Scala编程 第2版 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)万普勒,(美)佩恩著
- 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787564159221
- 页数:558 页
1.Zero to Sixty:Introducing Scala 1
Why Scala? 1
The Seductions of Scala 2
What About Java 8? 3
Installing Scala 3
Using SBT 5
Running the Scala Command-Line Tools 7
Running the Scala REPL in IDEs 9
A Taste of Scala 9
A Taste of Concurrency 19
Recap and What's Next 30
2.Type Less,Do More 33
Semicolons 33
Variable Declarations 34
Ranges 36
Partial Functions 37
Method Declarations 38
Method Default and Named Arguments 38
Methods with Multiple Argument Lists 39
A Taste of Futures 41
Nesting Method Definitions and Recursion 43
Inferring Type Information 46
Reserved Words 51
Literal Values 53
Integer Literals 54
Floating-Point Literals 55
Boolean Literals 55
Character Literals 56
String Literals 56
Symbol Literals 58
Function Literals 58
Tuple Literals 59
Option,Some,and None:Avoiding nulls 60
Sealed Class Hierarchies 62
Organizing Code in Files and Namespaces 63
Importing Types and Their Members 65
Imports Are Relative 66
Package Objects 66
Abstract Types Versus Parameterized Types 67
Recap and What's Next 70
3.RoundingOuttheBasics 71
Operator Overloading? 71
Syntactic Sugar 74
Methods with Empty Argument Lists 74
Precedence Rules 75
Domain-Specific Languages 76
Scala if Statements 77
Scala for Comprehensions 78
for Loops 78
Generator Expressions 79
Guards:Filtering Values 79
Yielding 80
Expanded Scope and Value Definitions 81
Other Looping Constructs 83
Scala while Loops 83
Scala do-while Loops 83
Conditional Operators 84
Using try,catch,and finally Clauses 84
Call by Name,Call by Value 87
lazy val 91
Enumerations 92
Interpolated Strings 94
Traits:Interfaces and"Mixins"in Scala 96
Recap and What's Next 99
4.PatternMatching 101
A Simple Match 101
Values,Variables,and Types in Matches 102
Matching on Sequences 106
Matching on Tuples 110
Guards in case Clauses 111
Matching on case Classes 111
unapply Method 113
unapplySeq Method 117
Matching on Variable Argument Lists 119
Matching on Regular Expressions 120
More on Binding Variables in case Clauses 121
More on Type Matching 122
Sealed Hierarchies and Exhaustive Matches 123
Other Uses of Pattern Matching 126
Concluding Remarks on Pattern Matching 129
Recap and What's Next 130
5.Implicits 131
Implicit Arguments 131
Using implicitly 133
Scenarios for Implicit Arguments 134
Execution Contexts 134
Capabilities 135
Constraining Allowed Instances 135
Implicit Evidence 140
Working Around Erasure 142
Improving Error Messages 144
Phantom Types 145
Rules for Implicit Arguments 148
Implicit Conversions 149
Build Your Own String Interpolator 153
The Expression Problem 155
Type Class Pattern 156
Technical Issues with Implicits 158
Implicit Resolution Rules 160
Scala's Built-in Implicits 161
Wise Use of Implicits 168
Recap and What's Next 168
6.Functional Programmingin Scala 169
What Is Functional Programming? 170
Functions in Mathematics 170
Variables That Aren't 171
Functional Programming in Scala 174
Anonymous Functions,Lambdas,and Closures 175
Purity Inside Versus Outside 178
Recursion 178
Tail Calls and Tail-Call Optimization 179
Trampoline for Tail Calls 180
Partially Applied Functions Versus Partial Functions 181
Currying and Other Transformations on Functions 183
Functional Data Structures 187
Sequences 187
Maps 192
Sets 194
Traversing,Mapping,Filtering,Folding,and Reducing 194
Traversal 195
Mapping 196
Flat Mapping 198
Filtering 199
Folding and Reducing 201
Left Versus Right Traversals 206
Tail Recursion Versus Traversals of Infinite Collections 209
Combinators:Software's Best Component Abstractions 212
What About Making Copies? 216
Recap and What's Next 218
7.forComprehensionsinDepth 221
Recap:The Elements of for Comprehensions 221
for Comprehensions:Under the Hood 224
Translation Rules of for Comprehensions 226
Options and Other Container Types 230
Option as a Container 230
Either:A Logical Extension to Option 234
Try:When There Is No Do 238
Scalaz Validation 240
Recap and What's Next 243
8.Object-Oriented Programmingin Scala 245
Class and Object Basics 246
Reference Versus Value Types 248
Value Classes 250
Parent Types 253
Constructors in Scala 254
Fields in Classes 258
The Uniform Access Principle 260
Unary Methods 261
Validating Input 261
Calling Parent Class Constructors(and Good Object-Oriented Design) 263
Good Object-Oriented Design:A Digression 264
Nested Types 269
Recap and What's Next 270
9.Traits 271
Interfacesin Java 8 271
Traits as Mixins 272
Stackable Traits 277
Constructing Traits 282
Classor Trait? 283
Recap and What's Next 284
10.The Scala Object System,PartⅠ 285
Parameterized Types:Variance Under Inheritance 285
Functions Under the Hood 286
Variance of Mutable Types 290
Variance in Scala Versus Java 292
The Scala Type Hierarchy 294
Much Ado About Nothing(and Null) 295
Products,Case Classes,and Tuples 299
The Predef Object 301
Implicit Conversions 301
Type Definitions 304
Condition Checking Methods 305
Input and Output Methods 305
Miscellaneous Methods 307
Equality of Objects 308
The equals Method 308
The==and!=Methods 309
The eq and ne Methods 309
Array Equality and the same Elements Method 310
Recap and What's Next 310
11.The Scala Object System,Part Ⅱ 311
Overriding Members of Classes and Traits 311
Avoid Overriding Concrete Members 312
Attempting to Override final Declarations 314
Overriding Abstract and Concrete Methods 315
Overriding Abstract and Concrete Fields 317
Overriding Abstract Types 323
When Accessor Methods and Fields Are Indistinguishable:The Uniform Access Principle 324
Linearization of an Object's Hierarchy 326
Recap and What's Next 331
12.The Scala Collections Library 333
Generic,Mutable,Immutable,Concurrent,and Parallel Collections,Oh My! 333
The scala.collection Package 334
The collection.concurrent Package 336
The collection.convert Package 336
The collection.generic Package 336
The collection.immutable Package 336
The scala.collection.mutable Package 338
The scala.collection.parallel Package 339
Choosing a Collection 341
Design Idioms in the Collections Library 342
Builder 342
Can Build From 343
Like Traits 344
Specialization for Value Types 345
Miniboxing 346
Recap and What'sNext 347
13.Visibility Rules 349
Public Visibility:The Default 349
Visibility Keywords 350
Public Visibility 351
Protected Visibility 352
Private Visibility 353
Scoped Private and Protected Visibility 355
Final Thoughts on Visibility 361
Recap and What'sNext 362
14.Scala's Type System,Part Ⅰ 363
Parameterized Types 364
Variance Annotations 364
Type Constructors 364
Type Parameter Names 364
Type Bounds 365
Upper Type Bounds 365
Lower Type Bounds 366
Context Bounds 370
View Bounds 371
Understanding Abstract Types 373
Comparing Abstract Types and Parameterized Types 374
Self-Type Annotations 376
Structural Types 381
Compound Types 385
Type Refinements 385
Existential Types 386
Recap and What's Next 388
15.Scala'sTypeSystem,Part Ⅱ 389
Path-Dependent Types 389
C.this 390
C.super 390
path.x 391
Dependent Method Types 392
Type Projections 393
Singleton Types 395
Types for Values 396
Tuple Types 396
Function Types 397
Infix Types 397
Higher-Kinded Types 398
Type Lambdas 402
Self-Recursive Types:F-Bounded Polymorphism 404
Recap and What's Next 405
16.Advanced Functional Programming 407
Algebraic Data Types 407
Sum Types Versus Product Types 407
Properties of Algebraic Data Types 409
Final Thought on Algebraic Data Types 410
Category Theory 410
About Categories 411
The Functor Category 412
The Monad Category 417
The Importance ofMonad 418
Recap and What's Next 420
17.Tools for Concurrency 423
The scala.sys.process Package 423
Futures 425
Async 428
Robust,Scalable Concurrency with Actors 429
Akka:Actors for Scala 430
Actors:Final Thoughts 441
Pickling and Spores 442
Reactive Programming 443
Recap and What's Next 444
18.Scala for Big Data 445
Big Data:A Brief History 445
Improving Map Reduce with Scala 447
Moving Beyond Map Reduce 452
Categories for Mathematics 453
A List of Scala-Based Data Tools 454
Recap and What's Next 455
19.Dynamic Invocation in Scala 457
A Motivating Example:ActiveRecord in Ruby on Rails 457
Dynamic Invocation in Scala with the Dynamic Trait 458
DSL Considerations 463
Recap andWhat'sNext 463
20.Domain-Specific Languages in Scala 465
Examples:XML and JSON DSLs for Scala 466
Internal DSLs 468
External DSLs with Parser Combinators 473
About Parser Combinators 473
A Payroll External DSL 473
Internal Versus External DSLs:Final Thoughts 476
Recap and What's Next 477
21.Scala Tools and Libraries 479
Command-Line Tools 479
scalac Command-Line Tool 479
The scala Command-Line Tool 483
The scalap and iavap Command-Line Tools 487
The scaladoc Command-Line Tool 488
The fsc Command-Line Tool 488
Build Tools 488
SBT, the Standard Build Tool for Scala 488
Other Build Tools 490
Integration with IDEs and Text Editors 491
Text Editors 492
Test-Driven Development in Scala 492
Third-Party Libraries 493
Recap and What's Next 495
22.Java Interoperability 497
Using Java Names in Scala Code 497
Java and Scala Generics 497
JavaBean Properties 499
AnyVal Types and Java Primitives 501
Scala Names in Java Code 501
Recap and What's Next 501
23.Application Design 503
Recap of What We Already Know 503
Annotations 504
Traits as Modules 508
Design Patterns 510
Creational Patterns 510
Structural Patterns 511
Behavioral Patterns 512
Better Design with Design by Contract 514
The Parthenon Architecture 517
Recap and What's Next 522
24.Metaprogramming:Macros and Reflection 523
Tools for Understanding Types 524
Runtime Reflection 524
Reflecting on Types 525
Class Tags,Type Tags,and Manifests 526
Scala's Advanced Runtime Reflection API 527
Macros 531
A Macro Example:Enforcing Invariants 533
Final Thoughts on Macros 536
Wrapping Up and Looking Ahead 537
A.References 539
Index 545
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