VOA美声美味听英语 第二季 2PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孟彦莉主编;张镌,李静副主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787561139226
- 页数:278 页
第一辑 美国文化与教育 American Culture and Education 1
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Sesame Street Anniversary 2
2 Siemens Westinghouse Competition 4
3 Blind Students 6
4 US Universities Expand Overseas 8
5 World War Two Memorial 11
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionDoes Anybody Else Look Like Me? 14
答案解析 Keys and Guides 16
原文重现 Tapescript 19
原文译文 Tranlation 25
第二辑 风土人情与节日 Custom and Festival 29
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Trading Spaces 30
2 Boomerang Kids 32
3 St.Patrick's Day 35
4 Strawberry Music Festival 37
5 Tortillas 40
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionAmerica's Blacks Today 44
答案解析 Keys and Guides 46
原文重现 Tapescript 50
原文译文 Translation 56
第三辑 社会百态 Different Comers of Society 62
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Princess Diana Memorial 63
2 Mail Order Brides 65
3 Rfugee's Welfare 67
4 Defend Marriage 69
5 Islamic Art Exhibition 72
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionCell Phone Safety 75
答案解析 Keys and Guides 76
原文重现 Tapescript 79
原文译文 Translation 87
第四辑 经济与贸易 Economy and Trade 93
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 EU:Golden Shares 94
2 Asia Business Briefs 96
3 Energy Investment 98
4 Economic Development in New EU Members 101
5 India's Mobile Phones Drive 103
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionCounterfeiting 105
答案解析 Keys and Guides 107
原文重现 Tapescript 110
原文译文 Translation 116
第五辑 自然探索 Discovery 120
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Famous Bird 121
2 Mars Day 122
3 Galaxy Clusters Collide 124
4 Sedna 127
5 Spring Lambing 130
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionWater on Moon 132
答案解析 Keys and Guides 133
原文重现 Tapescript 137
原文译文 Translation 144
第六辑 电影 Movie 150
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Oscars 151
2 Freaky Friday 153
3 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 156
4 Maria Full of Grace 158
5 The Matrix:Reloaded 161
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionThe Day After Tomorrow 164
答案解析 Keys and Guides 166
原文重现 Tapescript 169
原文译文 Translation 179
第七辑 美国政治 American Politics 187
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Save Military Bases 188
2 Powell in Egypt 190
3 Powell in Middle East 193
4 US Supreme Court 195
5 Kerry and Edwards to Campaign Together 197
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionBush-Iraq 200
答案解析 Keys and Guides 202
原文重现 Tapescript 206
原文译文 Translation 211
第八辑 恐怖主义 Terrorism 215
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Law Rights of Enemy Combatants 216
2 Controversial Anti-Terrorism Law 217
3 Purported Threat toward Japan 219
4 Shootings 221
5 New Security Measures for U.S.Ports 223
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionStreet Talk on Terrorism Attack 226
答案解析 Keys and Guides 228
原文重现 Tapescript 231
原文译文 Translation 237
第九辑 美国经济 American Economy 242
声味集训 Study of the Collection1 Outsourcing 243
2 Lottery 246
3 Summit of the Americas 249
4 Silicon Valley Today 252
5 Free Trade Backlash 255
一辑一测 Test of the CollectionBush's Tax Cut 259
答案解析 Keys and Guides 261
原文重现 Tapescript 264
原文译文 Translation 273
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