首都师范大学重点建设学科简介 光物理科学与技术PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:6 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:首都师范大学物理系
- 出 版 社:首都师范大学物理系
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:37 页
目录 1
首都师范大学“211工程”重点建设学科:光物理科学与技术 1
附件一:本项目主要学术骨干 8
附件二:本学科目前承担的科研项目 9
附件三:现有主要仪器设备 11
附件四:“211工程”计划购置仪器设备清单 12
附件五:2002-2003发表的部分SCI收录论文摘要 13
1.Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of C60 and C70 in Gold Hydrosols 13
2.High-temporal-resolution,single-shot characterization of terahertz pulses 13
3.Lifetime distribution of spontaneous emission from an assembly of atoms in a dielectric slab 14
4.Coupled third harmonic generations and multiple mode effects in aperiodic optical superlattices with a finite lateral width 15
5.Guide modes in photonic crystal heterostructures composed of rotating non-circular air cylinders in two-dimensional lattices 16
6.Second-harmonic generation and multiple mode effects in aperiodic optical superlattices with finite lateral width 17
7.Novel Intracavity Sensing Network Based on Mode-Locked Fiber Laser 18
8.Image reconstruction for in-line holography with the Yang-Gu algorithm 18
9.Whole optical wave field reconstruction from double or multi in-line holograms by phase retrieval algorithm 19
10.Plasma characterization with terahertz time-domain measurements 19
11.Surface electronic structure of GAN(0001)-(1x1):comparison between theory and experiment 20
12.First principles investigation of the C-terminated β-SiC(001)-c(2×2)surface 21
13.Terahertz dielectric properties of polystyrene foam 22
14.Effects of interlayer coupling in a magnetic trilayer systeme 22
15.The adsorption behavior of ρ-hydroxybenzoic acid on a silver-coated filter paper by surface enhanced Raman scattering 23
16.Multiple Bragg Scattering in a Slab of Crystals 23
18.Coupled Co-Pt nanoparticles in C matrix 24
17.Structural and magnetic properties of nanogranular Co-Pt/C films 24
20.Direct measurements of magnetocaloric effect in the first-order system LaFell11.7 Si1.3 25
19.Enhancement of exchange-coupling field in FeMn pinned spin valve by surfactant Bi 25
21.Nearly constant magnetic entropy change involving two closely spaced transitions in the compound LaFe11.375 Al1.625 26
22.Photoluminescence of Tetragonal ZrO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized by Microwave lrradiation 26
23.Recent progress in terahertz science and technology 27
24.Terahertz波计算机辅助三维层析成像技术 27
25.Investigation of ultra-thin ferromagnetic films with a simple cubic lattice 28
26.Phase Diagram of Ising Nano-Particles with Cubic Structures 28
27.Magnetization of Coupled Ultrathin Ferromagnetic Films 29
28.三明治结构与同轴电缆结构磁性材料巨磁阻抗效应的理论研究 30
29.Optical encryption based on iterative fractional Fourier transform 30
31.Modeling of optical nonlinearities based on engineering the semiconductor band 31
30.Simulation study of conversion of laser energy into x rays in laser plasmas 31
32.Bi对自旋阀钉扎场的影响及机理 32
33.对激光等离子体中X射线的产生与辐射加热研究 32
34.Propagator for a Time-Dependent Damped Harmonic Oscillator with a Force Quadratic in Velocity 33
35.Study on Optimal Design Broadband and Flat-gain Multi-wavelength pumped Fiber Raman Amplifiers 33
36.Separability of Mixed States of the Quantum Network of Three Nodes 34
37.含有非谐振势系统能谱的研究 34
38.Design and performance of a THz emission and detection setup based on a semi-insulating GaAs emitter 35
39.A terahertz system using semi-large emitters:noise and performance characteristics 36
40.Sensitivity enhancement in erbium-doped fiber laser intra-cavity absorption sensor 37
41.Supersymmetry and shape invariance of the effective screened potential 37
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