Metals&M.Levy,R.Kagiwada and I.Rudnick 188
Ultrasonic Attenuation in Superconducting Vanadium and Zinc&H.V.Bohm and N.H.Horwitz 191
Ultrasonic Attenuation in Superconducting Aluminium&R.David and N.J.Poulis 193
Ultrasonic Determination of the Energy Gap in Superconducting Niobium&E.R.Dobbs and J.M.Perz 195
342 Mc/sec Magnetoacoustic Measurements in Aluminium&G.N.Kamm and H.V.Bohm 199
Magnetoacoustic Effect with Perpendicular Magnetic Field in Cadmium&M.R.Daniel and L.Mackinnon 202
Parallel Field Magnetoacoustic Effect in Cadmium and Zinc&L.Mackinnon and M.R.Daniel 203
High Frequency Magnetoacoustic Measurements on Indium and Lead&J.A.Rayne 204
Electrodynamics of an Electron Gas in a Uniform Magnetic Field&J.J.Quinn and S.Rodriguez 206
Magnetoacoustic Oscillations and Fermi Surface in Aluminium&P.A.Besugly,A.A.Galkin and A.I.Pushkin 208
Exchange Interaction between Chromium Ions in Ruby Crystals&F.J.Milford,M.Kreitman and J.G.Daunt 220
Transition from the Paramagnetic into the Ordered State in Ludlamite&T.W.J.van Agt,N.J.Poulis and S.Wittekoek 222
The Specific Heat of Six Rare Earth Metals between 0-4° and 4°K&O.V.Lounasmaa 223
Magnetic Properties of Azurite&E.Frikkee,W.van der Lugt and J.van den Handel 226
Specific Heat and Magnetic Properties of Ferromagneti CuK2Cl4.2H2O and Cu(NH4)2Cl4.2H2O&A.R.Miedema,H.van Kempen and W.J.Huiskamp 228
The Thermal Properties of Gadolinium Trichloride Near its Curie Point&M.J.M.Leask,W.P.Wolf and A.F.G.Wy 230
Magnetic Ordering in Some Linear or Planar Lattices&T.Haseda,H.Kobayashi,T.Watanabe and E.Kanda 232
Transition Points&C.Domb 234
Magnetic Properties of Diluted Copper-Cobalt and Gold-Cobalt Alloys at Very Low Temperatures&J.le Guillerm,R.Tournier and L.Weil 236
The Influence of Unpaired Spins in Transition Elements on the Resistivity of Cu,Ag and Au&B.Knook and G.J.van den Berg 239
Heat Capacities of Some Dilute Alloys&J.de Nobel and F.J.du Chatenier 241
Some Conclusions from Recent Specific Heat Measurements on Very Dilute Alloys Showing the ‘Resistance Minimum’ Phenomena&D.L.Martin 243
Antiferromagnetic Spin Ordering Below 1°K&W.T.Duffy,Jr.,J.Lubbers,H.van Kempen,T.Haseda and A.R.Miedema 245
Antiferromagnetic Ordering in Dysprosium Aluminium Garnet&M.Ball,M.T.Hutchings,M.J.M.Leask and W.P.Wolf 248
Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism in a Simple Cubic Lattice&G.Dresselhaus 251
Influence of Spin Ordering on the Low Temperature Magnetic and Electrical Properties of the Zn-Mn System&E.W.Collings,F.T.Hedgcock and W.B.Muir 253
Residual Hall Resistivity in Ferromagnetics at Low Temperatures&D.Rivier and R.Huguenin 255
A Generalized Molecular Field Theory for Antiferromagnetism&R.P.Kenan 258
Experimental Test of the Spin-wave Theory to Ferromagnetic Metals&N.V.Zavaritsky and V.A.Tsarijw 260
Electronic Properties of the Actinide Metals&J.A.Lee and G.T.Meaden 262
Hyperfine Coupling in Antiferromagnetic α-Manganese Metal&R.G.Scurlock and W.N.R.Stevens 264
The Sign of the Local Magnetic Field on Nuclei of Gold Dissolved in Iron and Nickel&B.N.Samoilov,V.V.Sklyarevsky and V.D.Gorobchenko 265
A Study of the Magnetic Properties of Gold in Alloys with Iron,Cobalt and Nickel at 4°K by the Recoil-less Radiation Method&L.D.Roberts and J.O.Thomson 267
Determination of Nuclear Specific Heat of the Iron Alloys with Weakly Magnetic Metals&A.V.Kogan,V.D.Kulkov,L.P.Nikitin,N.M.Reinov and M.F.Stelmakh 269
Asymmetry of β-Emission of 114In,186Re and 192Ir Nuclei in Iron Alloys&A.V.Kogan,V.D.Kulkov,L.P.Nikitin,N.M.Reinov and M.F.Stelmakh 271
KEYNOTE ADDRESSES:Anomalous Dispersion of Elastic Waves by Electron Spins.&E.H.Jacobsen 275
Some Aspects of the Spin-Phonon Interaction.&R.Orbach 282
Spin-lattice Relaxation in Some Salts of Cobalt and of the Rare Earths&L.C.van der Marel,J.C.Verstelle and C.J.Gorter 286
Spin-lattice and Cross-relaxation Effects in Neodymium Ethylsulphate at Liquid He Temperatures&K.E.Rieckhoff and D.J.Griffiths 289
Some Data on Spin-lattice Relaxation in Copper Tutton Salts Obtained by Paramagnetic Resonance Methods&G.W.J.Drewes and C.J.Gorter 291
Spin-lattice Relaxation at Defect Sites&P.G.Klemens,J.G.Castle,Jr.and D.W.Feldman 292
Spin-lattice Interaction in Ruby&P.L.Donoho and R.B.Hemphill 294
The Detection of Spin Waves in Nickel Using Ultrasonics at Microwave Frequencies&M.F.Lewis,T.G.Phillips and H.M.Rosenberg 296
The Detection of Spin-Phonon Interactions by Heat Conductivity Measurements&I.P.Morton and H.M.Rosenberg 298
Microwave Phonon Attenuation and Thermal Conductivity&A.H.Nethercot,Jr.and H.H.Nickle 300
Heat Transport by Magnons at Low Temperatures&S.A.Friedberg and E.D.Harris 302
Spin-Phonon Interaction in UO2-Neutron Irradiation Effects&O.Bethoux,P.Thomas and L.Weil 304
The Role of the Diffusion Barrier at Spin Diffusion&G.R.Khutsishvili 306
Phonon-Defect Resonance Interaction&R.O.Pohl 308
KEYNOTE ADDRESS:Applications of Low Temperature Phenomena:A Survey.&J.M.Lock 313
R.F.Detection by Electron Tunnelling between Superconductors&S.Shapiro and A.R.Janus 321
High Power Superconducting Cavities for Accelerators&W.M.Fairbank,J.M.Pierce and P.B.Wilson 324
Superconducting Cavities at 280Mc/sec&J.Ruefenacht and L.Rinderer 326
New Method for Measuring Changes in Surface Impedance:Application to Superconducting Tin at X-Band&M.S.Dresselhaus,D.H.Douglass,Jr.and R.L.Kyhl 328
Superconducting Solenoids for Producing High Magnetic Fields&H.Riemersma,J.K.Hulm and B.S.Chandrasekhar 330
The Generation of Intense Magnetic Fields with Superconductors Using Induction&D.D.Elleman and A.F.Hildebrandt 332
Properties of a New Type of Parallel Cryotron&J.F.Marchand 334
The Dependence of the Microwave Impedance of a Superconductor on Direct Current&J.I.Gittleman,B.Rosenblum,T.Seidel and A.W.Wicklund 336
Pulsed Magnetic Field Studies of Superconducting Transition Metal Alloys at High and Low Current Densities&T.G.Berlincourt 338
Giant Anisotropy in the High Field Critical Currents of Cold Rolled Transition Metal Alloy Superconductors&R.R.Hake,D.H.Leslie and C.G.Rhodes 342
The High Field Superconductivity of Niobium-Zirconium Alloys&B.S.Chandrasekhar,M.S.Walker,H.Riemersma and F.E.Werner 345
Critical Current for Nb-Zr Ribbons in External Magnetic Field&V.D.Boroditch,A.C.Combarov,V.Ya.Filkin,A.P.Golub,M.G.Kremlev,N.C.Moroz and B.N.Samoilov 348
A.C.Experiments on Hard Superconductors&R.A.Kamper and P.F.Chester 349
Quenching Characteristics of Surface-coated Nb-Sn Wires&L.Rinderer and J.Wurm 351
The Effect of Composition on the Superconducting Properties of Vapour-deposited Niobium Stannide&J.J.Hanak,G.D.Cody,J.L.Cooper and M.Rayl 353
Magnetic Field Penetration in Nb3Sn&G.D.Cody,J.J.Hanak and M.Rayl 355
Superconductivity of Some Solid Solutions Based on Nb3Sn&R.Hagner and E.Saur 358
The Onset of High Magnetic Field Superconductivity&D.P.Seraphim,C.Chiou and R.A.Connell 360
Observed Sign Reversal of a Magnetic Field Penetrating a Superconductor&K.E.Drangeid and R.Sommerhalder 363
Boundary Effects between a Superconductor and a Normal Conductor&H.Meissner 365
Critical Conditions for Thin Superconducting Films in Ginzberg-Landau Theory&P.M.Marcus 368
The Phase Boundary Model of Superconducting Transition&H.Cohen 372
Superconductive Films of the Transition Metals:Niobium,Titanium and Vanadium Made by 'Protected Sputtering'&R.Frerichs and C.T.Kircher 376
Superconducting Vanadium Thin Films 378
Hard Superconductor Effects in Superimposed Metals&B.Serin and G.K.Chang 380
The Superconductivity of Superimposed Pb and Cu films&P.Hilsch,R.Hilsch and G.v.Minnigerode 381
KEYNOTE ADDRESS:Lattice Dynamics.&C.Domb 385
Thermal Expansion of Solids at Low Temperature&G.K.White 394
The Thermal Expansion of Some Metals at Low Temperature&K.Andres 397
Thermal Expansion of Invar&P.P.M.Meincke and G.M.Graham 399
Thermal EXpansion of Sodium Chloride at Low Temperature&P.P.M.Meincke and G.M.Graham 401
Lattice Heat Capacity,Isotope Effect and Similarity Principle in Indium&H.R.O'Neal,N.M.Senozan and N.E.Phillips 403
Heat Capacities and Electronic Spectra of the Platinum-metal Hexafluoride Molecules Down to Helium Temperatures&B.Weinstock,E.F.Westrum,Jr.and G.L.Goodman 405
Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Copper Alloys&P.Lindenfeld and W.B.Pennebaker 407
Three Parameter Potentials in Solid Argon&J.W.Leech and J.A.Reissland 409
Space Correlations in Simple Crystals&R.O.Davies and A.V.Reader 411
Lattice Dynamics of Isotopic Mixtures&C.Domb,C.Isenberg and C.Tripp 413
Analysis of Thermal Expansion Measurements-Interpretation of Debye-Waller Factors for Simple Crystals-Lattice Dynamics of Anharmonic Crystals Near T=0&T.H.K.Barton,M.L.Klein,A.J.Leadbetter,J.A.Morrison and L.S.Salter 415
The Thermal Conductivity of Solid 3He and Solid 4He&M.J.Crooks and H.A.Fairbank 417
Density Measurements in Solid 4He&J.N.Kidder 419
PVT Relations in 4He Near the Melting Curve and the λ Line&R.L.Mills and E.R.Grilly 421
Structure of the γ Form of Solid 4He&R.L.Mills and A.F.Schuch 423
Recent Progress in Magnetic Cooling with Paramagnetic Metals&R.D.Parks 427
Rotational Cooling of a Cobalt Nuclear Spin System by means of Anisotropic Hyperfine Structure Coupling&W.J.Huiskamp,J.Lubbers and P.Bloembergen 430
Nuclear Orientation in Holmium and Terbium Metal&M.A.R.Leblanc and W.T.Sommer 432
The Gamma-Ray Distribution from Orientated Cerium-141 and its Application to Thermal Contact at Low Temperatures&J.F.Schooley and D.D.Hoppes 435
The T62 3He Temperature Scale&S.G.Sydoriak,T.R.Roberts and R.H.Sherman 437
Absolute Temperatures Determined from Measurements of the Speed of Sound in Helium Gas&G.Cataland and H.H.Plumb 439
Proposed Preparation of 3He for Use in Vapour Pressure Thermometry&G.R.Grove and W.J.Haubach,Jr. 441
- 《寄生草 三幕喜剧 第2版》H.H.Davies原著 1947
- 《20世纪经典住宅》(英)科林·戴维斯(Colin Davies)著 2018
- 《幼儿动作与舞蹈教育》Mollie Davies著;刘淑英译 2009
- 《波浪行销 想大卖先学会与风作浪 用虚实整合的直效手法,让广大群众帮你一起做生意》Mark Davies & Tina Catling著;高子梅译 2012
- 《激发学习潜能的学校教育an invitation》彼得·華準, 塔妮·科里, 卡爾文·戴維斯著;Peter Waldron, Tani Collie, Calvie Davies杨雅婷译 2002
- 《空气过滤》(美)戴维斯(C.D.Davies)著,黄日广译 1979
- 《过渡金属有机化学在有机合成中的应用》(英)戴维斯(Davies,S.G.)著;南开大学化学系有机化学教研室译 1988
- 《世界气象组织四十年》戴维斯(Davies,Arthur)著;阿什福德(Ashford,O.M.)等撰稿 王才芳等译 1992
- 《科学年鉴 1987》(美)泽伦尼(Zeleny,R.O.)主编;殷奕宗等译 1988
- 《禾本科牧草》怀特,R.O. 等编著;马庆勇等译 1988