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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张海征著
  • 出 版 社:北京:世界知识出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787501251964
  • 页数:401 页
图书介绍:《Key Issues in Company Law: Case Materials and Legal Analysis》(《公司法核心问题案例解读》)吸收了英国公司法32个经典案例,从十个方面分析和阐述公司法上普遍接受和认可的概念和制度。这十个方面分别是:“独立法人人格”“揭开法人面纱”“公司章程”“公司的股本、资本维持与分红”“股东(大)会”“董事会”“董事的义务”“欺诈交易和不当交易”。

Chapter 1 Separate Legal Personality 1

Salomon v.Salomon&Co Ltd 1

Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd 15

Macaura v.Northern Assurance Co.Ltd 24

Chapter 2 Lifting the Corporate Veil 30

Jones v.Lipman 30

Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd.v.Inland Revenue Commissioners 34

Chapter 3 Articles of Association 42

Introductions Ltd.v.National Provincial Bank Ltd 42

Rolled Steel Products(Holdings)Ltd.v.British Steel Corporation 52

Chapter 4 Share Capital 105

Ooregum Gold Mining Company of India,Limited v.Roper 105

Re Wragg,Limited 122

Chapter 5 Capital Maintenance and Dividends 144

Precision Dippings Ltd.v.Precision Dippings Marketing Ltd 144

Brady v.Brady 151

Wallersteiner v.Moir 173

Chapter 6 Shareholders'Meeting 187

Cane v.Jones 187

Re Sticky Fingers Restaurant Ltd 199

Chapter 7 Board of Directors 205

Breckland Group Holdings Ltd.v.London&Suffolk Properties Ltd 205

Freeman&Lockyer v.Buckhurst Park Properties(Mangal)Ltd 210

Northern Counties Securities Ltd.v.Jackson&Steeple Ltd 231

Chapter 8 Majority Rule and Protection of Minorities 241

Foss v.Harbottle 241

Edwards v.Halliwell 253

Ebrahimi v.Westbourne Galleries Ltd 259

Chapter 9 Fiduciary Duty 283

Hogg v.Cramphorn Ltd 283

Howard Smith Ltd.v.Ampol Petroleum Ltd 296

Framlington Group plc&Anor v.Anderson&Ors 308

Industrial Development Consultants Ltd.v.Cooley 322

Cook v.Deeks 328

Regal(Hastings)Ltd.v.Gulliver and Others 335

In Re Smith and Fawcett,Limited 352

Chapter 10 Fraudulent Trading and Wrongful Trading 356

Regina v.Grantham 356

In Re Gerald Cooper Chemicals Ltd.(In Liquidation) 365

Re Produce Marketing Consortium Ltd 371

Re DKG Contractors Ltd 379

Re Purpoint Ltd 389

Table of Cases 399

Acknowledgements 401
