机械设计 机器和机构综合与分析 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)R.L.诺顿(Robert L. Norton)著
- 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7111112474
- 页数:810 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.0 Purpose 3
1.1 Kinematics and Kinetics 3
1.2 Mechanisms and Machines 4
1.3 A Brief History of Kinematics 5
1.4 Applications of Kinematics 6
1.5 The Design Process 7
Design,Invention,Creativity 7
Identification of Need 8
Background Research 9
Goal Statement 9
Performance Specifications 9
Ideation and Invention 10
Analysis 11
Selection 12
Detailed Design 13
Prototyping and Testing 13
Production 13
1.6 Other Approaches to Design 14
Axiomatic Design 15
1.7 Multiple Solutions 15
1.8 Human Factors Engineering 15
1.9 The Engineering Report 16
1.10 Units 16
1.11 What's to Come 18
1.12 References 19
1.13 Bibliography 20
Chapter 2 Kinematics Fundamentals 22
2.0 Introduction 22
2.1 Degrees of Freedom 22
2.2 Types of Motion 23
2.3 Links,Joints,and Kinematic Chains 24
2.4 Determining Degree of Freedom 28
Degree of Freedom in Planar Mechanisms 29
Degree of Freedom in Spatial Mechanisms 32
2.5 Mechanisms and Structures 32
2.6 Number Synthesis 33
2.7 Paradoxes 37
2.8 Isomers 38
2.9 Linkage Transformation 40
2.10 Intermittent Motion 42
2.11 Inversion 44
2.12 The Grashof Condition 46
Classification of fne Fourbar Linkage 49
2.13 Linkages of More Than Four Bars 52
Geared Fivebar Linkages 52
Sixbar Linkages 53
Grashof-type Rotatability Criteria for Higher-order Linkages 53
2.14 Springs as Links 54
2.15 Practical Considerations 55
Pin Joints versus Sliders and Half Joints 55
Cantiiever versus Straddle Mount 57
Short Links 58
Bearing Ratio 58
Linkages versus Cams 59
2.16 Motor and Drives 60
Electric Motors 60
Air and Hydraulic Motors 65
Air and Hydraulic Cylinders 65
Solenoids 66
2.17 References 66
2.18 Problems 67
Chapter 3 Graphical Linkage Synthesis 76
3.0 Introduction 76
3.1 Synthesis 76
3.2 Function,Path,and Motion Generation 78
3.3 Limiting Conditions 80
3.4 Dimensional Synthesis 82
Two-Position Synthesis 83
Three-Position Synthesis with Specified Moving Pivots 89
Three-Position Synthesis with Alternate Moving Pivots 90
Three-Position Synthesls with Specified Fixed Pivots 93
Position Synthesis for More Than Three Positions 97
3.5 Quick-Return Mechanisms 97
Fourbar Quick-Return 98
Sixbar Quick-Return 100
3.6 Coupler Curves 103
3.7 Cognates 112
Parallel Motion 117
Geared Fivebar Cognates of the Fourbar 119
3.8 Straight-Line Mechanisms 120
Designing Optimum Straight-Line Fourbar Linkages 122
3.9 Dwell Mechanisms 125
Single-Dwell Linkages 126
Double-Dwell Linkages 128
3.10 References 130
3.11 Bibliography 131
3.12 Problems 132
3.13 Projects 140
Chapter 4 Position Analysis 144
4.0 Introduction 144
4.1 Coordinate Systems 146
4.2 Position and Dlsplacement 147
Position 147
Displacement 147
4.3 Translation,Rotation,and Complex Motion 149
Translation 149
Rotation 149
Complex Motion 149
Theorems 150
4.4 Graphical Position Analysis of Linkages 151
4.5 Algebraic Position Analysis of Linkages 152
Vector Loop Representation of Linkages 153
Complex Numbers as Vectors 154
The Vector Loop Equation for a Fourbar Linkage 156
4.6 The Fourbar Slider-Crank Position Solution 159
4.7 An Inverted Slider-Crank Position Solution 161
4.8 Linkages of More Than Four Bars 164
The Geared Fivebar Linkage 164
sixbar Linkages 167
4.9 Position of Any Point on a Linkage 168
4.10 Transmission Angles 169
Extreme Values of the Transmission Angle 169
4.11 Toggle Positions 171
4.12 Circults and Branches in Linkages 173
4.13 Newton-Raphson Solution Method 174
One-Dimensional Root-Findlng(Newton's Method) 174
Multidimensional Root-Finding(Newton-Raphson Method) 176
Newton-Raphson Solution for the Fourbar Linkage 177
Equation Solvers 178
4.14 References 178
4.15 Problems 178
Chapter 5 Analytical Linkage Synthesis 188
5.0 Introduction 188
5.1 Types of Kinematic Synthesis 188
5.2 Precision Points 189
5.3 Two-Position Motion Generation by Analytical Synthesis 189
5.4 Comparison of Analytical and Graphical Two-Position Synthesis 196
5.5 Simultaneous Equation Solution 199
5.6 Three-Position Motion Generation by Analytical Synthesis 201
5.7 Comparison of Analytical and Graphlcal Three-Position Synthesis 206
5.8 Synthesis for a Speclfied Fixed Pivot Location 211
5.9 Center-Point and Circle-Point Circles 217
5.10 Four- and Five-Positlon Analytical Synthesis 219
5.11 Analytical Synthesis of a Path Generator with Prescribed Timing 220
5.12 Analytical Synthesis of a Fourbar Function Generator 220
5.13 Other Linkage Synthesis Methods 224
Precision Point Methods 226
Coupler Curve Equation Methods 227
Optimization Methods 227
5.14 References 230
5.15 Problems 232
Chapter 6 VelocityAnalysis 241
6.0 Introduction 241
6.1 Definition of Velocity 241
6.2 Graphical Velocity Analysis 244
6.3 Instant Centers of Velocity 249
6.4 Velocity Analysis with Instant Centers 256
Angular Velocity Ratio 257
Mechanical Advantage 259
Using Instant Centers in Linkage Design 261
6.5 Centrodes 263
A "Linkless" Linkage 266
Cusps 267
6.6 Velocity of Slip 267
6.7 Analytical Solutions for Velocity Analysis 271
The Fourbar Pin-Jointed Linkage 271
The Fourbar Slider-Crank 274
The Fourbar Inverted Slider-Crank 276
6.8 Velocity Analysis of the Geared Fivebar Linkage 278
6.9 Velocity of Any Point on a Linkage 279
6.10 References 280
6.11 Problems 281
Chapter 7 Acceleration Analysis 300
7.0 Introduction 300
7.1 Definition of Acceleration 300
7.2 Graphical Acceleration Analysis 303
7.3 Analytical Solutions for Acceleration Analysis 308
The Fourbar Pin-Jointed Linkage 308
The Fourbar Slider-Crank 311
Coriolis Acceleration 313
The Fourbar Inverted Slider-Crank 315
7.4 Acceleration Analysisof the Geared Fivebar Linkage 319
7.5 Acceleration of any Point on a Linkage 320
7.6 Human Tolerance of Acceleration 322
7.7 Jerk 324
7.8 Linkages of N Bars 327
7.9 References 327
7.10 Problems 327
Chapter 8 Cam Design 345
8.0 Introduction 345
8.1 Cam Terminology 346
Type of Follower Motion 347
Type of Joint Closure 348
Type of Follower 348
Type of Cam 348
Type of Motion Constraints 351
Type of Motion Program 351
8.2 SVA J Diagrams 352
8.3 Double-Dwell Cam Design—Choosing S VA J Functions 353
The Fundamental Law of Cam Design 356
Simple Harmonic Motion(SHM) 357
Cycloidal Displacement 359
Combined Functions 362
8.4 Single-Dwell Cam Design—Choosing SVA J Functions 374
8.5 Polynomial Functions 378
Double-Dwell Applications of Polynomials 378
Single-Dwell Applications of Polynomials 382
8.6 Critical Path Motion(CPM) 385
Polynomials Used for Critical Path Motion 386
Half-Period Harmonic Family Functions 393
8.7 Sizing the Cam—Pressure Angle and Radius of Curvature 396
Pressure Angle—Roller Followers 397
Choosing a Prime Circle Radius 400
Overturning Moment—Flat-Faced Follower 402
Radius of Curvature—Roller Follower 403
Radius of Curvature—Flat-Faced Follower 407
8.8 Cam Manufacturing Considerations 412
Geometric Generation 413
Manual or NC Machining to Cam Coordinates(Plunge-Cutting) 413
Continuous Numerical Control with Linear lnterpolation 414
Continuous Numerical Control with Circular Interpolation 416
Analog Duplication 416
Actual Cam Performance Compared to Theoretical Performance 418
8.9 Practical Design Considerations 421
Translating or Oscillating Follower? 421
Force- or Form-Closed? 422
Radial or Axial Cam? 422
Roller or Flat-Faced Follower? 423
To Dwell or Not to Dwell? 423
To Grind or Not to Grind? 424
To Lubricate or Not to Lubricate? 424
8.10 References 424
8.11 Problems 425
8.12 Projects 429
Chapter 9 Gear Trains 432
9.0 Introduction 432
9.1 Rolling Cylinders 433
9.2 The Fundamental Law of Gearing 434
The Involute Tooth Form 435
Pressure Angle 437
Changing Center Distance 438
Backlash 438
9.3 Gear Tooth Nomenclature 440
9.4 Interference and Undercutting 442
Unequal-Addendum Tooth Forms 444
9.5 Contact Ratio 444
9.6 Gear Types 447
Spur,Helical,and Herringbone Gears 447
Worms and Worm Gears 448
Rack and Pinion 448
Bevel and Hypoid Gears 449
Noncircular Gears 450
Belt and Chain Drives 450
9.7 Simple Gear Trains 452
9.8 Compound Gear Trains 453
Design of Compound Trains 454
Design of Reverted Compound Trains 456
An Algorithm for the Design of Compound Gear Trains 458
9.9 Epicyclic or Planetary Gear Trains 462
The Tabular Method 464
The Formula Method 469
9.10 Efficiency of Gear Trains 470
9.11 Transmissions 474
9.12 Differentials 477
9.13 References 479
9.14 Problems 479
Chapter 10 Dynamics Fundamontals 491
10.0 Introduction 491
10.1 Newton's Laws of Motion 491
10.2 Dynamic Models 492
10.3 Mass 492
10.4 Mass Moment and Center of Gravity 493
10.5 Mass Moment of Inertia(Second Moment of Mass) 495
10.6 Parallel Axis Theorem(Transfer Theorem) 497
10.7 Radius of Gyration 498
10.8 Center of Percussion 498
10.9 Lumped Parameter Dynamic Models 500
Spring Constant 500
Damping 501
10.10 Equivalent Systems 503
Combining Dampers 504
Combining Springs 505
Combining Masses 506
Lever and Gear Ratios 506
10.11 Solution Methods 512
10.12 The Principle of d'Alembert 513
10.13 Energy Methods—Virtual Work 515
10.14 References 517
10.15 Problems 518
Chapter 11 Dynamic Force Analysis 521
11.0 Introduction 521
11.1 Newtonian Solution Method 521
11.2 Single Link in Pure Rotation 522
11.3 Force Analysis of a Threebar Crank-Slide Linkage 525
11.4 Force Analysis of a Fourbar Linkage 531
11.5 Force Analysis of a Fourbar Slider-Crank Linkage 538
11.6 Force Analysis of the Inverted Slider-Crank 541
11.7 Force Analysis—Linkages with More Than Four Bars 543
11.8 Shaking Forces and Shaking Torque 544
11.9 Program FOURBAR 545
11.10 Llnkage Force Analysis by Energy Methods 545
11.11 Controlling Input Torque—Flywheels 548
11.12 A Linkage Force Transmission Index 554
11.13 Practical Considerations 556
11.14 References 557
11.15 Problems 557
11.16 Projects 567
Chapter 12 Balancing 570
12.0 Introduction 570
12.1 Static Balance 571
12.2 Dynamic Balance 574
12.3 Balancing Linkages 579
Complete Force Balance of Linkages 580
12.4 Effect of Balancing on Shaking and Pin Forces 583
12.5 Effect of Balancing on Input Torque 585
12.6 Balancing the Shaking Moment in Linkages 586
12.7 Measuring and Correcting Imbalance 590
12.8 References 591
12.9 Problems 592
Chapter 13 Engine Dynamics 598
13.0 Introduction 598
13.1 Engine Design 600
13.2 Slider-Crank Kinematics 605
13.3 Gas Force and Gas Torque 610
13.4 Equivalent Masses 614
13.5 Inertia and Shaking Forces 617
13.6 Inertia and Shaking Torques 620
13.7 Total Engine Torque 622
13.8 Flywheels 622
13.9 Pin Forces in the Single-Cyllnder Engine 623
13.10 Balancing the Single-Cylinder Engine 631
13.11 Design Trade-offs and Ratios 634
Conrod/Crank Ratio 634
Bore/Stroke Ratio 634
Materials 635
13.12 Bibliography 635
13.13 Problems 635
13.14 Projects 638
Chapter 14 Multicylinder Engines 639
14.0 Introduction 639
14.1 Multicylinder Englne Designs 641
14.2 The Crank Phase Diagram 644
14.3 Shaking Forces in Inllne Engines 646
14.4 Inertla Torque in Inline Engines 649
14.5 Shaking Momentin Inline Engines 650
14.6 Even Firing 652
Two-Stroke Cycle Engine 653
Four-Stroke Cycle Engine 655
14.7 Vee Engine Configurations 661
14.8 Opposed EngineConfigurations 674
14.9 Balanoing Multlcylinder Engines 675
Secondary Balance in the Four-Cylinder Inline Engine 679
14.10 References 682
14.11 Bibliography 682
14.12 Problems 682
14.13 Projects 683
Chapter 15 Cam Dynamics 685
15.0 Introduction 685
15.1 Dynamic Force Analysis of the Force-Closed Cam Follower 686
Undamped Response 686
Damped Response 689
15.2 Resonance 696
15.3 Kinetostatic Force Analysis of the Force-Closed Cam-Follower 698
15.4 Kinetostatic Force Analysis of the Form-Closed Cam-Follower 702
15.5 Camshaft Torque 706
15.6 Measuring Dynamic Forces and Accelerations 709
15.7 Practical Considerations 713
15.8 References 713
15.9 Bibliography 713
15.10 Problems 714
Chapter 16 Engineering Design 717
16.0 Introduction 717
16.1 A Design Case Study 718
16.2 Closure 723
16.3 References 723
Appendix A Computer Programs 725
A.0 Introduction 725
A.1 General Information 727
A.2 General Program Operation 727
A.3 Program FOURBAR 735
A.4 Program FIVEBAR 743
A.5 Program SIXBAR 745
A.6 Program SLIDER 749
A.7 Program DYNACAM 751
A.8 Program ENGINE 757
A.9 Program MATRIX 764
Appendix B Material Properties 765
Appendix C Geometric Properties 769
Appendix D Spring Data 771
Appendix E Atlas of Geared Fivebar Linkage Coupler Curves 775
Appendix F Answers to Selected Problems 781
Index 795
CD-ROM Index 809
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