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邓锡铭研究论文集  1961-2000  中
邓锡铭研究论文集  1961-2000  中

邓锡铭研究论文集 1961-2000 中PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:光学期刊联合编辑部编
  • 出 版 社:光学期刊联合编辑部
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:842 页
《邓锡铭研究论文集 1961-2000 中》目录

中册 445

Evidence,From space resolved spectra,of 2ω0 harmonic generation in laser irradiated plasma filaments 445

The mechanism for the second harmonic generation in laser irradiated microtube targets 451

Dynamical behaviour of two-wave coupling in undoped GaAs on a picosecond time scale 455

A new target configuration producing an effective population inversion at energy levels of MgXI 1s3p and 1s4p 458

激光加热微管靶在软X射线波段观察很高的粒子数反转 465

机械转镜隔离器 472

MgXI 1s3p-1s4p能级间平均高温及高密度条件下的粒子数反转 477

激光加热微管靶反激光方向二次谐波时空分辨结构 485

饱和吸收体腔内压缩瞬态同步泵浦锁模光脉冲 490

Finite beam width optics 495

High population inversion in the soft-x-ray band observed in a laserirradiated microtube 500

被动锁模涨落脉冲数和第二阈值研究 504

微管靶等离子体电子温度密度的空间分布 511

机械转镜隔离器的光束位置复原特性研究 515

磷玻璃宽带调Q激光器 520

激光加速器中电子能量增益的广义协变推导 526

实现激光核聚变的一种新方案 534

ABCD定律的推广 535

利用非共线二次谐波的产生测量ps光脉冲的形状和宽度 543

电磁场的内禀角动量 548

超短腔染料激光器时间特性的研究 561

简并四波混频用于饱和吸收体的性能比较 564

一级放大的超短腔染料激光器 568

中皮秒二波耦合及其应用 571

宽频带掺钕硅玻璃调Q振荡器 576

GaAs中瞬态二波耦合及其光的偏振——一种实现红外ps光开关的新途径 582

A generally covariant derivation of the energy gain of electrons in a laser accelerator 586

Thermal coupling of pulsed 0.53-μm laser radiation to aluminums in air 594

长短脉冲振荡器同步输出的研究 596

一种新的锁模技术 601

Gallium arsenide:A new material to accomplish passively mode-locked Nd:YAG laser 603

正反馈选模和调Q技术 606

Temporal reshaping of Q-switched pulse by using two-photon absorption 611

A novel mode-selecting and Q-switching technique 616

高功率激光聚集均匀照明靶面的验证 620

光电导控制激光器锁模、选频、调Q和同步 625

Near diffraction limit output and gain saturation of soft X-ray laser 631

Temporal shaping of single-longitudinal Q-switched pulses by means of two-photon absorption in an external cavity 635

HMO model of scalar field in medium and self-focusing 639

光在线性介质中的度规描述 644

HMO model of scalar field in vacuum 648

Colliding pulse mode-locked Nd:YLF laser with negative feedback control by GaAs photoconductive switch 651

复合折射棱镜的色散研究 655

无衍射发散光束的判据 660

Intrinsic angular momentum in HMO 662

Dynamic analysis of optical fluid in medium 668

LD泵浦的Nd:YAG微片激光器实验研究 675

高能量、长锁模脉冲序列的Nd:YLF激光器研究 680

稳态锁模产生4ps激光脉冲 683

Nd:YLAF激光器中以负反馈强迫的自锁模技术 687

HMO in geometrical optics 691

HMO in nonlinear optics 695

可变焦列阵柱面透镜均匀线聚焦系统 700

Relativistic aspects of HMO 706

HMO is study on diffraction-free beams 710

Serrated aperture and its applications in high power lasers 713

Using kinoform phase plates to generate uniform focal profiles 716

High energy and efficient SHG by using convex-antiresonant ring unstable resonator Nd:YAP pulsed laser 721

Stimulated brillouin scattering(SBS)excited with a phase-modulated pump laser 725

用消衍射方法改善透镜列阵的辐照均匀性 735

Differential geometrical methods in the study of optical transmission(scalar theory).Ⅰ.Static transmission case 740

Differential geometrical methods in the study of optical transmission(scalar theory).Ⅱ.Time-dependent transmission theory 747

Propagation and beam quality of flattened hermite-gauss beams 751

Fermat原理及稳态光束传输的微分几何研究 757

非稳态光传输的微分几何描述 764

稳态光束传输的动力学分析 769

啁啾脉冲受激布里渊散射的理论研究 774

高功率宽频带激光的高效谐波转换及其新进展 781

半导体激光纵向泵浦的光学耦合系统设计 787

傍轴黎曼几何光学.Ⅰ.理论 793

傍轴黎曼几何光学.Ⅱ.应用基础 799

单纵模激光的再生放大 806

参加惯性约束聚变驱动器国际会议情况汇报 812

利用波纹光阑和空间滤波器改善光束近场分布 821

Nd:YLF单纵模调Q激光器腔内脉冲稳幅的实验研究 825

调Q激光脉冲的腔内时间整形 828

Active SBS mirror applied to ICF driver 832
