Title page 1
Proceedings 2
Organization 3
Faculty 3
Contents of Articles Presented: 5
1.Current Knowledge of Calcium Metabolism and Functions.—Dr. T.M. Bray 5
2.Current Knowledge of Vitamin D Metabolism, Function and Toxicity. — Dr. S. Zlotkin Discussions 10
3.Methods for Assessing Calcium Status.—Dr. T.M. Bray 17
4.Methods For Assessing Vitamin D Deficiency and Toxicity.—Dr. S. Zlotkin 20
5.Calcium and Vitamin D Requirement of Infants and Toddlers. —Discussions Dr. G. Harvey Anderson 27
6.Congenital Vitamin D-Deficiency Rickets. —Prof. Guan Qin Run 46
7.Vitamin D-Deficiency Rickets and Hypocalcemia in the Neonate. —Prof. Feng Zekang 52
8.Calcium Intake and Status of Chinese Infants.—Prof. Yu Zhishen 59
9.Prevalence of Vitamin D-Deficiency Among Chinese Infants and Young Children.—Prof. Ho Zhi-Chien 66
10.Prevention of Vitamin D-Deficien? ets and Calcium Deficiency Among Infants.—Prof. Qin Huisheng 72
11.Vitamin D and Calcium Food Sources and The Bioavailability of Calcium in Foods.—Ms. Louise Lennard 80
12.Use of Vitamin D-fortified Cow's Milk in the Pre?tion of Rickets in Sichuan. —Prif. Zhang Mao-Yu 92
13.Use of Vitamin A and D-fortified Cow's Milk in the Prevention of Rickets in Beijing.—Prof. Li Tong Discussions 99
14.A Nutrition Education Intervention-Based on a Weaning Practices Survey in Rural Sichuan.—Dr. Georgia Guldom 107
15.Doses of Vitamin D for the Prevention o? ets in Four Regions in China.—Prof. Chen Xue-Cun 118
16.Public Heal Education Programs to Promote Adeouate Calcium and Vitamin D Status Among Infants and Children—Ms. Louise Lennard Discussions 122
Summary and Conclusions—Dis. David L. Yeung,Ho Zhi-Chien 132
Students' Posters 134
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