- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:MultiCharts中国技术顾问团队著
- 出 版 社:北京:东方出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787506066426
- 页数:228 页
第1章 Accounts and Position账户与部位 1
GetAccount 1
GetAccountID 1
GetNumAccounts 1
GetNumPositions 2
GetPositionAveragePrice 2
GetPositionOpenPL 2
GetPositionQuantity 3
GetPositionSymbol 3
GetPositionTotalCost 3
GetRTAccountEquity 3
GetRTUnrealizedPL 4
第2章 Alert警报 5
Alert 6
AlertEnabled 7
Cancel Alert 7
CheckAlert 8
第3章 Arrow Drawing画箭头 9
Arw_Delete 9
Arw_GetActive 9
Arw_GetColor 9
Arw_GetDate 10
Arw_GetDirection 10
Arw_GetFirst 10
Arw_GetNext 11
Arw_GetSize 11
Arw_GetStyle 12
Arw_GetText 12
Arw_GetTextAttribute 12
Arw_GetTextBGColor 13
Arw_GetTextColor 13
Arw_GetTextFontName 13
Arw_GetTextSize 14
Arw_GetTime 14
Arw_GetTime_s 14
Arw_GetVal 15
Arw_New 15
Arw_New_s 15
Arw_New_self 16
Arw_New_self_s 16
Arw_SetColor 16
Arw_SetLocation 17
Arw_SetLocation_s 17
Arw_SetSize 18
Arw_SetStyle 18
Arw_SetText 18
Arw_SetTextAttribute 19
Arw_SetTextBGColor 19
Arw_SetTextColor 20
Arw_SetTextFontName 20
Arw_SetTextSize 20
MC_Arw_GetActive 21
第4章 Attributes属性设定 22
IntraBarOrderGeneration 22
LegacyColorValue 23
第5章 Colors色彩 24
Black 24
GetBValue 25
GetGValue 25
GetRValue 25
GradientColor 25
LegacyColorToRGB 26
RGB 26
RGBToLegacyColor 26
第6章 Comparison and Loops比较和循环 28
Switch&case 28
Once 29
Above/Over 29
And 30
Begin 30
Below/Under 30
Break 31
Cross/Crosses 31
DownTo 32
Else 32
End 33
False 33
For 33
If 34
Not 35
Or 35
Then 36
To 36
True 36
While 37
第7章 Data Information/General数据信息/常规 38
Ago 38
Bar/Bars 38
BarInterval 39
BarStatus 39
BarType/DataCompression 39
BarType_ex 39
BigPointValue 40
BoxSize 40
Close/C 41
Category 41
CurrentBar 42
Date/D 42
DailyLimit 42
Data 42
Day/Days 42
DownTicks 43
ExpirationDate 43
GetExchangeName 43
GetSymbolName 44
High/H 44
Low/L 44
Open/O 44
Openint/I 45
IntervalType 45
IntervalType_ex 46
MinMove 46
Next 47
Point/Points 47
PointValue 47
PriceScale 47
RevSize 47
SessionLastBar 48
Time/T 48
Time_s 48
This 48
Ticks 49
Today 49
UpTicks 49
Volume/V 50
Yesterday 50
第8章 Date and Time Routines日期和时间 51
ComputerDateTime 51
CurrentDate 52
CurrentTime 52
CurrentTime_s 52
DateTime2ELTime 52
DateTime2ELTime_s 52
DateTimeToString 53
DateToJulian 53
DateToString 53
DayFromDateTime 53
DayOfMonth 54
DayOfWeek 54
DayOfWeekFromDateTime 54
EL_DateStr 54
EL_DateToDateTime/ELDateToDateTime 55
EL_TimeToDateTime/ELTimeToDateTime 55
EL_TimeToDateTime_s/ELTimeToDateTime_s 55
EncodeDate 55
EncodeTime 56
FormatDate 56
FormatTime 57
Friday 57
HoursFromDateTime 57
IncMonth 58
JulianToDate 58
LastCalcJDate 58
LastCalcMMTime 58
LastCalcSSTime 59
MilliSecondsFromDateTime 59
MinutesFromDateTime 59
Monday 59
Month 59
MonthFromDateTime 59
Saturday 60
SecondsFromDateTime 60
StringToDate 60
StringToDateTime 61
StringToTime 61
Sunday 61
Thursday 62
Time_s2Time 62
Time2Time_s 62
TimeToString 62
Tuesday 63
Wednesday 63
Year 63
YearFromDateTime 63
第9章 Declaration声明 64
Array/Arrays 64
Input/Inputs 65
IntraBarPersist 66
Numeric 66
NumericArray 66
NumericArrayRef 67
NumericRef 67
NumericSeries 68
NumericSimple 68
String 68
StringArray 69
StringArrayRef 69
StringRef 70
StringSeries 70
StringSimple 70
TrueFalse 70
TrueFalseArray 71
TrueFalseArrayRef 71
TrueFalseRef 72
TrueFalseSeries 72
TrueFalseSimple 73
Variable/Variables/Var/Vars 73
第10章 Dynamic Array动态数组 74
Array_Compare 74
Array_Copy 75
Array_GetMaxIndex 75
Array_GetType 75
Array_SetMaxIndex 76
Array_SetValRange 76
Array_Sort 76
Array_Sum 77
Fill_Array 77
第11章 Environment Information环境信息 78
BaseDataNumber 78
CurrentDataNumber 78
ExecOffset 78
GetAppInfo 78
GetCountry 79
GetCurrency 79
GetUserID 80
MaxBarsBack 80
MaxBarsForward 80
第12章 Execution Control执行控制 81
Abort 81
fpcExactAccuracy 81
fpcHighAccuracy 82
fpcLowAccuracy 82
fpcMedAccuracy 82
fpcVeryHighAccuracy 83
fpcVeryLowAccuracy 83
RaiseRunTimeError 83
RecalcLastBarAfter 83
SetFPCompareAccuracy 84
第13章 Math and Trig数学函数 85
Absvalue/Pos 85
Arctangent 85
AvgList 85
Ceiling 86
Cosine 86
Cotangent 86
ExpValue 86
Floor 86
FracPortion 87
IntPortion 87
Log 87
Maxlist 87
Maxlist2 87
Minlist 88
Minlist2 88
Mod 88
Neg 88
Nthmaxlist 88
Nthminlist 89
Power 89
Random 89
Round 89
Sign 89
Sine 90
Square 90
SquareRoot 90
SumList 90
Tangent 90
第14章 Output输出 91
ClearDebug 91
ClearPrintlog 91
File 92
FileAppend 92
FileDelete 92
MessageLog 92
PlaySound 93
Print 93
第15章 Plotting指标画线 95
Default 95
GetBackgroundColor 95
GetPlotColor 96
GetPlotWidth 96
NoPlot 96
Plot 97
PlotPaintBar/PlotPB 98
SetPlotColor 98
SetPlotBGColor 99
第16章 Portfolio Stragegy Performance投资组合策略绩效 100
Portfolio_GrossLoss 100
Portfolio_GrossProfit 101
Portfolio_InvestedCapital 101
Portfolio_MaxIDDrawdown 101
Portfolio_NetProfit 101
Portfolio_NumLossTrades 102
Portfolio_NumWinTrades 102
Portfolio_PercentProfit 102
Portfolio_StrategyDrawdown 102
Portfolio_TotalTrade 103
第17章 Portfolio Stragegy Position投资组合策略部位 104
Portfolio_CalcMaxPotentialLossForEntry 104
Portfolio_CurrentEntries 104
Portfolio_MaxOpenPositionPotentialLoss 105
Portfolio_OpenPositionProfit 105
Portfolio_SetMaxPotentialLossPerContract 105
第18章 Portfolio Stragegy Properties投资组合属性 107
Portfolio_GetMarginPerContract 107
Portfolio_GetMaxPotentialLossPerContract 107
Portfolio_MaxRiskEquityPerPosPercent 108
Portfolio_TotalMaxRiskEquityPercent 108
PortfolioEntriesPriority 108
第19章 Quote Fields报价字段 109
CurrentOpenInt/q_OpenInterest 109
DailyClose 109
DailyHigh 109
DailyLow 109
DailyOpen 110
DailyVolume/q_TotalVolume 110
Description 110
ExchListed/q_ExchangeListed 110
InsideAsk/q_Ask 110
InsideBid/q_Bid 111
Last/q_Last 111
PrevClose/q_PreviousClose 111
q_BigPointValue 111
SymbolName/Symbol 111
TradeDate/q_Date 111
TradeTime/q_Time q_Time_s 112
第20章 Sessions交易时段 113
AutoSession 114
RegularSession 114
Sess1EndTime 114
Sess1FirstBarTime 114
Sess1StartTime 114
Sess2EndTime 114
Sess2FirstBarTime 115
Sess2StartTime 115
SessionCount 115
SessionCountMS 115
SessionEndDay 115
SessionEndDayMS 116
SessionEndTime 116
SessionEndTimeMS 116
SessionStartDay 117
SessionStartDayMS 117
SessionStartTime 117
SessionStartTimeMS 118
第21章 Skip Words跳跃字 119
A An At Based By Does From Is Of On Place Than The Was 119
第22章 Strategy Orders策略委托 120
ALL 121
Buy 122
BuyToCover 123
Contracts/Contract/Shares/Share 124
Cover 124
Enrty 125
Higher 125
Limit 125
Lower 126
Market 126
Sell 126
SellShort 128
SetBreakEven 129
SetDollarTrailing 130
SetExitOnClose 130
SetPercentTrailing 131
SetProfitTarget 131
SetStopContract/SetStopShare 132
SetStopLoss 132
SetStopPosition 133
Short 133
Stop 133
Total 134
第23章 Strategy Performance策略绩效 135
AvgBarsEvenTrade 135
AvgBarsLosTrade 136
AvgBarsWinTrade 136
AvgEntryPrice/i_AvgEntryPrice 136
AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker 136
AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy 136
GrossLoss 137
GrossProfit 137
i_AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker 137
i_AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy 138
i_ClosedEquity 138
i_CurrentContracts/i_CurrentShares 138
i_MarketPosition/MarketPosition 138
i_OpenEquity 138
LargestLosTrade 139
LargestWinTrade 139
MaxConsecLosers 139
MaxConsecWinners 139
MaxContractsHeld/MaxSharesHeld 140
MaxIDDrawDown 140
NetProfit 140
NumEvenTrades 140
NumLosTrades 141
NumWinTrades 141
PercentProfit 141
TotalBarsEvenTrades 141
TotalBarsLosTrades/TotalBarsLosTrade 142
TotalBarsWinTrades/TotalBarsWinTrade 142
TotalTrades 142
第24章 Strategy Position策略部位 143
BarsSinceEntry 143
BarsSinceExit 144
ContractProfit 144
CurrentContracts/CurrentShares 144
CurrentEntries 144
EntryDate 145
EntryName 145
EntryPrice 145
EntryTime 146
ExitDate 146
ExitName 147
ExitPrice 147
ExitTime 147
MarketPosition 148
i_MarketPosition_at_Broker MarketPosition_at_Broker 148
i_MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy 148
MaxContractProfit 149
MaxContracts/MaxShares 149
MaxEntries 149
MaxPositionAgo 149
MaxPositionLoss 150
MaxPositionProfit 150
OpenPositionProfit 150
PositionProfit 151
第25章 Strategy Position Synchronization策略部位同步 152
ChangeMarketPosition 152
PlaceMarketOrder 152
第26章 Strategy Position Trades策略部位交易 154
OpenEntriesCount 154
OpenEntryComission 154
OpenEntryContracts 155
OpenEntryDate 155
OpenEntryMaxProfit 155
OpenEntryMaxProfitPerContract 156
OpenEntryMinProfit 156
OpenEntryMinProfitPerContract 156
OpenEntryPrice 157
OpenEntryProfit 157
OpenEntryProfitPerContract 157
OpenEntryTime 158
PosTradeCommission 158
PosTradeCount 158
PosTradeEntryBar 159
PosTradeEntryCategory 159
PosTradeEntryDateTime 160
PosTradeEntryName 160
PosTradeEntryPrice 161
PosTradeExitBar 161
PosTradeExitCategory 161
PosTradeExitDateTime 162
PosTradeExitName 162
PosTradeExitPrice 163
PosTradeIsLong 163
PosTradeIsOpen 164
PosTradeProfit 164
PosTradeSize 164
第27章 Strategy Properties策略属性 166
Commission 166
GetStrategyName 166
Margin 166
Slippage 166
第28章 Text Drawing绘制文本 167
MC_Text_GetActive 168
Text_Delete 168
Text_GetActive 168
Text_GetAttribute 169
Text_GetBGColor 169
Text_GetBorder 169
Text_GetColor 170
Text_GetDate 170
Text_GetFirst 170
Text_GetFontName 171
Text_GetHStyle 171
Text_GetNext 171
Text_GetSize 172
Text_GetString 172
Text_GetTime 172
Text_GetTime_s 173
Text_GetValue 173
Text_GetVStyle 173
Text_New 174
Text_New s 174
Text_New_self 174
Text_New_self_s 175
Text_SetAttribute 175
Text_SetBGColor 175
Text_SetBorder 176
Text_SetColor 176
Text_SetFontName 177
Text_SetLocation 177
Text_SetLocation_s 177
Text_SetSize 178
Text_SetString 178
Text_SetStyle 178
第29章 Text Manipulation文本操作 180
DoubleQuote 180
InStr 180
LeftStr 181
LowerStr 181
MidStr 181
NewLine 181
NumToStr 182
RightStr 182
Spaces 182
StrLen 182
StrToNum 182
Text 183
UpperStr 183
第30章 Trendline Drawing趋势画线 184
MC_TL_GetActive 185
MC_TL_New 185
TL_Delete 185
TL_GetActive 185
TL_GetAlert 185
TL_GetBeginDate 186
TL_GetBeginTime 186
TL_GetBeginTime_s 187
TL_GetBeginVal 187
TL_GetColor 187
TL_GetEndDate 188
TL_GetEndTime 188
TL_GetEndTime_s 188
TL_GetEndVal 189
TL_GetExtLeft 189
TL_GetExtRight 189
TL_GetFirst 190
TL_GetNext 190
TL_GetSize 191
TL_GetStyle 191
TL_CetValue 191
TL_GetValue_s 192
TL_New 192
TL_New_s 192
TL_New_self 193
TL_New_self_s 193
TL_SetAlert 194
TL_SetBegin 194
TL_SetBegin_s 195
TL_SetColor 195
TL_SetEnd 196
TL_SetEnd_s 196
TL_SetExtLeft 197
TL_SetExtRight 197
TL_SetSize 197
TL_SetStyle 198
Tool_Dashed 198
Tool_Dashed2 198
Tool_Dashed3 199
Tool_Dotted 199
Tool_Solid 199
第31章 MultiCharts 8.5版本新增 201
31.1 Accounts and Positions 201
InitialCapital 201
31.2 Attributes 201
ProcessMouseEvents 201
31.3 Data Information/General 201
ScrollToBar 202
Symbol_Close 202
Symbol_CurrentBar 203
Symbol_Date 203
Symbol_DownTicks 203
Symbol_High 204
Symbol_Length 204
Symbol_Low 204
Symbol_Open 205
Symbol_OpenInt 205
Symbol_Ticks 206
Symbol_Time 206
Symbol_Time_S 207
Symbol_UpTicks 207
Symbol_Volume 208
31.4 Declaration 208
RecalcPersist 208
31.5 DOM 208
DOM_AskPrice 209
DOM_AsksCount 209
DOM_AskSize 210
DOM_BidPrice 210
DOM_BidsCount 210
DOM_BidSize 210
DOM_IsConnected 211
31.6 Dynamic Arrays 211
Array_GetBoolean Value 211
Array_GetFloatValue 211
Array_GetIntegerValue 212
Array_GetStringValue 212
Array_SetBooleanValue 212
Array_SetFloatValue 213
Array_SetIntegerValue 213
Array_SetStringValue 213
31.7 Environment Information 214
GetAppInfo 214
GetCDRomDrive 215
GetUserName 215
SetMaxBarsBack 215
31.8 Execution control 215
#Return 215
ReCalculate 216
31.9 ExpertCommentary 216
#BeginCmtry 216
AtCommentarybar 217
CheckCommentary 218
Commentary 218
Commentarycl 218
CommentaryEnabled 219
31.10 MouseClickEvents 219
MouseClickBarNumber 219
MouseClickCtrlPressed 219
MouseClickDataNumber 220
MouseClickDateTime 220
MouseClickPrice 220
MouseClickShiftPressed 220
31.11 Strategy Performance 220
SetCustomFitnessValue 220
31.12 Strategy Position 221
BarsSinceEntry_Checked 221
BarsSinceExit_Checked 222
EntryDate_Checked 222
EntryPrice_Checked 223
EntryTime_Checked 224
ExitDate_Checked 224
ExitPrice_Checked 225
ExitTime_Checked 225
MarketPosition_Checked 225
MaxContractProfit_Checked 226
MaxContracts_Checked/MaxShares_Checked 226
MaxEntries_Checked 227
MaxPositionsAgo 227
MaxPositionLoss_Checked 227
PositionProfit_Checked 228
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