
第七卷 工业矿物的回收 1
一、使用吸附-洗涤-浮选方法分离萤石矿石中的方解石 Separation of calcite from fluorite ore by the adsorption-washing flotation method,T.Takamori et al〔日本〕 1
二、玻璃—陶瓷用的霞石正长岩选别的发展和市场的扩大 Development in the processing of nepheline Syenite for the glass-ceramic and extender markets,D Macgregor et al〔加拿大〕 9
三、菱镁矿除铁 Deferrization of magnesites,F.Spaldon et al〔捷克斯洛伐克〕 17
四、某些工业矿物的表面结构、矿泥覆盖和浮选 Surface texture,slime coating and flotation of some industrial minerals,P.Parsongage,D.Watson et al〔英国〕 22
五、云母分选 Pneumatic beneficiation of mica,G.V.Sullivan et al〔美国〕 37
六、芬兰凯米拉公司西林加亚维矿从碳酸岩云母岩矿中优先浮选磷灰石 Selective flotation of apatite from carbonatite glimmerite ore at the silinjarvi mine of kemira Oy Finland,K.Kiukkola et al〔芬兰〕 50
七、非硫化矿浮选的回水利用—实验室和连续半工业试验 Recycling of residual water in the flotation of non-sulphide minerals:experience in the Lab and continuous pilot plant,G.Alfan et al〔意大利〕 61
八、瑞典磷灰石的生产 Apatite production in Sweden,P.M.Sandgren 〔瑞典〕 71
九、基于新设备的研制和应用的苏联石棉矿先进选矿方法 Advanced milling methods of asbetos ore in the U.S.S.R.based on the development and introduct ion of new equipment,V.Y.lsdorov〔苏联〕 82
十、加拿大萨斯喀彻温钾盐公司(PCS)的钾矿石加工技术 The processing of potash ore by PCS,G.G.Strathdee et al[加拿大] 90
十一、光选机在选别石英时的应用 Cleaning of raw quartz minerals with special regard to the ? application of automatic optical sorters,wolfgang scheibe et al〔民主德国〕 102
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