多兰医学词典 英文原版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:47 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:W.B.Saunders Company编著
- 出 版 社:北京:人民卫生出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7117043857
- 页数:2088 页
Plates 1 Chromosome Aberrations 3
2 Principal Arteries of the Body and the Pulmonary Veins 141
3 Arteries of the Head,Neck,and Base of the Brain 142
4 Arteries of the Thorax and Axilla 143
5 Arteries of the Abdomen and Pelvis 144
6 Arteries of the Upper Limb 145
7 Arteries of the Lower Limb 146
8 Generalized Structures of Typical Bacterial Cells and Transfer of a Plasmid Between Bacterial Cells via Conjugation 187
9 Various Types of Bandages 193
10 Structure,Vascularization,and Development of Bone 230
11 Various Aspects of Brain and Spinal Cord 239
12 Hemisection of the Head and Neck,Showing Various Parts of the Brain in Relation to Other Structures 240
13 The Cell:Cell Structures and Epithelial Cell Types 306
14 Cell Organelles and Cell Membrane 307
15 Various Types of Dislocation 527
16 External and Internal Structures of the Ear 562
17 The Eye and Related Structures 640
18 Various Types of Fractures 709
19 The Endocrine Glands 745
20 Structures of the Heart 791
21 Intestinal and Inguinal Hernias 812
22 Structure of the Kidney 944
23 Articular Ligaments 991
24 Articular Ligaments 992
25 Articular Ligaments 993
26 Structure of the Liver 1021
27 Pulmonary Segments 1031
28 Diagrammatic Representation of Lymphatic Drainage of Various Parts of the Body 1035
29 Characteristic Structures of Common Molds 1125
30 Muscles of the Head and Neck 1143
31 Muscles of the Trunk,Anterior View 1144
32 Muscles of the Trunk Posterior View 1145
33 Superficial Muscles of the Upper Limb 1146
34 Superficial Muscles of the Lower Limb 1147
35 Types and Structure of Muscle 1148
36 Structure of Nerve Tissue 1189
37 Superficial Nerves and Muscles of the Head and Neck 1190
38 Deep Nerves Shown in Relation to Bones of the Face 1191
39 Deep Nerves of the Neck,Axilla,and Upper Thorax 1192
40 Deep Nerves of the Lower Trunk 1193
41 Nerves of the Upper Limb 1194
42 Nerves of the Lower Limb 1195
43 Various Positions Used in Examination or Treatment 1442
44 Technique of Resuscitation by Closed Cardiac Massage 1563
45 Anterior and Posterior Views of the Human Skeleton 1652
46 Various Types of Strapping 1708
47 Various Types of Sutures 1740
48 Autonomic Nervous System 1777
49 Organs of the Respiratory System 1779
50 Organs of the Urogenital System 1780
51 Veins of the Head and Neck 1939
52 Principal Veins of the Body 1940
53 Superficial Veins of the Upper Limb 1941
54 Superficial Veins of the Lower Limb 1942
55 Structure of Various Viruses and Life Cycle of Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1967
56 Thoracic and Abdominal Viscera 1974
Amino Acids 61
Cavity Angles 86
Chief Malaria-Carrying Anopheles Species of the World 93
Human Blood Group Systems and Erythrocytic Antigenic Determinants 224
Bronchi Segmentales(Segmental Bronchi) 247
Carbamate Insecticides 281
Black's Classification of Dental Caries 289
Cholecalciferol and Related Metabolites of Vitamin D 339
Symbols Used in Chromosome Nomenclature 350
New York Heart Association Classification of Cardiac Patients 361
The Genetic Code 372
Proteins of the Complement System 385
Ranson's Criteria for Severity of Acute Pancreatitis 422
Types of Multiple Electrolytes Injection 576
Table of Elements 579
Some Naturally Occurring Fatty Acids 657
Hyperlipoproteinemias 853
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 855
Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders,Diseases,and Syndromes 879
The Human Immunoglobulins 882
Common Plasma Lipoprotein Classes 1017
Surface Markers of Lymphocytes 1037
Human T Lymphocyte Cell-Surface Markers 1037
Angle's Classification of Malocclusion 1051
Human Adenoviruses 1063
Selected Etiologic Agents of Mycetoma 1162
Types of Mycotoxicosis 1165
Organochlorine Insecticides(Chlorinated Hydrocarbons) 1276
Organophosphorus Insecticides 1276
NASPE/BPEG Generic(NBG)Pacemaker Code 1302
Types of Pneumoconiosis 1412
Types of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis 1417
Plants That Can Cause Cyanide Poisoning 1424
Plants That Can Cause Oxalate Poisoning 1425
Selenium Accumulators:Plants That Can Cause Selenium Poisoning 1425
Positions of the Fetus in Various Presentations 1441
Selected Brief Psychotherapy Methods 1490
Opioid Receptor Classes 1541
Anticoagulant Rodenticides 1583
Rule of Nines 1589
Segmenta Bronchopulmonalia(Bronchopulmonary Segments) 1618
Senses 1622
Important Venomous Snakes 1656
Erickson's Eight Stages of Man 1689
Selected Technetium Tc 99m Radiopharmaceuticals 1792
Selected Tick-Borne Encephalitis Viruses 1972
Vocabulary 1
Color Insert&Between 1032 and 1033
Appendices 2003
1.Selected Abbreviations Used in Medicine 2005
2.Anatomy:Arteries 2017
3.Anatomy:Bones,Listed by Regions of the Body 2030
4.Anatomy:Bones 2031
5.Anatomy:Muscles 2035
6.Anatomy:Nerves 2049
7.Anatomy:Veins 2062
8.Phobias 2072
9.Celsius and Fahrenheit Temperature Equivalents 2075
10.Multiples and Submultiples of the Metric System 2076
11.Tables of Weights and Measures 2077
12.Conversion Tables 2079
13.Reference Intervals for the Interpretation of Laboratory Tests 2081
Credits 2088
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