- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许承军主编
- 出 版 社:长春市:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:1994
- ISBN:7560116191
- 页数:258 页
【1】able and capable 1
【2】accept and admit 3
【3】accuse and charge 4
【4】acquire,gain and obtain 7
【5】affect and effect 9
【6】alike and similar 11
【7】alive and live 13
【8】alone,lonely and lonesome 15
【9】anxious and eager 18
【10】appearance and look 20
【11】around and round 22
【12】assume and presume 24
【13】assure,ensure and insure 26
【14】attempt and try 28
【15】audience and spectators 30
【16】award and reward 31
【17】aware and conscious 33
【18】bank,beach and shore 36
【19】base and basis 38
【20】beautiful,handsome,good-looking and pretty 40
【21】believe and convince 42
【22】bloom and blossom 44
【23】blush and flush 45
【24】border and boundary 47
【25】break and crack 49
【26】broad and wide 50
【27】center and middle 53
【28】cheat and deceive 55
【29】classic and classical 57
【30】clean and cleanly 59
【31】clench and clinch 60
【32】climate and weather 62
【33】comfort and relief 64
【34】compare and contrast 66
【35】complete and finish 68
【36】compose and consist 69
【37】comprise and include 71
【38】consecutive and successive 73
【39】contain and include 75
【40】content and contented 77
【41】content and contents 79
【42】continual(y)and continuous(ly) 80
【43】cost and spend 82
【44】crawl and creep 84
【45】crush and smash 85
【46】custom and habit 87
【47】decline and descend 89
【48】defend and protect 90
【49】dissatisfied and unsatisfied 92
【50】divide and separate 94
【51】dominant and prevailing 96
【52】effective and efficient 98
【53】elder(eldest)and older(oldest) 99
【54】eliminate and expel 101
【55】emigrate and immigrate 103
【56】empty and vacant 105
【57】enviable and envious 107
【58】equal and same 108
【59】erupt and explode 111
【60】escape and evade 112
【61】estimate and estimation 114
【62】evidence,proof and testimony 116
【63】famous and notorious 118
【64】farther and further 119
【65】fashion and manner 122
【66】fault and mistake 124
【67】forbid,inhibit and prohibit 125
【68】gentle and mild 128
【69】glance and glimpse 129
【70】glitter and flash 131
【71】graceful and gracious 133
【72】guide and conduct 134
【73】happen and occur 137
【74】high and highly 139
【75】high and tall 141
【76】historic and historical 143
【77】hopeless and desperate 144
【78】huge and massive 146
【79】identical and equivalent 148
【80】ill and sick 149
【81】imaginary and imaginative 151
【82】impel and induce 153
【83】imply and infer 155
【84】incredible and incredulous 156
【85】inquisitive and curious 158
【86】intact and complete 160
【87】interfere and interrupt 161
【88】interval and gap 163
【89】intrude and invade 165
【90】juvenile and childish 167
【91】kill and murder 169
【92】latest past,and final 171
【93】light and kindle 172
【94】limit and limitation 174
【95】load and burden 175
【96】loom and emerge 177
【97】margin and edge 179
【98】mature and ripe 180
【99】minimize and diminish 182
【100】misuse and abuse 184
【101】model and example 186
【102】motive and inducement 187
【103】mutual and joint 189
【104】negligent and negligible 192
【105】obstruct and hinder 194
【106】origin and root 195
【107】passed and past 198
【108】patience and endurance 200
【109】perpetual,permanent and durable 201
【110】persist and persevere 203
【111】perspective and prospect 205
【112】population and populace 206
【113】practicable and practical 208
【114】process and procedure 210
【115】produce and product 212
【116】prosper and flourish 213
【117】prusue and chase 215
【118】quantity and number 217
【119】quarrel and controversy 218
【120】quaver and quiver 220
【121】quell and extinguish 222
【122】quiet and calm 223
【123】rare and scarce 225
【124】rate and proportion 226
【125】recede and retreat 228
【126】recollect and remember 229
【127】recover and restore 231
【128】refrain and restrain 233
【129】reserve and preserve 234
【130】resist and withstand 236
【131】resolve and resolution 238
【132】resource and source 239
【133】reverse and overturn 241
【134】sample and specimen 243
【135】scrape and scratch 245
【136】subject and title 247
【137】sway and swing 248
【138】venture and adventure 251
【139】wet,damp and moist 254
【140】worth and worthy 256
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