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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:林明理著;吴钧译
  • 出 版 社:文史哲出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9789863142522
  • 页数:374 页

1.给司马库斯 22

1.To Smangus 23

2.寂静荫绿的雪道中 26

2. On the Lonely Shaded Snowy Road 27

3.森林之歌 28

3. Song of the Forests 29

4.风滚草 30

4. Tumbleweed 31

5.冬日 32

5. Winter Days 33

6.思念的雨后 34

6. Missing After the Rain 35

7.惦念 38

7. Worries 39

8.夜宿南湾 40

8. Night at South Bay 41

9.无言的赞美 42

9. Silent Praise 43

10.啊,卡地布 44

10. Oh, Katipul 45

11.又是雨幕的清晨 46

11.Again, a Drenching Rain in the Morning 47

12.问爱 50

12. Question of Love 51

13.歌飞霍山茶乡 52

13. Songs Flying in Tea Country of Huo Mountain 53

14.吉贝耍·孝海祭 64

14. Kapasau…Mourning Marine Sacrifice 65

15.夏之吟 68

15. Summer Songs 69

16.海颂 70

16. Ode of the Sea 71

17.夕阳,蓦地沉落了 72

17The setting sun, suddenly sank down 73

18.鲁花树 74

18. Scolopia Tree 75

19.在浅溪边的茵绿角落里 76

19. In the Gloomy Corner by the Brook 77

20.夜宿南湾 78

20. Night at Southern Bay 79

21.秋之枫 80

21.Maples of Autumn 81

22.玉山,我的母亲 82

22. Yushan Mountain, My Mother 83

23.忆梦 84

23. Recalling of the Dream 85

24.森林深处 86

24. Deep in the Forest 87

25.追悼—陈千武前辈 90

25. Mourn for Grand Old Man, Chen Qianwu 91

26.山居岁月 92

26. Days in the Mountains 93

27.永怀钟鼎文老师 94

27. Mourn for Mr… Zhong Dingwen 95

28.夏风吹起的夜晚 96

28. Night with Summer Wind 97

29.默念 98

29. Silent Thought 99

30.拂晓时刻 100

30. At Daybreak 101

31.秋林 102

31.Forest in Autumn 103

32.雨,落在爱河的冬夜 106

32. Rain Falls in Aihe River at Winter Night 107

33.没有第二个拾荒乞讨妇 110

33. There is not a Second Beggar like Her 111

34.当时间与地点都变了 114

34. When Time and Place Changed 115

35.一如白桦树 116

35. Just Like the Birch 117

36.悼 118

36. Mourning 119

37.芦花飞白的时候 122

37. When Flowers of Reeds Flying White 123

38.挺进吧,海上的男儿 124

38. Push Forward, Men on the Sea 125

39.渔唱 126

39. Fishing Song 127

40.停云 128

40. Halting Clouds 129

41.马樱丹 130

41.Lantana 131

42.月橘 132

42. Jasmine Orange 133

43.夜里听到礁脉 134

43. Perceiveing the Pulse of the Reef at Night 135

44.三月的微风 136

44. Breeze in March 137

45.秋城夜雨—悼商禽 138

45. Raining Autumn Night in the Town 139

46.昨夜下了一场雨 140

46. Last Night It Rained 141

47.回到过去 142

47. Go Back to the Past 143

48.水镜 144

48. Water Mirror 145

49.夏至清晨 146

49. Summer in the Morning 147

50.雨中的绿意 148

50. The Green in the Rain 149

51.穿越 152

51.Passing Through 153

52.冬的洗礼 154

52. Baptism of Winter 155

53.在静谧花香的路上 156

53. On the Quiet and Fragrant Road 157

54.咏车城 158

54. Song for Chechnya 159

55.山韵 160

55. Charm of the Mountain 161

56.寄垦丁 162

56. For the Pioneers of Reclamation 163

57.歌飞阿里山森林 164

57. Songs Flying Through Forest of Ali Mountain 165

58.旗山老街的黄昏 168

58. Dusk at Old Street of Qishan Mountain 169

59.老街吟 172

59. Song of the Old Lane 173

60.咏菊之乡—开封 174

60.Kaifeng---Hometown of Chrysanthemums 175

61.冬忆—泰雅族祖灵祭 178

61.Winter Memory-Atayal Talatuas 179

62.冬之雪 182

62. Winter Snow 183

63.我曾在渔人码头中竞逐 184

63.I Once Competed in the Fisherman’s Wharf 185

64.野地 186

64. Wasteland 187

65.白河:莲乡之歌 190

65. White River: Song of Hometown of Lotus 191

66.祖灵祭 194

66. Talatuas 195

67.墨菊 198

67. Black Chrysanthemum 199

68.春芽 200

68. Spring Buds 201

69.一个雨幕的清晨 202

69. An Early Morning in Rain 203

70.夏日长风 206

70. Sweeping Wind in Summer 207

71.江岸暮色 208

71.Dusk by the River Bank 209

72.老街 210

72. Old Street 211

73.梦土的小溪 212

73. Brook in the Dreamland 213

74.一方小草 214

74. Grass in one Corner 215

75.雾里的沙洲 216

75. The Alluvion in the Fog 217

76.春天 218

76. Spring 219

77.黄昏雨 220

77. Rain at Dusk 221

78.大贝湖畔 222

78. Bank of the Dabei Lake 223

79.木棉花道 224

79. Path of Kapok Flowers 225

80.走在弯曲的小径 226

80. Walking on the Winding Path 227

81.蓦然回首 228

81.Suddenly I Turn Around 229

82.岩川之夜 230

82. Night by the Rocky River 231

83.河阶的雾晨 232

83. Misty Morning by the 233

River Terrace 233

84.一滴寒星 234

84. A Drop of Cold Star 235

85.梦里的山谷 238

85. Valley in the Dream 239

86.野渡 242

86. Wild Ferry 243

87.春深 244

87. Deep Spring 245

88.在积雪最深的时候 248

88. When the Snow is Deepest 249

89.米仔麸 250

89. Rice Bran 251

90.鲁凯族「黑米祭」 252

90. Rukai Tribe’s “Black Rice Fete” 253

91.母亲(一) 256

91.Mother 1 257

92.母亲(二) 258

92. Mother 2 259

93.山寺前一隅 262

93. One Coign in Front of Mountain Temple 263

94.回乡(一) 266

94. Back Home 1 267

95.回乡(二) 268

96.重生的喜悦 272

96. The Joyance of Rebirth 273

97.我原乡的榄仁树 274

97. Tropical Almond Tree in My Hometown 275

98.致双溪 276

98. To theDouble Brook 277

99.坐在秋阳下 278

99. Sitting Under the Autumn Sun 279

100.海影 280

100. Shadow of the Sea 281

101.东隆宫街景 282

101.Street View of Donglong Palace 283

102.北风散步的小径上 284

102. The Lane on Which North Wind Walks 285

103.葛根塔拉草原之恋 286

103. Song of Gegen Tara Prairie 287

104.无论是过去或现在 290

104. No Matter in the Past or at the Present 291

105.忆友—Ernesto Kahan 292

105. Recall My friend-Ernesto Kahan 293

106.四草湖中 294

106. In the Sicao Lake 295

107.那年冬夜 296

107. The Winter Night that Year 297

108.知本之夜 298

108. Night of Zhiben 299

109.月桃记忆 300

109. Memory of Moon Peach Blossoms 301

110.想你,在垦丁 304

110. I Miss You, at Kending 305

111.冬日神山部落 306

111.Winter Days in Koyama Tribe 307

112.恬静 308

112. Serenity 309

附录一:1985年诺贝尔和平奖得主prof. Ernesto Kahan翻译作者一诗〈如果你立在冬雪里〉 311

附录二:富冈海堤小吟 317

附录三:伤悼—前镇气爆受难者 319

附录四:勇者的画像—致绿蒂 320

附录五:萝卜糕 322

附录六:流浪汉 324

附录七:竹子湖之恋 326

附录八:北国的白桦—致北京大学谢冕教授 327

附录九:写给相湖的歌 328

附录十:致出版家彭正雄先生 330

Professor WU Jun 331

诗人作家林明理博士作品目录记录(2007-2015.03) 336

后记 374
