寻找银色光彩 2015中高龄时尚服饰研究PDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:上海视觉艺术学院,上海中高龄时尚服饰研究中心主编
- 出 版 社:上海:东华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787566909220
- 页数:342 页
中高龄服饰智能化研究 1
银色的“朝阳”产业Silver Industry, Sunrise Industry&袁仄 2
Baby Boomers’Acceptance of Solar-Powered Clothing婴儿潮一代对太阳能服装的接受度研究&Chanmi Hwang Eulanda A.Sanders 5
论可穿戴设备在中老年服饰中的应用与推广The Application and Promotion of the Wearable Devices in the Elder People Clothing&陈莹 唐倩 21
基于“无障碍”理念的老年服装功能设计The functional design of clothing for aged group based on the concept of Barrier-free&何清远 王云仪 25
基于可穿戴设备的中高龄功能性服饰研究Middle-aged and Old People’s Functional Clothing Research Based on the Wearable Devices&田亚楠 邢晓宇 洪正琳 尚笑梅 32
老年智能服装设计要点与现状分析Design key points and present situation analysis of smart clothing for the aged group&王莹 王云仪 39
老年智能化服装探讨The discussion of intelligent clothing for the old&王诗潭 王云仪 46
康复治疗服装的现状及发展趋势The present situation and development trend of rehabilitative garments&邢晓宇 洪正琳 田亚楠 尚笑梅 53
中高龄服饰艺术设计研究 59
OUTLET: The trend of the new millennium新千禧年的流行:中高龄服饰研究&Leo Giovacchini 60
传统与时尚在中高龄女装图案中的表现The expression of the traditional and fashion in the pattern of the mature womenswear&汪芳 74
Interpreting Male Ageing and Fashion:Arts-InformedInterpretative Phenomenological Analysis中高龄男性与时尚——基于艺术资料的解释现象学分析&Anna Maria Sadkowska 79
基于城市中高龄人群休闲方式的服装设计研究Study on the Clothing Design for leisure style of urban elderly population&张洁 92
中国传统图案在中老年服装中的应用Application of Chinese traditional patterns in the middle aged and old people’s garment&杨韧 付少海 梁惠娥 100
浅析明代补子图案在中老年家居服设计中的应用Preliminary analysis about the application of Buzi pattern of Ming Dynasty in the design of middle-aged and senior people’s leisurewear&董稚雅 梁惠娥 107
女书文字的审美意蕴及其在中高龄群体服装中的应用The aesthetic implication of Nvshu and its application in the design of elderly population the clothing&贾蕾蕾 梁惠娥 115
二维码个性化设计在中高龄服饰中的应用Personalized design of QR code in application of Fashing Design of mature people&夏俐 122
服“适”生活 智时代下的中高龄服装创新设计与服务的思索Discussion on Fashion Design and Service for Mature People in the Era of Intelligence&刘坤 130
浅谈流行元素在中高龄服饰定制设计中的运用The Application of popular elements in the designation of mature people&李昌慧 136
清末民初江南传统女装面料纹样的研究The research of traditional women’s dress fabric and pattern of southern Yangtze River in the late Qing dynasty and early Republic of China&张岚 142
中高龄服饰功能性研究 153
老年防摔功能服装设计分析研究The Design and Analysis of the Aging Clothing with Fall Prevention Function&朱达辉 宇锋 154
老年人服装功能性实现方法分析Analysis on Implementation Methods of Functional Design of the Clothing for Old-aged Group&张梦莹 李俊 163
Kinetic Garment Construction for variable, aging bodies中高龄人体的动力学服装结构设计研究&Rickard Lindqvist 170
基于3D试衣系统的中高龄服饰设计Middle and old-aged people’s fashion design based garment 3D fitting system&贾镇瑜 吴琰 潘琦明 182
社交型老年女性服装结构设计探讨Study on the Structure Design of the Social Old Women’s Garments&陈萍 李俊 189
电加热技术在老年人冬季保暖服中的应用Application of electrically-heated technology in warm clothing for the old&许静娴 李俊 196
老年人着装舒适性的影响因素分析Discussion on the influential factors in the old people’s clothing comfort&王雅芝 204
老年群体功能服装产品的设计现状及进展The Research and Analysis of Function Garments for Elders&刘慧娟 王云仪 211
中老年功能性服装概述Overview of the Quinquagenarian Functional Clothing&洪正琳 田亚楠 邢晓宇 尚笑梅 217
中高龄服饰消费行为研究 223
上海地区针织塑身内衣市场现状及其面向中高龄消费者的思考Market Status of Knitted Slimming Underwear in Shanghai and Suggestion to Middle Aged Consumers Oriented&李敏 王鑫 224
Considering the Needs of Aging Baby Boomers老龄化的婴儿潮一代需求研究&Marilyn J.Bruin Sauman Chu Lin Nelson-Mayson Juanjuan Wu Becky Yust 231
A Study on Fashion Brand by New Mature Women’s Characteristics基于中高龄女性生活特征的时尚品牌研究&Hyesoo Yeom 242
关于老年人的服饰消费行为——针织商品的多样性The Diversity of knitting Fashion of Mature People&岩佐正树 248
Travel Jams: Intersecting Strategies for the Mature Chinese Female Traveler旅游拥堵:中国中高龄女性的旅行策略研究&Kathryn.Hagen Eulanda A.Sanders 255
新时代下银发一族时尚服装产品发展理念 Study on Fashion Cloting Products of Silver Gens under the New Era&刘侃 262
当代城市中老年女性化妆品消费观察Study on Cosmetic Consumption of Urban Mature People in Contemporary China&赵宏伟 268
The influence of types of SNS advertisement by fashion brand, social distance and involvement on commitment时尚品牌社交媒体广告的类型、社会差异与品牌介入对消费者承诺的关系研究&Dongeun Choi Sunjin Hwang 275
Emotional Fit Project: Mapping the Ageing Female Form情感与着装:中高龄女性服饰搭配&Anna Maria Sadkowska Katherine Townsend Juliana Sissons 281
浅析我国中老年服装市场发展Analysis of the development of China’s elderly clothing market&陈颖 299
Advanced Fashion中高龄时尚分析&Zeshu Takamura 303
The Possibility of Community Type Clothes Making社区型服装设计工作室的可行性研究&Kazuro Koumoto 310
The Universal Fashion Marketing To support customers enjoy fashionable and healthy life人性化时尚营销&Mori Hideo 319
Understanding Korea Ajumma Way韩国中高龄女性生活方式研究&Haesook Kwon 330
编后记 341
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