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中国科学院真空物理开放研究实验室科研活动与报告  1987.1-1988.12
中国科学院真空物理开放研究实验室科研活动与报告  1987.1-1988.12

中国科学院真空物理开放研究实验室科研活动与报告 1987.1-1988.12PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:北京2724信箱,真空物理实验室编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:宇航出版社
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:7800342255
  • 页数:193 页
《中国科学院真空物理开放研究实验室科研活动与报告 1987.1-1988.12》目录

一、实验室简介和研究基金申请须知 1

(A brief introduction of the laboratory and information of application for scientific funds) 1

二、1987~1988年实验室研究和学术动态 6

(Activities in BLVP during1987~1988 period) 6

三、课题介绍 16

1.用STM研究无序材料的表面有序化 16

(A STM study on the surface crystallization of metallic glasses) 16

2.单晶Al2O3表面H及OH结合态研究 17

(Use of RDTDS for study of Al2O3(0001)surface) 17

3.用LEED和AES研究H2O、CO气体在铜、镍单晶表面上的吸附、共吸附机理 18

(The study of adsorption,co-adsorption mechanisms of H2O,CO on single-crystal Cu(110),Ni(100)surfaces by means of LEED and AES) 18

4.直接确定表面分子的能键结构 20

(Direct determination of molecular bonding at surfaces) 20

5.H2,CO,H2+CO在Fe或FeNi合金上的吸附与表面反应 22

(Adsorption and reaction of H2,CO on Fe and FeNi alloy surfaces) 22

6.分数维与相关吸附理论及其在催化科学中的应用 23

(Study of fractal and related theory and its application in science of catalysis) 23

7.非均匀表面单分子层吸附的理论研究 24

(Theoretical study of monolayer adsorption on heterogeneous surfaces) 24

8.动态气体脱附 26

(Dynamic gas desorption) 26

9.电子诱导脱附 27

(Electron stimulated desorption) 27

10.亚阈值光电发射 28

(Photoelectron emission of subthreshold) 28

11.X光电子能谱综合分析系统 29

(XPS analysis system)B.真空材料与薄膜的研究 34

(The research of vacuum materials and thin films) 34

12.离子注入多晶CuInSe2薄膜的研究 34

(Grain growth of CuInSe2 polycrystalline thin films by ion implantation) 34

13.在离子注入条件下对银和合金薄膜的收性研究 35

(Improving properties of ion implanting into the silver and alloy thin films) 35

14.氧原子和氢原子与固体表面的相互作用 36

(Interaction of atomic hydrogen and atomic oxygen with solid surface) 36

15.可调式对向磁控溅射的研究 37

(Study on variable composition opposed targets magnetron sputtering) 37

16.Cu-Cr,Cu-Ti薄膜离子束混合的研究 38

(The studies of ion beam mixing in Cu-Cr and Cu-Ti thin films) 38

17.轴承钢真空摩擦改性研究 39

(The studies of vacuum friction and modification of bearing metal surface) 39

C.有关真空技术的各种新原理和新方法的研究和应用 40

(Research and application of new principles and methods of the vacuum technology) 40

18.拖动状态下稀薄气体分子动力学研究 40

(Study of the rarefied gas dynamics of the drag-condition) 40

19.涡轮分子泵叶轮抽气性能的研究 44

(An exploration of pumping performance of multi-stage blades in turbomolecular pumps) 44

20.过渡流条件下涡轮分子泵叶片抽气机理的研究 45

(Pumping capabilities researching of turbomolecular pump working in the range of near-free molecular flow) 45

21.锆铝吸气剂吸氢机理研究 46

(The study of mechanism of hydrogen abso rption on Zr/Al getter alloy) 46

22.真空管道出口和入口分子束流的研究 48

(Investigation on gas flow patterns at the entrance and exit of vacuum channels) 48

23.旋转密封的稀薄气体动力学研究 49

( Investigation on rarefied-gas dynamics of a spiral groove seal)四、论文(Papers) 50
