- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐刚,彭小波编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787030477637
- 页数:348 页
第一篇 微型双工位金属箔叠成形工艺 3
Laminated Fabrication of Micro-stepped Gear Mold Based on Femtosecond Laser Cutting of Stainless Steel Foil 3
Process and Properties of Micro-ultrasonic Powder Molding with Polypropylene 16
A Micro-ultrasonic Powder Moulding Method to Fabricate Sn-Bi Alloy Micro Parts 27
Micro-ultrasonic Powder Moulding of Sn-Bi/Cu Composite Micro Parts in Semisolid Form 39
Fe78Si9B 13非晶箔快速微细电阻焊接 49
微塑件超声模压成型对等规聚丙烯结晶行为的影响 55
Micro-structures and Tensile Properties of Copper-wire-reinforced Sn-Bi Alloy Micro-composite Fabricated by Micro-ultrasonic Powder Moulding 62
第二篇 机械系统的设计、诊断和检测 75
Challenges and Developments of Micro Drill Bit for Printed Circuit Board:A Review 75
Temperature Simulation and Its Application in On-line Temperature Measurement of A Micro Drill Bit 85
Performance Analysis of Micro Drill Bit with Asymmetric Helix Groove 94
The Influencing Mechanism of Drilling Parameters on Micro Drilling Temperature on the Basis of Calibration of Surface Emissivity of Micro Drill Bit 103
第三篇 金属材料精密成形的设计分析和检测 113
Hot Tensile Deformation Characteristics and Processing Map of Extruded AZ80 Mg Alloys 113
Inverse Identification of the Dynamic Recrystallization Parameters for AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Using BP Neural Network 127
Accurately Predicting High Temperature Flow Stress of AZ80 Magnesium Alloy with Particle Swarm Optimization-based Support Vector Regression 140
Development ofANovel Microviscosity Model Based on Molecular Chain Length 153
第四篇 微模具制造与微成形技术 169
Micro UHMW-PE Column Array Molded by the Utilization of PCB as Mold Insert 169
Micro Ultrasonic Powder Molding for Semi-crystalline Polymers 179
超声粉末模压成型超高分子量聚乙烯微塑件的两相结构 194
微型塑料双联齿轮的超声波焊接工艺 201
1060纯铝微杯形件微拉深成形研究 207
Influences of Lubrication Conditions and Blank Holder Force on Micro Deep Drawing of C1100 Micro Conical-cylindrical Cup 215
An Ultrasonic Microforming Process for Thin Sheet Metals and Its Replication Abilities 225
第五篇 机电控制在物联网中的应用 241
基于PIC16F877A的咖啡机智能温控系统 241
基于Windows CE.Net 4.2嵌入式操作系统多媒体播放器的应用研究 244
基于神经网络的视觉机器人模糊控制 249
嵌入式系统在智能冰箱管理中的应用研究 255
智能咖啡机的精确恒温方案设计 260
第六篇 机电一体化和先进制造技术 267
Multi-DOF Robotic Manipulator Trajectory Controlling Based on Minimum Energy Optimization 267
单囊式空气弹簧建模及其固有特性仿真研究 274
蜂窝纸芯高速送纸和直线剪纸的同步控制方法研究 281
数控手机玻璃磨边机控制算法及误差分析与研究 287
节水节能小型智能浇灌平台研制 295
第七篇 机器视觉检测 303
Inspection of Polymer Polaroid’s Visual Defects with Stripe Light Illumination 303
一种实用型光纤Fabry-Perot压力/液位传感器 310
一种基于F-P干涉的强度型光纤压力传感器 316
Research on Modelica Based Modeling and Simulation of PCB AOI Imaging System 323
Research on A Method of Detecting PCB Defects Based on “T” Shape Feature Extraction 329
Study of PCB Micro-drilling Geometry Detection Method Based on Machine Vision 335
基于主客观综合评价的数字图像修复方法研究 342
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