包装材料 双语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈景华,孙勇编
- 出 版 社:北京:印刷工业出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787800006333
- 页数:184 页
1 Plastic Materials 1
1.1 Role of Plastic in Packaging 1
1.2 Definitions and Terms 4
1.2.1 Macromolecule 5
1.2.2 Polymer 5
1.2.3 Plastic 5
1.2.4 Monomer 6
1.2.5 Constitutional Unit 6
1.2.6 Copolymer 6
1.3 Polymer Structure and Properties 7
1.3.1 Molecular Architecture 7
1.3.2 Copolymer Structure 9
1.3.3 Chain Polymerization,Addition Polymers 11
1.3.4 Molecular Configuration and Conformation 17
1.3.5 Thermal Properties 17
1.3.6 Mechanical Properties 23
1.3.7 Barrier Properties 25
1.3.8 Surfaces and Adhesion 26
1.3.9 Optical Characteristics 28
1.3.10 Electrical Properties 29
1.3.11 Plastics Identification Using IR(Infraced Radiation)Spectrophotometry 29
1.4 Major Plastics in Packaging 31
1.4.1 Branched Ployethylenes 31
1.4.2 Linear Polyethylenes 35
1.4.3 Polypropylene(PP) 39
1.4.4 Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC) 41
1.4.5 Polyvinylidene Chloride Copolymers(PVDC) 43
1.4.6 Polystyrene(PS) 44
1.4.7 Polyvinyl Alcohol(PVOH)and Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol(EVOH) 45
1.4.8 Nylon 47
1.4.9 Polyester 48
1.4.10 Polycarbonate(PC) 51
1.4.11 Thermoplastics and Thermoset Polymers 52
1.4.12 Styrene-Butadiene Copolymers 52
1.4.13 Acrylonitrile Copolymers 53
1.4.14 Liquid Crystal Polymers 54
1.4.15 Conductive Polymers 55
1.4.16 Polymer Blends 55
1.5 Plastic Manufacturing 57
1.5.1 Extrusion 57
1.5.2 Injection Molding 60
1.5.3 Extrusion Blow Molding 61
1.5.4 Injection Blow Molding 62
1.5.5 Thermoforming 63
1.5.6 Other Forming Methods 65
1.5.7 Recognizing Molding Methods 66
2 Paper and Paperboard Materials 68
2.1 Pulps and Papers 68
2.1.1 Materials 68
2.1.2 Paper Making 70
2.1.3 Main Packaging Papers 78
2.2 Paperboard 88
2.2.1 Terminology 88
2.2.2 Structure and General Properties 89
2.2.3 Physical Characteristics 90
2.2.4 Folding Boxboards 94
2.2.5 Boards for Rigid Boxes 96
2.2.6 Fiberboards for Shipping Containers 97
2.3 Corrugated Board 97
2.3.1 Properties of Corrugated Board Packaging 97
2.3.2 Packaging Board Function 98
2.3.3 Corrugated Board Constructure 99
2.3.4 Corrugated Board Flutes 100
2.3.5 Manufacture of Corrugated Board 101
2.3.6 Corrugated Materials 102
2.3.7 Corrugated Fiberboard Containers 111
3 Metal Materials 123
3.1 History 123
3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 124
3.3 Can Materials 125
3.3.1 Steel 125
3.3.2 Blackplate 128
3.3.3 Tin-Free Steel(TFS) 128
3.3.4 Recycling 128
3.3.5 Aluminium and Foil 129
3.3.6 Can Linings 131
3.4 Can Manufacturing 135
3.4.1 Three-Piece Cans 135
3.4.2 Two-Piece Cans 138
3.4.3 Easy-Open Ends 140
3.5 Types of Cans 140
3.5.1 Aerosol Cans 140
3.5.2 Friction-Plug Cans 141
3.5.3 Cans with Threaded Closures 141
3.5.4 Slipcover Cans 142
3.5.5 Contour Cans 142
3.6 Decorating 142
3.7 Aluminum Trays 143
3.8 Collapsible Tubes 143
3.9 Steel Drums and Pails 145
3.9.1 Manufacturing 146
3.9.2 Drum and Pail Inspection 147
3.9.3 Steel Pails 147
4 Glass Materials 149
4.1 History 149
4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 150
4.3 Chemistry of Glass 151
4.4 Mechanical Properties of Glass 154
4.5 Design Considerations 157
4.6 Finishes 160
4.7 Manufacturing 160
4.7.1 Coatings 161
4.7.2 Quality Control 162
4.7.3 Defects 163
4.8 Labeling 165
4.9 Decorating 165
4.10 Tubing Products 166
4.11 Plant Overview 166
4.11.1 Receiving raw materials 167
4.11.2 Charging 167
4.11.3 Melting 167
4.11.4 The furnace 168
Vocabulary 170
Resources 183
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