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实用英语口语高频话题  酒店职员英语口语
实用英语口语高频话题  酒店职员英语口语

实用英语口语高频话题 酒店职员英语口语PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘爽
  • 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787308074544
  • 页数:223 页
《实用英语口语高频话题 酒店职员英语口语》目录

Part 1 Reception前台接待 2

Unit 1 Tour Services旅游服务 2

Unit 2 Mail Services信件接收 7

Unit 3 Airline Ticket Agent机票代理 12

Unit 4 Room Reservations客房预订 16

Unit 5 Welcoming Guests接待顾客 21

Unit 6 Depositing Luggage存放行李 25

Unit 7 Hotel Check-in入住宾馆 30

Unit 8 Currency Exchange兑换货币 35

Unit 9 Customer Complaints顾客投诉 40

Unit 10 Hotel Checkout结账离开 44

Part 2 Room Services客房话题 50

Unit 1 Entering the Guestroom进入客房 50

Unit 2 Laundry Services洗衣服务 56

Unit 3 Room Services客房送餐 60

Unit 4 Wake-up Call Services唤醒服务 64

Unit 5 Telephone Services接打电话 67

Unit 6 Housekeeping房间清理 72

Unit 7 Medical Services医疗服务 76

Unit 8 Repair Services客房维修 82

Unit 9 Newspaper Subscription订阅报纸 86

Unit 10 Other Services其他服务 89

Part 3 Dining Etiquette用餐礼节 94

Unit 1 Booking a Table餐厅预订 94

Unit 2 Seating Guests安排就座 98

Unit 3 Banquet and Conference Services宴会和会议服务 101

Unit 4 Dish Recommendation菜肴推荐 107

Unit 5 Having Chinese Food吃中餐 111

Unit 6 Having Western Food吃西餐 116

Unit 7 Dessert饭后甜点 121

Unit 8 At the Bar酒吧服务 125

Unit 9 Guests'Complaints顾客投诉 129

Unit 10 Paying the Bill付账 133

Part 4 Entertainment娱乐在线 138

Unit 1 Enjoying the Music欣赏音乐 138

Unit 2 Salon Hairdressers美发沙龙 142

Unit 3 In the Gym在健身房 147

Unit 4 At the Dancing Hall在舞厅 152

Unit 5 Watching the Match看比赛 156

Unit 6 Watching TV看电视 160

Unit 7 Playing Chess下棋 165

Unit 8 At KTV在KTV 168

Unit 9 A Birthday Party生日聚会 172

Unit 10 Chatting闲聊 176

Part 5 Shopping酒店购物 182

Unit 1 Buying Jewelry买珠宝 182

Unit 2 Buying Clothing买服装 186

Unit 3 Buying Shoes and Hats买鞋帽 191

Unit 4 Buying Watches and Clocks买钟表 195

Unit 5 Buying Stationery买文具用品 199

Unit 6 Buying Sporting Goods买体育用品 203

Unit 7 Buying Home Appliances买家电 207

Unit 8 Buying Drugs买药品 212

Unit 9 Buying Cosmetics买化妆品 216

Unit 10 Buying Food买食品 220
