- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武卫
- 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:9787562357391
- 页数:167 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Preamble 1
1.2 Objectives of the Research 2
1.3 Significances of the Research 3
1.4 Structure of the Book 4
Chapter 2 Literature Review 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 O rigins,Features and Definitions 6
2.3 Models to Account for Automaticity 8
2.4 Measures of Automaticity 13
2.5 Automaticity Research in SLA 14
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 23
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 C onceptual Framework of L2 Vocabulary Competence 23
3.3 ConceptualFramework of L2 Vocabulary Automaticity Competence 25
3.4 Conceptual Framework of Testing Vocabulary Automaticity Competence 30
3.5 Conceptual Framework of Major Factors Affecting Vocabulary Automaticity Competence 37
Chapter 4 Research Design 39
4.1 Introduction 39
4.2 Definition and Operational Definitions of Automaticity in the Research 39
4.3 Research Questions and Hypotheses 40
4.4 Research Method 42
4.5 Research Outline 45
Chapter 5 Experiment 1:Visual Receptive Automaticity Competence in Isolation 47
5.1 Research Aims 47
5.2 Participants 47
5.3 Testing Task and Materials 48
5.4 Testing Procedure 49
5.5 Scoring and Data Cleaning 50
5.6 Results and Discussion 50
Chapter 6 Experiment 2:Visual Receptive Automaticity Competence in Context 59
6.1 Research Aims 59
6.2 Participants 59
6.3 Testing Task and Materials 59
6.4 Testing Procedure 60
6.5 Results and Discussion 61
Chapter 7 Experiment 3:Productive Automaticity Competence in Isolation 69
7.1 Research Aims 69
7.2 Participants 69
7.3 Testing Task and Materials 69
7.4 Testing Procedure 70
7.5 Results and Discussion 71
Chapter 8 Experiment 4:Productive Automaticity Competence in Context 79
8.1 Research Aims 79
8.2 Participants 79
8.3 Testing Task and Materials 79
8.4 Testing Procedure 80
8.5 Results and Discussion 81
Chapter 9 Experiment 5:Auditory Receptive Automaticity Competence in Isolation 88
9.1 Research Aims 88
9.2 Participants 89
9.3 Testing Task and Materials 89
9.4 Testing Procedure 89
9.5 Results and Discussion 90
Chapter 10 Experiment 6:Auditory Receptive Automaticity Competence in Context 98
10.1 Research Aims 98
10.2 Participants 98
10.3 Testing Task and Materials 98
10.4 Testing Procedure 99
10.5 Results and Discussion 100
Chapter 11 Vocabulary Automaticity Competence in Different Experiment Conditions 108
11.1 Research Aims 108
11.2 Results and Discussion 109
Chapter 12 General Discussion 116
12.1 Introduction 116
12.2 Vocabulary Automaticity Competence Achieved 116
12.3 Effects of Frequency and Proficiency 117
12.4 Correlation Between A ccuracy and Recognition or Retrieval Speed 121
12.5 Vocabulary Automaticity Competence in Different Experiment Conditions 121
Chapter 13 Establishing a Model of Vocabulary Automaticity Competence 125
13.1 Introduction 125
13.2 The Importance of Building a Model of Vocabulary Automaticity Competence 125
13.3 The Dimensions of VocabularyAutomaticity Competence 126
13.4 The Relationships Among the Dimensions 129
13.5 Vocabulary Automaticity Competence Development Along Four Routes 133
Chapter 14 Conclusions 137
14.1 Introduction 137
14.2 Conclusions 137
14.3 Theoretical and Methodological Implications 138
14.4 Pedagogical Implications 140
14.5 Limitations and Future Directions 145
Bibliography 147
Appendices 158
Appendix 1 Visual Lexical Decision Task (Experiment 1) 158
Appendix 2 Visual Sentence Decision Task (Experiment 2) 159
Appendix 3 Written Productive Translation Task(WPTT)(Experiment 3) 161
Appendix 4 The Controlled-production Vocabulary Experiment(Experiment 4) 162
Appendix 5 Auditory Lexical Decision Task (Experiment 5) 164
Appendix 6 Auditory Sentence Decision Task (Experiment 6) 165
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