The economics of cultural policyPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:C.D. Throsby
- 出 版 社:Cambridge Cambridge University Press
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:0521868259
- 页数:278 页
1 Introduction 1
1 The changing face of cultural policy 1
2 The policy response 5
3 Outline of the book 8
2 The scope of cultural policy 14
1 Introduction 14
2 Cultural goods and services 15
3 Value and valuation 17
4 Composition of the cultural sector 22
5 Production,distribution,consumption 24
6 Cultural policy in government administration 28
7 Conclusions 30
3 The policy process 32
1 Introduction 32
2 Economic objectives of cultural policy 34
3 Artistic and cultural objectives of cultural policy 41
4 Instruments 45
5 Monitoring and evaluation 53
6 Conclusions 55
4 Arts policy 58
1 Introduction 58
2 What is arts policy today? 59
3 Direct support 63
4 Indirect support 73
5 The role of the individual artist 80
6 Conclusions 83
Appendix to Chapter 4 84
5 Cultural industries 88
1 Introduction 88
2 Conceptualising the cultural industries’role in the economy 90
3 Assessing the economic contribution of the cultural industries 93
4 Industry dynamics:economic and cultural growth 98
5 Policy strategies for the cultural industries 100
6 Conclusions 103
6 Cultural heritage 106
1 Introduction 106
2 Heritage as asset 107
3 Value 108
4 Policy issues in heritage management 113
5 Public policy and built heritage 117
6 Public policy and moveable heritage 121
7 Public policy and intangible heritage 125
8 International dimensions to heritage policy 126
9 Conclusions 127
7 Culture in urban and regional development 131
1 Introduction 131
2 Concepts 132
3 Creativity in an urban context 136
4 The role of architecture 140
5 Policy conclusions 142
8 Tourism 146
1 Introduction 146
2 Economic aspects of tourism 147
3 Cultural issues in mass tourism 151
4 Cultural tourism as a niche market 152
5 Policy conclusions 154
9 Culture in the international economy 157
1 Introduction 157
2 Cultural trade 158
3 Non-trade issues in international cultural relations 166
4 Conclusions 169
10 Cultural diversity 171
1 Introduction 171
2 The value of cultural diversity 171
3 The origins of diversity as an issue in cultural policy 173
4 The UNESCO Convention process 175
5 Policy implications 177
6 Conclusions 179
11 Arts education 181
1 Introduction 181
2 Economic analysis of education 181
3 Arts education in schools 184
4 Education and training of artists 186
5 Education as a determinant of arts consumption 188
6 Conclusions 189
12 Culture in economic development 191
1 Introduction 191
2 Culture in development 192
3 Culture and sustainability 194
4 Policy implications 196
5 Conclusions 197
13 Intellectual property 199
1 Introduction 199
2 The economic basis for copyright 200
3 Administration of artists’ rights:the economic rationale for collecting societies 203
4 The effect of new technologies 208
5 International regulation of copyright 209
6 Copyright in development 210
7 Conclusions 211
14 Cultural statistics 214
1 Introduction 214
2 Types of cultural statistics 215
3 Some special-purpose statistics 224
4 Towards a new framework for cultural statistics 227
5 Conclusions 229
15 Conclusions 231
References 237
Name index 260
Subject index 265
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