大学物理学 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卢德馨编著
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:7040118467
- 页数:566 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 What is physics 1
1.2 Physical quantities 4
1.3 Appfoximation in physics 8
1.4 Vectors 10
1.5 Orthogonal coordinate systerms 14
Problems 17
References 19
Part One Mechanics 25
Chapter 2 kinematics 25
2.1 Mechanical motion and moving object 25
2.2 Translation 26
2.3 Rotation 29
2.4 Oscillation 32
2.5 Phase space 35
2.6 Galilean ttansformation 36
2.7 Coriolis accelemtion 37
Problems 40
References 41
Chapter 3 Particie Dynamics 42
3.1 The law of inertia and inertial frame of reference 42
3.2 Newton's second and third laws 43
3.3 Forces 47
3.4 Noninertial frame of reference and inertial force 50
3.5 Momentum and angular momenturm 52
3.6 Mechanical work and energy 54
Problems 58
References 59
Chapter 4 Gravitafion 60
4.1 The law of gravitation 60
4.2 Gravitational potential energy 65
4.3 Gravitational mass,redshift,and collapse 71
4.4 Kepler problem and scattering 76
4.5 Gravitational field 80
Problems 85
References 87
Chapter 5 Dynamics of Many-Particle System 88
5.1 The center of mass 88
5.2 System with variable mass 93
5.3 Collisions 94
5.4 Fluid motion 101
5.5 Symmetry and conservation laws 104
Problems 105
References 107
Chapter 6 Dynamics of a Rigid Body 108
6.1 Rotational inertia 108
6.2 The dynamics of rotation 111
6.3 Precessjon of angular momentum 114
6.4 Equilibrium of rigid bodies and stability 115
Problems 118
References 119
Chapter 7 Oscillations 120
7.1 Simple harmonic motion 120
7.2 Coupled oscillation 124
7.3 Damped oscillation 127
7.4 Nonlinear oscillation 129
7.5 Forced oscillation under friction 131
Problems 134
References 135
Chapter 8 Waves 136
8.1 Waves and their classification 136
8.2 Wave equation 137
8.3 Simple harmonic waves and their superposition 140
8.4 Interference and diffraction 147
8.5 Dispersion and wave packet 149
8.6 The Dopplere effect 151
8.7 Solitary wave 152
Problems 153
References 155
Chapter 9 Relativistic Mechan-cs 156
9.1 Galilean transformations 156
9.2 The Lorentz transformations 160
9.3 Spacetime diagram and twin paradox 165
9.4 Relativislic kinematics 168
9.5 RelatiVistic dynamics 170
Problems 176
References 178
Part Two Thermal Physics 182
Chapter 10 Temperature 182
10.1 Equilibrium state 182
lO.2 Thermal equilibrium and temperature 184
10.3 EmpiricaI temperature scales 184
10.4 The equation of stare 186
References 189
Problems 189
Chapter 11 The First Law of Thermodynamics 190
11.1 Work and internal energy 190
11.2 Heat and the first law of thermodynamics 192
ll.3 Heat capacity and specific heat 193
11.4 Free expansion and intemal energy of gas 196
11.5 Adiabatic equation 198
11.6 The Camot cycle 199
Problems 200
References 202
Chapter 12 The second Law of Thermodynamics 203
12.1 The second Iaw 203
12.2 Carnot theorem and thermodynamic scale 204
12.3 Entropy and entyopy principle 206
12.4 Thermodynamic potentials 211
12.5 Relativistic thermodynamics 215
12.6 Blackhole thermodynamics 217
Problems 218
References 220
Chapter 13 Microscopic Model of Ideal GaS 221
13.1 Ideal gas 221
13.2 Equilibritum distribution 224
13.3 Equipartition theorem 227
13.4 Effusion 228
13.5 Transport phenomena 230
Problems 236
References 237
Chapter 14 Phase Transition 238
14.1 Van der Waals equation 238
14.2 Phase and phase diagram 240
14.3 Clapeyron's equation 241
14.4 Higher order phase transition 244
14.5 Concepts in modern theory of phase transition 246
Problems 248
References 250
Part Three Electromagnetism 253
Chapter 15 EIectrostatic Field 253
15.1 Electric charge and Coulomb's law 253
15.2 Electrostatic field 257
15.3 Gauss'law 261
15.4 Electric potential 266
15.5 Electric potentia1 energy 269
Problems 274
References 275
Chapter 16 Conductor and Dielectrics 277
l6.1 Uniform conductor in an electrostatic field 277
16.2 Capacitance 279
16.3 Conductivity and Ohm's law 282
l6.4 Dielectrics 284
16.5 Electric vectors 285
Problems 289
References 290
17.1 Magnetic field 291
Chapter 17 Magnetic Field 291
17.2 Ganss'law for magnetism and Ampere'slaw 296
17.3 Magnetic force 298
17.4 The Hall effect 304
Problems 306
References 307
Chapter 18 Electromagnetic Induction 308
18.1 Faraday's law of induction 308
18.2 Motional EMF 311
18.3 Inductance 313
18.4 Relativity of E and B 318
Problems 320
References 322
Chapter 19 Magnetic Properties of Matter 323
19.1 Magnetic dipole of microscopic particles 323
19.2 Magnetic vectors 328
19.3 The magnetic propenies of macroscopiC objects 331
19.4 The magnetism of the earth 335
Problems 336
References 337
Chapter 20 Maxwell's Equations 338
20.1 Quasi-equations and monopole 338
20.2 Displacement current and induced magnetic field 34l20.3 Differential form of Maxwell's equations 345
20.4 Energy flow and field momentum density 346
ProbIems 348
References 349
21.1 Wave equations 350
Chapter 21 Electromagnetic Waves 350
21.2 Travelling waves 352
21.3 Radiation 354
21.4 Crystal djffraction 356
21.5 Standing wave alld DOS 357
Problems 358
References 359
22.1 Blackbody radiation 363
Part Four Fundamental Modern Physics 363
Chapter 22 Energy Quantization 363
22.2 The photoelectric efiect 366
22.3 The Compton Effect 369
22.4 Line spectra the energy quantization in atoms 370
Problems 374
References 375
Chapter 23 Wave Nature of Matter 376
23.1 Matter waves 376
23.2 Davisson-Germer experiment 377
23.3 Electron two-slit experiment 378
23.4 Uncertainty relation 379
Problems 382
References 382
Chapter 24 Schrodinger Equation 383
24.1 The wave function 383
24.2 Schrodinger equation 383
24.3 One dimensional potential well 386
24.4 Potential barrier 387
24.5 Simple harmonic oscillator 391
Problcms 394
References 395
Chapter 25 Atoms 396
25.1 The hydrogen atom 396
25.2 Energy level and transition 397
25.3 Probability density 400
25.4 Orbital angular momentum and spin 402
25.5 Many-electron atoms 405
25.6 Lasers 406
25.7 Xrays 408
Problems 410
References 410
Chapter 26 Molecules and Clusters 411
26.1 Atomic orbital 411
26.2 Molecular orbital 414
26.3 Ionic bonding 417
26.4 Molecule vibrtion and rotation 419
26.6 Clusters 424
Problems 425
References 426
Chapter 27 Fermi and Bose Statistics 427
27.1 Fermions and Bosons 427
27.2 Fermi-Dirac distribution 429
27.3 Bose-Einstein distribution photon gas 430
27.4 Bose-EinStein Condensation 431
27.5 Specific heat of solids 434
Problems 437
References 438
Chapter 28 Condensed Matter 439
28.1 Spatial orders in condensed matter 439
28.2 Hausdorff dimension and fractal 442
28.3 Bonds in crystals 443
28.4 Free electron model for metals 446
28.5 Energy band 447
Problems 448
References 449
Chapter 29 Nuclear Physics 451
29.1 Atomic nucleus 451
29.2 Nuclear force and nuclear models 454
29.3 Radioactive decays 457
29.4 Mossbauer effect 462
29.5 Fission and fusion 463
Problems 469
References 471
Chapter 30 Leptons and Quarks 472
30.1 Particles and their classification 472
30.2 Interactions 476
30.3 Conservation laws 479
30.4 Quarks 481
30.5 The CPT theorem 482
Problems 485
References 487
Chapter 31 Astrophysics 488
31.1 Structure and evolution of stars 488
31.2 White dwarfs 489
31.3 The neutron stars and pulsars 491
31.4 Quasar 493
31.5 Blackhole and primordial blackhole 494
Problems 497
References 498
Chapter 32 Physical Cosmology 499
32.1 Basic facts and cosmological principle 499
32.2 Basic concepts 502
32.3 Curved spacetime and metrics 505
32.4 Gravitational field equation 508
32.5 Dynamics of the standard model 511
32.6 Progress in cosmology 514
Problems 515
References 515
Appendix 519
A Commonly used Physical Constants 519
B Simple Pendulum and Jacobi's Elliptical Function 522
C Critical and Heavy Damping 524
D Fourier Series and Frequency Spcctrum 526
E Inlegral Results about Packets 529
F Planets in Solar System 532
G Gaussian Integral and Gamma Function 533
H Operator 535
I Dirac Delta Function 538
J Riemann Zeta Function 539
K Wave Functions 540
L Relativistic Transformation of Electromagnetic Field 542
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 546
Index 554
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