- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭兆康主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7313031114
- 页数:306 页
Unit 1 1
An Overview of Hotel Management 1
Text: Hotel Management Defined 1
Dialog: Types of Hotels 5
Case study: Yield Management 6
Exercises 12
Unit 2 20
The Philosophy of Hotel Management 20
Text: The Essence of Hotel Management Philosophy 20
Dialog: Different Philosophies 23
Case study: The Savoy Group 25
Exercises 28
Unit 3 38
Basic Functions of Hotel Management (I) 38
Text: Managers as Planners and Organizers 38
Dialog: The Sales Department 42
Case study: The City Grill 43
Exercises 48
Unit 4 58
Basic Functions of Hotel Management (II) 58
Text: Managers as Leaders and Controllers 58
Dialog: An Interview about Leadership 61
Case study: Group Control 63
Exercises 67
Unit 5 76
Communication 76
Text: What Is Communication 76
Dialog: On Managerial Functions of Communication 79
Case study: Analyzing the Lines of Communication 81
Exercises 84
Unit 6 94
Team Work & Team Building 94
Text: How to Build a team 94
Dialog: Outside Caterers'Management Meeting 97
Case study: Developing a Management Team in a Large Hotel 98
Exercises 103
Unit 7 112
Motivation & Hotel Management 112
Text: Creating a Positive Motivational Environment 112
Dialog: A Job Interview 115
Case study: Needs Recognition 117
Exercises 120
Unit 8 127
Total Quality Management 127
Text: The Principles of Total Quality Management 127
Dialog: The Steak Is Not Fresh 131
Case study: Dealing With Guests'Complaints 132
Exercises 136
Unit 9 145
Sales & Marketing 145
Text: Marketing Cycle 145
Dialog: The Sales Department 148
Case study: The Corporate Market 149
Exercises 154
Unit 10 166
Front Office Management 166
Text: All for the Increase of Occupancy Rate 166
Dialog: Dealing with a Reservation Mix-up 169
Case study: Achieving Customer Satisfaction 170
Exercises 174
Unit 11 184
Housekeeping Management 184
Text: Your Last Look and the Guests'First Look 184
Dialog: Claiming for Damage and Loss 187
Case study: Job List Analysis 188
Exercises 193
Unit 12 202
Food & Beverage Management 202
Text: Tastes Differ Where Management Ends 202
Dialog: Collecting Job Analysis Information 205
Case study: 100 Yen Sushi House 207
Exercises 210
Unit 13 218
Cost Control Management 218
Text: Managerial Accounting 218
Dialog: Daily Income Audit 221
Case study: Daily Report Analysis 222
Exercises 226
Unit 14 236
Human Resources Management 236
Text: Making the Best Choice 236
Dialog: Telephone Conversation 239
Case study: Staff Handbook 240
Exercises 244
Unit 15 254
Management & Safety-security 254
Text: Securitization of the Hotel 254
Dialog: Security Is Your Business 257
Case study: Responding to a Crisis 258
Exercises 263
Unit 16 272
Engineering Management 272
Text: Maintenance Retains the Fame 272
Dialog: Water for Hotels 275
Case study: Lift Emergency 276
Exercises 281
Unit 17 289
Green Hotel 289
Text: Hotel Environmental Management System 289
Dialog: Environmental Protection Program 292
Case study: Protection Leads to Profitability 294
Exercises 298
主要参考书目 306
- 《管理信息系统习题集》郭晓军 2016
- 《MBA大师.2020年MBAMPAMPAcc管理类联考专用辅导教材 数学考点精讲》(中国)董璞 2019
- 《信息系统安全技术管理策略 信息安全经济学视角》赵柳榕著 2020
- 《卓有成效的管理者 中英文双语版》(美)彼得·德鲁克许是祥译;那国毅审校 2019
- 《危险化学品经营单位主要负责人和安全生产管理人员安全培训教材》李隆庭,徐一星主编 2012
- 《管理运筹学》韩伯棠主编 2019
- 《ESG指标管理与信息披露指南》管竹笋,林波,代奕波主编 2019
- 《战略情报 情报人员、管理者和用户手册》(澳)唐·麦克道尔(Don McDowell)著 2019
- 《穿越数据的迷宫 数据管理执行指南》Laura Sebastian-Coleman 2020
- 《风险管理与保险》(中国)粟芳 2019