全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试指南 理工类 2000年版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:人事部专业技术人员管理司编
- 出 版 社:沈阳:辽宁大学出版社
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:7561036396
- 页数:369 页
引言 1
1.全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试介绍 1
2.阅读理解能力的考核目标和常见的题型 4
3.词汇测试和阅读理解的其他题型 32
第一部分 词汇 44
1.词汇学习1 44
2.词汇学习2 46
3.词汇学习3 48
4.词汇学习4 50
5.词汇学习5 52
6.词汇学习6 54
7.词汇学习7 56
8.词汇学习8 58
9.词汇学习9 60
10.词汇学习10 62
第二部分 阅读理解 90
1.Bees and Colour 90
2.Dining Custom 92
3.The Sea 95
4.Rockets in the Sky 98
5.Transportation 101
6.Ocean Noise Pollution 104
7.The Beginning of the Air Mail 107
8.New Foods and the New World 109
9.Glass 112
10.A Society without a Formal Autho 116
11.Hurricanes 119
12.Tuming Night into Day 122
13.The Cherokee Nation 124
14.Icebox in the United States 127
15.A Street Violinist 130
16.High-tech Helpers for Travellers 134
17.Touring the Nine Planets 136
18.Plants in Desert 139
19.Crystal Ear 142
20.Modern Sun Worshippers 145
21.Recycling Resources 148
22.Fahrenheit and Celsius 150
23.Snow Ranger 153
24.Accurate Timer 157
25.Automatic Doors 159
26.Robot Chauffeurs 162
27.What Makes a Soccer Player Great? 165
28.A Thirsty World 168
29.Sleep 171
30.China s Mineral Deposits 174
31.Why is the Native Language Learnt So Well? 177
32.Questioned Educational Function of TV 180
33.Fermi Problem 184
34.Mobile Phones 187
35.Volts from the Sky 190
36.Supernova in the Making 193
37.Giant Panda 195
38.Carl Sagan 198
39.Attitude toward New Technology 202
40.And God Created Darwin 205
41.Electronic Mail 208
42.Please Fasten Your Seatbelts 212
43.Urban Rainforest 215
44.The National Park Service 217
45.Cousteau Remembered 220
46.Looking to the Future 224
47.Cognitive Interview 227
48.Geology and Health 230
49.Common Problems,Common Solutions 233
50.The Net Cost of Making a Name for Yourself 236
51.Great Escape 238
52.Prolonging Human Life 242
53.Too Polite for Words 245
54.The Business of Weddings 248
55.Opinion Polls 251
56.Unidentified Flying Object 254
57.Inhalable Water Droplets 257
58.Taxi Riding 260
59.Pollution around the House 264
60.The National Trust 267
61.Irradiating Food 269
62.Fibre-Optic Cable 272
63.DVD for Rent 275
64.Hacking 278
65.Nonverbal Thinking in Engineering 281
第三部分 完成句子 285
1.Television in the USA 285
2.Car Crime 287
3.Banking 289
4.The Open University in Britain 291
5.Recreation and Sports 292
6.Work and Careers 294
7.Schools and Education 295
8.Radio and Television 297
9.Three Attitudes to Life 298
10.Stinking Buses 299
1.Singapore 302
第四部分 概括大意 302
2.Paris 304
3.Adult Education 306
4.Architecture 307
5.Hints for Reading Practice 309
6.How to Argue with Your Boss 311
7.Air Transportation 313
8.Earthquake 314
9.Transport and Trade 316
10.Local Newspapers in Britain 318
第五部分 选择填空 320
1.The Great Newspaper War 320
2.The Invention of the Telephone 323
3.Newspaper Reports 326
4.Cultural Differences 329
5.The White House 332
6.Water 335
7.Racial Prejudice 338
8.Public and Private Schools in the United States 341
9.The American Family 344
10.Shopping for Clothes 346
第六部分 完形填空 350
1.A Biological Clock 350
2.The Development of Rubber 352
3.Building a Bridge 355
4.Singing Alarms Could Save the Blind 357
5.The Greatest Mystery of Whales 359
6.Unpopular Subjects 362
7.More Rural Research Is Needed 364
8.Science and Truth 366
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