现状 挑战 前景 亚太地区社会工作教育研讨会论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:亚洲及太平洋地区社会工作教育协会,中国北京大学社会学系
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7301016735
- 页数:526 页
前言 亚太地区社会工作教育的又一成果 1
代序 3
缘起&傅德枬 3
社会工作不应囿于一种模式&查姆伯雷 4
社会福利社会办&崔乃夫 5
新的起步&夏自强 6
办好社会工作须多方合作&周尔鎏 7
共享社会文明的成果&雷洁琼 8
中文部分 10
第一章 中国社会工作教育的历史、现状与趋势 10
燕京大学社会服务工作三十年&雷洁琼 水世琤 10
上海社会工作教育与社会工作的回顾与展望&励天予 17
社会工作教育与中国社会主义现代化建设&袁方 21
当前中国社会工作及社会工作教育&刘伟能 29
社会工作在中国的理解&颜可亲 34
中国社会工作教育的发展&卢谋华 38
社会工作及其教育在中国的发展&黄渭梁 42
论发展中国社会工作教育&王刚义 46
中国社会工作实践对社会工作教育发展的要求&徐驰 陈社英 49
简论中国社会工作教育的特点&徐经泽 54
中国社会工作教育刍论&黄河清 57
试论中国社会工作教育发展战略&王青山 61
中国的社会保障制度&魏新武 65
第二章 理论探索 71
试论社会工作的职业化专业化&吴桢 71
社会工作教育的新思维&韩明谟 76
关于社会工作的几个理论问题&陈良瑾 81
论社会工作价值教育的问题&夏学銮 86
试析中国社会工作教育的理论基础与操作层次问题&周养才 91
第三章 课程设置 97
香港的社会工作课程及其发展方向&吴梦珍 97
社会工作教育的课程设计&麦萍施 104
社会工作课程规则:第三世界的角度&朱亮基 莫泰基 108
社会工作价值应包括的内容&陈福堃 117
有关心理卫生的健康教育应列为社会工作教育的重要内容&朱琪 120
论社会工作教育的课程设置和教材建设&韩锋 124
用小组教学法教导社会工作的价值观念&区泽光 127
电子计算机与社会工作教育&齐铱 131
chapter 4 History,Status-quo And Trend—Asian-Pacific Region 202
Social Work Education Trends in the Asian-Pacific Region&David Cox 202
Social Work Education in Australia&Elizabeth Ozanne 210
The Pattern and Trend of Social Work Education in Indonesia&Holil Soelaiman 231
Social Work Education in Malaysia&Siti Hawa Ali 233
Social Work Education in Thailand:Pattern and Trend&Yupa Wong chai 246
Social Work Education in the Philippines:Patterns and Trends&E.A.Cordero 256
Existing Pattern of Professional Social Work Education and Future Trends of Social Work Curriculum in India&N.A.Gokarn 265
Social Work Curriculum in Bangladesh:Trends and Problems&Abdul Halim 275
Recent Development of Social Work Education in Japan&Yoko Kojima 280
Development of Social Work Education in Korea&Nam,Sae-Jin 288
Chapter 5:Theoretical Studies 296
Projections on the Need for Social Work Education in the Rapidly Developing Economy of the PRC&C.Chan Lai-wan 296
Social Work Education and Open Policy in China&Eva B.C.Liko 310
Mediation in Social Work Education in Australia:Learning from the Chinese Experience&Sandra Regan 319
Puzzles and Problems:lssues Related to the Location,Method of Teaching,Discipline Base and Scope of Social Welfare as a Subject in the Social Work Curriculum&Rosemary Berreen 325
Confronting an Aging Population Challenge to Social Work Education&Elizabeth Ozanne 333
The Theory—Practice Debate in Social Work:A Critical Reappraisal&Bob Pease 341
chapter 6:Curriculum Design 352
Integration of the Socio—Economic Thruses in Development Planning:Its Implications to the Social Work Curriculum&Romeo C.Quieta 352
Theoretical Base in Social Work Practice—Problem of Curriculum Design in Social Work&Siddigui,Husain 359
The Relevance of Task Analysis for Curriculum Design of China's Programs in Professional Social Work Education&Allan Borowski 367
Developing on Undergraduate Gerontology Curriculum:Issues and Concerns&Chan,H.Carrie 371
International Partnership in Curriculum Development:A Social Development Example&Caryl Abraham 380
chapter 7:Social Work Education And Training 382
Indigenization of Social Work Education in Korea:Teaching Methods and Teaching Materials&Chang In Hyub 382
Teaching Research to Social Work Students—a Model&Ranjit Kumar 390
Policy for Practice&Janet George,Michael Horsburgh 393
Adapting an Established Practice Model to New Settings&Claire Bundey 400
The Place of Field Education in Australian Social Work Programmes&Wendy Weeks 411
Training Bare Foot Social Workers in India&R.K.Nayak 418
The PCU Peer Center—A Laboratory for Field Instruction in a College Setting&Molina,Betty 427
Social Work Education for Cultural Versatility&Barbara Ferguson 434
Peer Group Supervision in Social Work Education&Oka,ToMoFumi 445
Integration of Learning Theories in Field Instruction&Joyce Ma lai Chong,Petula Ho sik ying,Yun Yin Hing 451
Supervision in Social Work Education:in the Case of Social Development and Administration&Ismail Baba 460
Teaching Overseas Students in Great Britain&Elizabeth M.R.Clarkson 467
A"Model"for Field Instruction:The PSSW Experience&E.A.Cordero 473
Social Work Personnel Preparation for the Needs of the Handicapped in China&Yunying Chen 481
Voluntary Social Work—A New Venture in Present China&Social Welfare Research Group 484
英文论文的中文摘要 489
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