The development of China's iron steel industry and its demand for imported iron ore-Luo Bingsheng,Executive Vice Chairman Secretary General,China Iron Steel Association(CISA) 1
中国钢铁工业发展及对进口铁矿石的需求-中国钢铁工业协会常务副会长兼秘书长罗冰生 31
Topic to be advised-Lu Jianhua,Director of Foreign Trade Dept.,Ministry of Commerce ………………………… N.A 61
题目待定-商务部外贸司司长鲁建华……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 未递交 61
Western Australia-continued growth to satisfy demand-Gary Stokes,Deputy Director General,Western Australian Department of Industry Resources 61
西澳大利亚继续扩产以满足需求-西澳大利亚州工业和资源部副部长Gary Stokes. 77
Meeting the steelmaking raw materials challenge-Peter Toth,Marketing Director,Carbon Steel Materials,BHP Billiton 93
迎接钢铁行业原材料挑战-必和必拓公司碳钢材料部营销总监Peter Toth 101
Expand port facilities to meet the growing demand of iron ore transportation-Fu Jinxiu,Deputy Director,Transportation Section,Waterborne Transportation Dept.,Ministry of Communications…………………………N.A加快港口码头建设,保障矿石运输-交通部水运司综合 109
FMG勇往直前-FMG公司执行董事兼首席运营官Russell Scrimshaw 124
To fully realize its advantages,strengthen its international cooperation and achieve sustainable development-Wang Heng,President,Angang Group Int'l Trade Corp. 139
充分发挥自身优势,加强国际交流与合作,实现鞍钢的可持续发展-鞍钢集团国际经济贸易公司总经理王恒 143
A reliable partnerforthe Chinese steel mills-Nelson Silva,Marketing Sales Director,Ferrous Area,CVRD 146
中国钢厂可信赖的伙伴-CVRD公司负责市场和销售的董事Nelson Silva……………………………………………………未递交 161
Baosteel's procurement of iron ores and its operation of logistics-Zhang Dianbo,General Manager,No.1 Raw Materials Dept.,Purchasing Center,Baoshan Iron Steel Co.Ltd. 161
宝钢铁矿石资源采购和物流运作的实践-宝山钢铁股份有限公司采购中心原料—部总经理张典波 169
The iron ore boom:How long will it last?-Olle Ostensson,Chief,Diversification and Natural Resources Section,UNCTAD 177
铁矿石市场的繁荣:将持续多长时间?-联合国贸发组织多样化及自然资源项目负责人Olle Ostensson 186
The Iron and Steel Development Strategy Raw Material Supply Strategy of Shougang-Hu Bin,President,China Shougang Int'l Trade Engineering Corp. 195
首钢钢铁业发展战略及原料供应战略-中国首钢国际贸易工程公司总经理胡斌 211
Rio Tinto Iron Ore:Forty years of continued growth-lan Bauert,Managing Director,Sales,Marketing and NewBusiness,Rio Tinto Iron Ore 227
力拓铁矿:锐意进取的四十年-力拓铁矿负责市场销售和新业务的常务董事lan Bauert 236
Sustaining growth in global steel iron ore industry-Young-Tae Kwon,Executive Vice President,POSCO 236
保证全球钢铁和铁矿石工业的发展-浦项执行副总裁Young-Tae Kwon 244
The status quo of iron ore resources and production prospects in China-Zou Jian,Chairman,China Metallurgical Mining Association 252
中国铁矿资源现状及生产趋势-中国冶金矿山企业协会会长邹健 266
Pursuing a growth strategy-Roberto Carvalho,CCO of Samarco Mineracao SA 280
遵循增长策略-Samarco公司首席商务官Roberto Carvalho 290
Thoughts on Tangshan I S Group's strategy on iron ore resources-Chu Jiandong,Vice President,Tangshan Iron Steel Group Co.,Ltd. 301
唐钢集团铁矿资源的战略思考-唐山钢铁集团有限责任公司副总经理褚建东 304
The present state ofthe Japanese steel industry and iron ore procurement-Toshiharu Sakae,General Manager,Iron Ore Dept.1,Nippon Steel Corporation 306
日本钢铁工业现状与保障铁矿石供应-新日铁公司铁矿石—组经理Toshiharu Sakae 315
Enhance regional advantages,strengthen strategic cooperation and optimise the supply chains of raw material-Shen Wenming,Vice President,Jiangsu Shagang Group Co.,Ltd. 324
发挥区位优势,加强战略合作,优化原料供应链-江苏沙钢集团有限公司副总裁沈文明 330
China-a leader in raw materials?-Christopher Navetta,Senior Vice President-Procurement,Logistics Diversified Businesses,United States Steel Corporation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 334
打造铁矿石安全供应链,促进武钢可持续发展-武汉钢铁集团国际经济贸易总公司总经理孙文东 342
Indian iron ore-emerging scenario-concerns,potential prospects-Shri S.Batra,Chairman-cum-Managing Director,MMTC Limited 348
印度铁矿石市场发展情况—问题、潜力和前景-印度五金矿产公司总裁兼常务董事Shri S.Batra 361
Dry bulk shipping market-status outlook-SVerre Svenning,Director,Fearnley Consultants………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………N.A干散货船运市场-现状和展 374
加快发展,服务钢铁工业-中国中钢集团公司副总裁董志雄 379
Ferrexpo iron ore-Delivering on new market relationships-Simon C Wandke,Chief Marketing Officer of Ferrexpo Group 383
Ferrexpo铁矿石-全新市场关系下的供给-Ferrexpo集团首席营销官Simon C Wandke 393
Analysis on the relationship between long-term contract and spot market of imported iron ores-Zhang Ye,Vice President,China National Minerals Co.,Lid. 403
浅谈进口铁矿石期货贸易与现货贸易的辨证关系-中国矿产有限责任公司副总经理张晔 407
Global steel:An alphabetic soup-Roger Manser,Global Editor,Steel Business Briefing 410
全球钢铁工业的字母解析-SBB全球编辑Roger Manser 421
Roche Bay magnetite project-Benjamin Cox,CEO of Roche Bay plc 432
Roche Bay磁铁矿工程-Roche Bay公司首席执行官Benjamin Cox 454
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- 《东方杂志 第94册 第22卷 第四至七号 1925年2月-1925年4月》上海书店出版社编 2012
- 《东方杂志 第13册 第四年 第一至三期 1907年3月-1907年5月》上海书店出版社编 2012
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- 《东方杂志 第109册 第24卷 第二十一至二十四号 1927年11月-1927年12月》上海书店出版社编 2012
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- 《东方杂志 第127册 第28卷 第一至四号 1931年1月-1931年2月》上海书店出版社编 2012
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