- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:北京串列加速器核物理国家实验室编
- 出 版 社:北京:原子能出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787502238759
- 页数:136 页
Theoretical Nuclear Physics 3
1 Misleading Chiral Bands in 134Pr&Chen Yongshou,et al 3
2 Signature Inversion as a Probe for Triaxial Rotation&Chen Yongshou,et al 5
3 Theoretical Study on the 2H(d,γ)4He Reaction Below Ec.m.<3 MeV&Ma Yinqun,et al 8
4 Nucleon Effective Mass in Dirac Brueckner-Hartree-Fock Approach&Ma Zhongyu,et al 10
5 Pigmy Dipole Mode in 26,28Ne in the Quasiparticle Relativistic Random Phase Approximation&Cao Ligang,et al 15
6 Isospin-Dependent Optical Potentials in Dirac Brueckner Hartree-Fock Approach&Rong Jian,et al 19
7 Applications of Skyrme Energy-Density Functional to Fusion Reactions for Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei&Wang Ning,et al 22
8 Applications of Skyrme Energy-Density Functional to Fusion Reactions Spanning the Fusion Barriers&Liu Min,et al 24
9 Investigation in Possibility of Producing Superheavy Fragments Through Massive Nuclear Reactions at Low Energies&Wu Xizhen,et al 25
10 Effects of Isospin Equilibrium on Cold Fusion of Superheavy Nuclei&Liu Zuhua 26
11 Application of the Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method to Multi-O(4)Model&Gu Jianzhong 29
Experimental Nuclear Physics 33
1 The Astrophysical 8Li(n,γ)9Li Reaction Rate&Li Zhihong,et al 33
2 ASetup for Resonant Scattering Reactions With Thick Target&Wang Youbao,et al 35
3 Measurement of 17F(d,n)18Ne reaction&Yan Shengquan,et al 37
4 Determination of Astrophysical Reaction Rate of 8Li(d,p)9Li&Guo Bing,et al 39
5 Astrophysical S-Factor for 8B(p,γ)9C via a Study of the 8Li(d,p)9Li Reaction&Guo Bing,et al 41
6 Production of 10C Secondary Beam&Su Jun,et al 43
7 Study of Neutron Emission Reactions of 6,7Li Induced by Fast Neutrons&Ruan Xichao,et al 45
8 Double-Differential Neutron Emission Cross Sections Measurements and Theoretical Analysis of 6,7Li at Incident Neutron Energies of 8.17 and 10.27 MeV&Chen Guochang,et al 48
9 The Methodology Study for Neutron Resonance Parameter Measurement Within 0.1-1.0 MeV by Using HI-13 Tandem Accelerator Facility&Li Xia,et al 55
10 Partial Fusion Induced by Weakly Bound Projectiles&Liu Zuhua,et al 58
11 Study of Barrier Distributions for 32S+90,96Zr&Yang Feng,et al 60
12 An Experimental Study on Long-Range Angular Correlation in Excitation Functions for the Reaction System of 19F+27Al&Wang Qi,et al 61
13 Identification of Band Structures in 137La&Zhu Shengjiang,et al 62
14 High Spin States in 136Ce&Zhu Shengjiang,et al 65
15 The High Spin Structures of the Odd-Odd Nucleus 1066Ag&He Chuangye,et al 68
16 Structure of High Spin States in 52Mn&Wu Xiaoguang,et al 70
17 Lifetime Measurement of the High Spin States in 178Os&Wu Xiaoguang,et al 71
18 Signature Inversion in Doubly-Odd Nucleus 158Tm&Ma Yingjun,et al 73
19 High-Spin States in 152Gd&Hua Hui,et al 76
20 Measurement of g-Factors for Magnetic Rotational Band in 85Zr&Yuan Daqing,et al 77
21 Precise Measurement of 7Be Decay Rate in Au&Li Chengbo,et al 78
22 Research on EUV Spectra of Highly Ionized Titanium&Yang Zhihu,et al 80
23 Study of the Lifetime of Highly Ionized Atoms&Du Shubin,et al 83
Applications of Nuclear Physics 87
1 99Tc Measurement With Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at China Institute of Atomic Energy&He Ming,et al 87
2 Study on 41CaF2 AMS Analytical Method and Skeletal Calcium Metabolism by 41Ca Tracing&Li Shihong,et al 92
3 Measurement of Trace 129I Concentrations in Neutrino Detector Material With Accelerator Mass Spectrometry&Dong Kejun,et al 94
4 Measurement Method of 151Sm and 79Se With AMS&Yin Xinyi,et al 96
5 The Primary Study of Radiation Effect of Biology Induced by Protons&Yue Maoxing,et al 98
6 Investigation of DNA Damage Induced by Direct and Indirect Effects of 7Li Ions Radiation&Sui Li,et al 100
7 DNA End-Joining Catalyzed by Cell-Free Extracts After Heavy Ions Irradiation&Kong Fuquan,et al 102
8 Bio-effects of 7Li Ion Beams Irradiation on Wheat&Liu Luxiang,et al 104
9 DC/DC High Energy Proton Radiation Test&Yu Qingkui,et al 105
10 The Accelerator Calibration of Single-Event Detector of FY-3&Wang Shijing,et al 106
11 The Accelerator Calibration of High-Energy Proton Detector and Heavy-Ion Detector of the Double-Star Project&Wang Shijing,et al 107
12 Identification of SEU Sensitive Region of CMOS SRAM Using Heavy Ion Microbeam&Guo Gang,et al 108
13 Study on Properties of Solid Material Surface Modified by Nuclear Tracks&Liu Cunxiong,et al 110
14 Nuclear Recoiled Quenching Factor Measurement for a HPGe Detector Using a Monoenergetic Neutron Beam&Ruan Xichao,et al 111
Accelerator and Detector 117
1 Preparative Technologies for Three-Layer-Sandwich Targets Used by Measuring g-Factor of Rotational Levels&Fan Qiwen,et al 117
2 Preparation of Self-Supporting Targets With Thickness of Less Than 100 μg/cm2 by Focused Heavy-Ion Beam Sputtering&Fan Qiwen,et al 119
3 HI-13 Tandem Accelerator in 2005&Kan Chaoxin,et al 121
Appendix 125
1 List of Scientific Publications Issued in 2005 125
2 International Scientific Technology Exchanges 130
3 The Statistics of Tandem Accelerator Beam Time in the Past Years&Hu Yueming 136
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