一般外科的常见问题 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:韩少良,李文峰主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787309103304
- 页数:713 页
Perioperative Treatment 1
Chapter 1 Surgery Overview,Anesthesia and Asepsis Technique 1
Surgery Overview 1
Knowledge about Anesthesia 2
Aseptic Technique 6
Chapter 2 Basic Surgical Procedure 8
Basic Techniques 8
Operative Techniques 13
Surgical Anatomy"Pearls" 21
Operative Knowledge and Techniques 24
Chapter 3 Electrolyte Disturbance and Acid-Base Imbalance 28
Fluid Metabolism Imbalance 28
Acid-Base Imbalance 41
Blood Gas Analysis 48
Chapter 4 Blood Transfusion 53
The Indications of Blood Transfusion and Estimates 53
The Complications of Blood Transfusion 56
Basic Knowledge of Blood Transfusion 58
Chapter 5 Preoperative and Postoperative Management 64
Preoperative Preparation and Treatment 64
Fluid Compartments and Clinical Significance 66
Postoperative Electrolyte Disturbance 68
How to Count for Nutrition Treatment 69
Postoperative Treatment for Anesthesia and Surgery 75
Preoperative Examinations 77
Chapter 6 Surgical Infection 85
Outline 85
Mechanism of Action and Side Effects of Antibiotics 88
Appropriate Use of Antibiotics 89
Gas Gangrene 91
Urinary Tract Infection 92
Catheter-Associated Infection 93
Wound Infection 94
Pseudomembranous Colitis 95
Tetanus and Necrotizing Fasciitis 95
Abscess 97
Suppurative Hidradenitis 98
Furuncle and Carbuncle 98
Prevention of Infection 98
Chapter 7 Shock and Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome 101
Shock and Classification 101
MODS and Organ Failure 105
Chapter 8 Preoperative Medication in General Surgery 110
Antibiotics Treatment for Perioperative Treatment 110
Other Medication 112
Chapter 9 Prevention and Treatment of Postoperative Complications 116
Fever 116
Wound Infection and Dehiscence 117
Pulmonary Complications 119
DVT 125
Postoperative Jaundice 126
Complications Followed Gastrectomy 126
Pancreatitis 127
Diabetic Ketoacidosis 128
Cerebrovascular Accidents 128
Wound Infection and Dehiscence 130
Renal Failure 131
DIC 132
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 133
Addisonian Crisis 134
Urinary Retention 135
Pseudomembranous Colitis 135
Others 136
Chapter 10 Intravenous Prescription and Surgical Nutrition 137
Fluid Therapy 137
How to Prescribe IV Injection 139
Nutritional Status and Deficiency 142
Total Parenteral Nutrition 144
Overload Injection and Hypovolaemia 146
Enteral Nutrition 147
General-Relevant Diseases 149
Chapter 11 Trauma and Abdominal Injury 149
Diagnosis and Treatment 149
Head and Neck Injury 156
Lung and Heart Injury 158
Abdominal Trauma 163
Vascular Injury 167
Miscellaneous Trauma Facts 168
Chapter 12 Burns and Environmental Damage 170
Definition and Physiology of Burn 170
Classification 171
Complications of Burns 174
Treatment 175
Burns due to Other Causes 178
Environmental Damage Altitude Sickness 180
Decompression Sickness 181
Sunstroke 182
Frostbite 182
Electrical Injuries 182
Dog Bites 183
Snake Bite 183
Bee Sting 184
Cat Bite 184
Chapter 13 Tumors and Surgical Oncology 185
General Outline 185
Diagnosis and Tumor marker 188
Treatment Methods 192
Cancer Prevention 203
Oncological Emergencies 204
Soft tissue Sarcoma 207
Lymphoma 210
Skin Lesions 212
Melanoma 214
Skin Tumor-like Lesions 219
Skin Graft 222
Desmoid Tumor 223
Cancer Metastasis 225
Tumor-Associated Syndrome 228
Pleural Effusion 229
Differential Diagnosis of Pulmonary Nodules 230
Children Cancers 231
Chapter 14 Transplantation 232
Outline 232
Kidney Transplant 238
Liver Transplantation 239
Pancreas Transplantation 242
Intestinal Transplantation 243
Complications after Organ Transplantation 243
Neck Diseases 247
Chapter 15 Thyroid and Parathyroid Disease 247
Anatomy and Physiology 247
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis 248
Goiter and Thyroiditis 250
Hyperthyroidism and Thyroid Crisis 255
Hypothyroidism 259
Thyroid Cancer 261
Parathyroid Disease 272
Surgery 272
Chapter 16 Differential Diagnosis of Neck Mass 278
Differential Diagnosis 278
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst 282
Cystic Hygroma 284
Branchiogenic Anomalies 285
Breast Diseases 291
Chapter 17 Breast Disease 291
Regional Anatomy 291
Risk Factors Associated with Breast Cancer 293
Clinical Presentation of Breast Cancer 293
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer 294
Surgery for Breast Cancer 299
Postoperative Complications 303
Hormonal Therapy 305
Special Types of Breast Cancer 308
Screening 312
Male Breast Cancer 313
Fibroadenoma and Phyllodes Tumor 314
Male Breast Disease 315
Other Breast Diseases 317
Differential Diagnosis of Breast Mass and Nipple Discharge 321
Acute Abdomen and Peritonitis 327
Chapter 18 Acute Abdomen and Peritonitis 327
Acute Abdomen 327
Peritonitis 332
Abdominal Paracentesis 336
Pneumoperitoneum 338
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome 339
Meconium Peritonitis 340
Gastrointestinal Diseases 345
Chapter 19 Gastroduodenal Diseases 345
Anatomy and Physiology 345
Peptic Ulcer 346
Benign Tumor and GIST 352
Diseases of Stomach 353
Gastric Cancer 354
Postoperative Complications 359
Duodenal Ulcers 361
Gastric Lymphoma 366
Duodenal Stricture 368
Obesity Surgery 369
Chapter 20 Intestinal Obstruction 373
General Outline 373
Small Bowel Obstruction 376
Pseudo-Obstruction and Ogilvie Syndrome 382
Large Bowel Obstruction 384
Meconium 384
Other GI Obstructions 386
Surgical Radiology 387
Chapter 21 Small Intestine Diseases 392
Applied Anatomy 392
Wilkie's Syndrome 394
Meckel's Diverticulum 395
Acute Necrotizing Enteritis 397
Small Bowel Tumor 398
Short Bowel Syndrome 408
Intestinal Tuberculosis 409
Intestinal Intussusception,Ameba and GI Tract Duplication 410
Mesenteric Vascular Disease 416
Special Postoperative Sequence of Small Resection 420
Chapter 22 Disease of Appendix 422
Appendicitis 422
Appendiceal Tumor 433
Chapter 23 Colon Disease 438
Regional Anatomy 438
Colon Cancer 438
Hirschsprung's Disease and Megacolon 447
Intestinal Malrotation 451
Bowel Volvulus 452
Colorectal Polyps and Adenoma 455
Gardner's Syndrome 458
Diverticular Disease of the Colon 460
Other Colonic Diseases 463
Intussusception 467
Intestinal Fistula 468
Ostomy and Fistula 472
Chapter 24 Inflammatory Bowel Disease 474
Crohn's Disease 476
Ulcerative Colitis 481
Chapter 25 Rectal Disease 485
Regional Anatomy 485
Incidence,Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis of Rectal Disease 486
Surgery for Rectal Cancer 488
Chapter 26 Anal Disease 495
Hemorrhoids 496
Anorectal Fistula and Abscess 499
Anal Fissure 502
Anal Canal Tumor 504
Fecal Continence 507
Rectal Proplapse 508
Liver,Bile Duct and Pancreas Diseases 515
Chapter 27 Liver Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension 515
Portal Hypertension 515
Hepatic Encephalopathy 522
Budd-Chiari Syndrome 525
Chapter 28 Liver Diseases 530
Anatomy 530
Classification of Liver Function 534
Liver Tumor 536
Benign Liver Tumor 543
Liver Abscess 546
Liver Cyst 549
Chapter 29 Gallbladder and Bile Duct Disease 558
Basic Knowledge 558
Gallbladder Diseases 563
Common Bile Duct 569
Cholangiocarcinoma 574
Jaundice 575
Surgical Procedure 577
Choledochal Cyst 577
Chapter 30 Pancreatic Diseases 588
Anatomy and Physiology 588
Pancreatitis 589
Pancreatic Abscess and Cyst 596
Pancreatic and Peri-Ampullary Carcinoma 600
Other Pancreatic Neoplasm 603
Surgical Procedures 608
Other Pancreatic Disease 611
Chapter 31 Spleen Diseases 614
Regional Anatomy and Function 614
Hypersplenism and Hyposplenism 615
Splenic Injury 616
Splenic Tumors 617
Splenic Abscess 618
Other Splenic Diseases 619
Surgical Indications and Complications for Splenectomy 621
Others 625
Chapter 32 Upper and Lower GI Bleeding 625
Upper GI Bleeding 627
Lower GI Bleeding 630
Chapter 33 Disease of Abdominal Wall,Omentum and Retroperitoneum 635
Mesenteric Ischemia 635
Vitello-Intestinal Duct Diseases 637
Rretroperitoneal Fibrosis 637
Mesenteric Cyst 639
Vesicourachal Diseases 641
Others 642
Chapter 34 Hernia 645
Groin Hernias 645
Inguinal Hernia Repair 649
Femoral Hernia 655
Miscellaneous Hernias 656
Chapter 35 Vascular Disease 663
Arterial Disease 663
Peripheral Vascular Disease 666
Chapter 36 Laboratory Values and Their Clinical Significance 690
Routine Examination Values and Their Values 690
Common Lab Examinations and their Clinical Significance 697
Chapter 37 Emergent Management of Acute Poisoning 701
Overview 701
Pesticide Poisoning 703
Rodenticide Poisoning 704
Paraquat Poisoning 704
Organophosphate Poisoning 705
Food Poisoning 706
Mushroom Poisoning 706
Nitrite Poisoning 707
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 707
Balloon Fish Poisoning 708
Acknowledgements 709
Reference 710
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