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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘华东,李东亮主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787561139455
  • 页数:249 页
上一篇:古文观止 下下一篇:典故

Unit One Introduction绪论 1

Unit Two Establishment of Business Relations商业关系的建立 11

Unit Three Price价格 26

Unit Four Insurance保险 40

Unit Five Payment支付 54

Unit Six Shipment运输 77

Unit Seven Agency代理 93

Unit Eight Arbitration and Claim仲裁与索赔 105

Unit Nine Assembling and Processing装配与加工 122

Unit Ten Other Correspondences其他信函 151

Key to Exercises练习题答案 193

Appendix 1 Samples of Certificates单证样本 224

Appendix 2 The Common Words of the Customs报关常用英语 233

Appendix 3 Conceptions of Common Documents常用票据概念 235

Appendix 4 Terms Used in Making Complaints索赔用语 237

Appendix 5 Abbreviations in International Trade外贸常见缩略词 239

Appendix 6 Graph of commodities Degree货物等级表 241

Appendix 7 The Complete Glossary of Insurance Coverage Explanations保险术语大全 245
