- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:范佩芳,丁燕琼,冯黎成主编
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:9787564354893
- 页数:119 页
Unit 1 Making machines 1
Learning objectives 1
Focus 1
Warm-up 1
Task 1 Why did the human being make machine 2
Task 2 Simple machines 3
Task 3 Powering machines 4
Task 4 Machines of the industrial revolution 6
Task 5 Machines in the modern world 8
Exercise 9
Extended reading 11
Translation skill 12
参考译文 14
Unit 2 Fuels and combustion 18
Learning objectives 18
Focus 18
Warm-up 18
Task 1 Combustion 19
Task 2 Solid fuels 21
Task 3 Liquid fuels 23
Task 4 Gaseous fuels 25
Task 5 Heating systems 26
New words and expressions 27
Exercise 28
Extended reading 30
Translation skills 31
参考译文 36
Unit 3 Engines driver for power 40
Learning objectives 40
Focus 40
Warm-up 40
Task 1 Steam engines 41
Task 2 Principles of steam turbine 42
Task 3 Gas turbine 44
Task 4 Wind turbine 46
Task 5 Fuel cells 48
Exercises 50
Extended reading 51
Translation skill 52
参考译文 54
Unit 4 Renewable Energy 59
Learning objectives 59
Focus 59
Warm-up 59
Task 1 How is green or renewable energy defined? 60
Task 2 Why has renewable energy been neglected until fairly recently? 62
Task 3 Which renewable energy sources hold the greatest promise? 64
Task 4 Who are the world leaders in renewable energy? 65
Task 5 What is our likely energy future? 67
Exercises 68
Extended reading 70
Translation skill 71
参考译文 73
Unit 5 Solar 77
Learning objectives 77
Focus 77
Warm-up 77
Task 1 Solar power 78
Task 2 Solar resource 80
Task 3 Solar thermal 80
Task 4 Photovoltaics 82
Task 5 Energy storage 85
Exercises 86
Extended reading 88
Translation skill 89
参考译文 91
Unit 6 Wind energy 95
Learning objectives 95
Focus 95
Warm-up 95
Task 1 Introduction and historical uses 95
Task 2 Wind characteristics and resources 98
Task 3 Wind turbines 100
Task 4 Wind farms 104
Task 5 Environmental impacts 106
Exercises 109
Extended reading 111
Translation skill 112
参考译文 114
References 119
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