中华题王 外研版 英语 2 必修PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张伟主编
- 出 版 社:天津:新蕾出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7530740318
- 页数:170 页
Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Habits 1
Period 1 Introduction&Vocabulary and Reading 1
Period 2 Speaking 1&Function&Grammar 1&Listening and Vocabulary 5
Period 3 Grammar 2&Pronunciation&Speaking 2&Everyday English 8
Period 4 Writing&Cultural Corner&Task 11
模块自我检测 16
Module 2 No Drugs 19
Period 1 Introduction&Reading and Vocabulary 19
Period 2 Grammar 1&Function & Listening and Vocabulary 23
Period 3 Grammar 2 &Pronunciation&Speaking&Writing 27
Period 4 Everyday English&CulturalCorner & Task 30
模块自我检测 34
Module 3 Music 38
Period 1 Introduction&Reading and Vocabulary 38
Period 2 Grammar 1&Writing&Function 42
Period 3 Listening and Vocabulary&Grammar 2&Pronunciation 45
Period 4 Everyday English&Cultural Comer&Task 48
模块自我检测 52
Module 1-3综合检测 56
Module 4 Fine Arts—Western,Chinese and Pop Arts 60
Period 1 Introduction&Reading and Vocabulary 60
Period 2 Function&Grammar 1&Listening and Vocabulary 64
Period 3 Grammar 2&Speaking&Everyday English and Pmnunciation 67
Period 4 Writing&Cultural Corner&Task 70
模块自我检测 74
Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 78
Period 1 Introduction & Vocabularya and Reading 78
Period 2 Grammar 1&Reading and Listening 82
Period 3 Grammar 2 & Pronunciation & Writing & Listening and Speaking 84
Period 4 Function and Everyday English & Cultural Corner&Task 87
模块自我检测 91
Module 6 Films and TV Programmes 94
Period 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 94
Period 2 Speaking & Grammar 1 & Vocabulary and Listening 98
Period 3 Grammar 2 & Function & Everyday English &Pronunciation 101
Period 4 Writing&Cultural Corner&Task 103
模块自我检测 107
Module 4-6综合检测 111
模块综合检测 115
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