Statistical methods for psychologyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:David C. Howell
- 出 版 社:Duxbury Thomson Learning
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:053437770X
- 页数:802 页
Chapter1 Basic Concepts 1
1.1 Important Terms 2
1.2 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics 5
1.3 Measurement Scales 6
1.4 Using Computers 9
1.5 The Plan of the Book 10
Chapter2 Describing and Exploring Data 15
2.1 Plotting Data 17
2.2 Histograms 19
2.3 Stem-and-Leaf Displays 21
2.4 Alternative Methods of Plotting Data 24
2.5 Describing Distributions 28
2.6 Using Computer Programs to Display Data 31
2.7 Notation 33
2.8 Measures of Central Tendency 35
2.9 Measures of Variability 41
2.10 Boxplots:Graphical Representations of Dispersions and Extreme Scores 57
2.11 Obtaining Measures of Dispersion Using Minitab 60
2.12 Percentiles,Quartiles,and Deciles 62
2.13 The Effect of Linear Transformations on Data 62
Chapter3 The Normal Distribution 73
3.1 The Normal Distribution 76
3.2 The Standard Normal Distribution 79
3.3 Using the Tables of the Standard Normal Distribution 82
3.4 Setting Probable Limits on an Observation 85
3.5 Measures Related to z 86
Chapter4 Sampling Distributions and Hypothesis Testing 91
4.1 Two Simple Examples Involving Course Evaluations and Rude Motorists 92
4.2 Sampling Distributions 95
4.3 Hypothesis Testing 96
4.4 The Null Hypothesis 98
4.5 Test Statistics and Their Sampling Distributions 100
4.6 Using the Normal Distribution to Test Hypotheses 101
4.7 Type Ⅰ and Type Ⅱ Errors 104
4.8 One- and Two-Tailed Tests 107
4.9 What Does It Mean to Reject the Null Hypothesis? 110
4.10 Effect Size 110
4.11 A Final Worked Example 111
4.12 Back to Course Evaluations and Rude Motorists 112
Chapter5 Basic Concepts of Probability 115
5.1 Probability 116
5.2 Basic Terminology and Rules 118
5.3 Discrete versus Continuous Variables 122
5.4 Probability Distributions for Discrete Variables 123
5.5 Probability Distributions for Continuous Variables 124
5.6 Permutations and Combinations 126
5.7 The Binomial Distribution 129
5.8 Using the Binomial Distribution to Test Hypotheses 134
5.9 The Multinomial Distribution 136
Chapter6 Categorical Data and Chi-Square 141
6.1 The Chi-Square Distribution 143
6.2 Statistical Importance of the Chi-Square Distribution 144
6.3 The Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test—One-Way Classifiication 146
6.4 Two Classification Variables:Contingency Table Analysis 149
6.5 Chi-Square for Larger Contingency Tables 152
6.6 Chi-Square for Ordinal Data 159
6.7 Summary of the Assumptions of Chi-Square 159
6.8 One- and Two-Tailed Tests 161
6.9 Likelihood Ratio Tests 162
6.10 Measures of Association 163
Chapter7 Hypothesis Tests Applied to Means 177
7.1 Sampling Distribution of the Mean 178
7.2 Testing Hypotheses about Means—σ Known 181
7.3 Testing a Sample Mean When σ Is Unknown—The One-Sample t Test 183
7.4 Hypothesis Tests Applied to Means—Two Matched Samples 191
7.5 Hypothesis Tests Applied to Means—Two Independent Samples 198
7.6 Confidence Intervals 206
7.7 A Second Worked Example 211
7.8 Heterogeneity of Variance:The Behrens-Fisher Problem 213
Chapter8 Power 223
8.1 Factors Affecting the Power of a Test 225
8.2 Effect Size 227
8.3 Power Calculations for the One-Sample t 229
8.4 Power Calculations for Differences Between Two Independent Means 232
8.5 Power Calculations for Matched-Sample t 235
8.6 Power Considerations in Terms of Sample Size 237
8.7 Post-Hoc Power 238
Chapter9 Correlation and Regression 243
9.1 Scatterplot 245
9.2 The Relationship Between Stress and Health 250
9.3 The Covariance 252
9.4 The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (r) 253
9.5 The Regression Line 255
9.6 The Accuracy of Prediction 260
9.7 Assumptions Underlying Regression and Correlation 267
9.8 Confiidence Limits on Y 268
9.9 A Computer Example Showing the Role of Test-Taking Skills 270
9.10 Hypothesis Testing 273
9.11 The Role of Assumptions in Correlation and Regression 282
9.12 Factors That Affect the Correlation 282
9.13 Power Calculation for Pearson’s r 285
Chapter10 Alternative Correlational Techniques 295
10.1 Point-Biserial Correlation and Phi:Pearson Correlations by Another Name 297
10.2 Biserial and Tetrachoric Correlation:Non-Pearson Correlation Coefficients 305
10.3 Correlation Coeffiicients for Ranked Data 306
10.4 Analysis of Contingency Tables with Ordered Variables 309
10.5 Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance (W) 312
Chapter11 Simple Analysis of Variance 319
11.1 An Example 320
11.2 The Underlying Model 321
11.3 The Logic of the Analysis of Variance 324
11.4 Calculations in the Analysis of Variance 326
11.5 Computer Solutions 333
11.6 Derivation of the Analysis of Variance 336
11.7 Unequal Sample Sizes 338
11.8 Violations of Assumptions 340
11.9 Transformations 342
11.10 Fixed versus Random Models 350
11.11 Magnitude of Experimental Effect 350
11.12 Power 354
11.13 Computer Analyses 360
Chapter12 Multiple Comparisons Among Treatment Means 369
12.1 Error Rates 370
12.2 Multiple Comparisons in a Simple Experiment on Morphine Tolerance 373
12.3 A Priori Comparisons 375
12.4 Post Hoc Comparisons 391
12.5 Tukey’s Test 398
12.6 The Ryan Procedure (REGWQ) 399
12.7 The Scheffe Test 400
12.8 Dunnett’s Test for Comparing All Treatments with a Control 401
12.9 Comparison of Dunnett’s Test and the Bonferroni t 402
12.10 Comparison of the Alternative Procedures 402
12.11 Which Test? 404
12.12 Computer Solution 404
12.13 Trend Analysis 408
Chapter13 Factorial Analysis of Variance 421
13.1 An Extension of the Eysenck Study 424
13.2 Structural Models and Expected Mean Squares 429
13.3 Interactions 430
13.4 Simple Effects 432
13.5 Analysis of Variance Applied to the Effects of Smoking 436
13.6 Multiple Comparisons 438
13.7 Power Analysis for Factorial Experiments 440
13.8 Expected Mean Squares 442
13.9 Magnitude of Experimental Effects 446
13.10 Unequal Sample Sizes 449
13.11 Analysis for Unequal Sample Sizes Using SAS 455
13.12 Higher-Order Factorial Designs 456
13.13 A Computer Example 464
Chapter14 Repeated-Measures Designs 471
14.1 The Structural Model 474
14.2 F Ratios 475
14.3 The Covariance Matrix 476
14.4 Analysis of Variance Applied to Relaxation Therapy 477
14.5 One Between-Subjects Variable and One Within-Subjects Variable 480
14.6 Two Within-Subjects Variables 494
14.7 Two Between-Subjects Variables and One Within-Subjects Variable 494
14.8 Two Within-Subjects Variables and One Between-Subjects Variable 500
14.9 Three Within-Subjects Variables 508
14.10 Intraclass Correlation 512
14.11 Other Considerations 515
14.12 A Computer Analysis Using a Traditional Approach 516
14.13 Multivariate Analysis of Variance for Repeated-Measures Designs 519
Chapter15 Multiple Regression 533
15.1 Multiple Linear Regression 534
15.2 Standard Errors and Tests of Regression Coeffiicients 543
15.3 Residual Variance 544
15.4 Distribution Assumptions 545
15.5 The Multiple Correlation Coeffiicient 546
15.6 Geometric Representation of Multiple Regression 548
15.7 Partial and Semipartial Correlation 552
15.8 Suppressor Variables 557
15.9 Regression Diagnostics 558
15.10 Constructing a Regression Equation 563
15.11 The “Importance” of Individual Variables 571
15.12 Using Approximate Regression Coeffiicients 573
15.13 Mediating and Moderating Relationships 574
15.14 Logistic Regression 583
Chapter16 Analyses of Variance and Covariance as General Linear Models 603
16.1 The General Linear Model 604
16.2 One-Way Analysis of Variance 607
16.3 Factorial Designs 610
16.4 Analysis of Variance with Unequal Sample Sizes 618
16.5 The One-Way Analysis of Covariance 625
16.6 Interpreting an Analysis of Covariance 636
16.7 The Factorial Analysis of Covariance 638
16.8 Using Multiple Covariates 647
16.9 Alternative Experimental Designs 648
Chapter17 Log-Linear Analysis 655
17.1 Two-Way Contingency Tables 658
17.2 Model Specifiication 662
17.3 Testing Models 665
17.4 Odds and Odds Ratios 669
17.5 Treatment Effects (Lambda) 669
17.6 Three-Way Tables 671
17.7 Deriving Models 678
17.8 Treatment Effects 682
Chapter18 Resampling and Nonparametric Approaches to Data 691
18.1 Bootstrapping as a General Approach 694
18.2 Bootstrapping with One Sample 696
18.3 Resampling with Two Paired Samples 699
18.4 Resampling with Two Independent Samples 702
18.5 Bootstrapping Confiidence Limits on a Correlation Coeffiicient 704
18.6 Wilcoxon’s Rank-Sum Test 707
18.7 Wilcoxon’s Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test 713
18.8 The Sign Test 717
18.9 Kruskal-Wallis One-Way Analysis of Variance 719
18.10 Friedman’s Rank Test for k Correlated Samples 720
Appendices 727
References 763
Answers to Selected Exercises 773
Index 791
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