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上海论坛文集 IT卷
上海论坛文集 IT卷

上海论坛文集 IT卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:复旦大学上海论坛组织委员会编
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2222
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:346 页
《上海论坛文集 IT卷》目录

Cognitive Interfaces&Dana Ballard,Weilie Yi and Chen Yu 1

Beyond IT&Charles Kao 26

Introduction of Architecture-based Industry Analysis and Proposal for Chinese IT Industry Policy—A Proposal to Promote New Global Joint Venture Company between J apan and China&Koichi Ogawa,Junjiro Shintaku and Tetsuo Yoshimoto 30

World Wide Wisdom Web(W4)and Autonomy Oriented Computing(AOC):Challenges and Opportunities(Abstract)&Jiming Liu 44

Not One Divide But Three:Physical,Linguistic and Intellectual Issues in Global IT&Michael J.Kennedy,Tony Veale,Eleni Mangina and Paddy Nixon 47

Main Challenges and Driving Forces of IT in the Era of Globalization&Jozef Gruska 60

开展知件研究,发展第四产业&陆汝钤 73

E-Learning Policy in Korea Toward a Learning Nation&Kyung-Jae Park,Ed.D. 84

Challenges for Creating a Sustainable Society&Etsuhiko Shoyama 105

Achieving Competitive Advantage through Secure Information Integration&Bei-Tseng Chu 108

时代呼唤信息安全网和廉价高效的光伏电池&简水生 116

Privacy-Preserving Information Processing Complexity Issues to Establish Security&Rüdiger Reischuk 122

试论信息安全等级保护科学基础&景乾元 137

Issues in Information Security-Global Perspective&Chung Nan Chang 143

Beyond Convergence:DTV Transition and Policy Issues&Jonathan D.Levy 150

媒介素养教育的中国背景与模式&刘继南 153

从苏州到杭州——中国数字电视发展过程中的力量博弈与制度重构&黄升民 161

数字调幅广播技术在中国的发展&吕锐 172

Nano-Technologies WAR in Future Information Storage&Akiyoshi Itoh 177

Future of Asia and the Competition for Information Technology Enabled Services&Charles A.Peters 180

Cooperative Networks and The Rural-Urban Divide&D.Linda Garcia 187

Why is Chip Design Moving to Asia?Drivers and Policy Implications&Dieter Ernst 217

Algorithmic Research for the 21st Century&Giorgio Ausiello and Luigi Laura 234

A Comparative Analysis of the Broadband Policy:The US vs.South Korea&Gwang James Han 250

The Future of Mobile Communications(Summary)&Jan Uddenfeldt 273

Wireless Sensor Networks and Their Applications&Lionel M.Ni,Hoi-lun Ngan,Yanmin Zhu and Min Gao 279

Exploring the Determinants of E-commerce Usage in the Hotel Industry in Thailand:An Empirical Study&Pongsak Hoontrakul and Sunil Sahadev 290

E-Government As a Strategy for Building the Knowledge Infrastructure in South Korea&Sang-Chul Park 304

IT and Electronics Trade Development between China and Japan&Shigeyuki Abe 318

经济发展与区域信息鸿沟&李仕明 曾勇 339
