- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孟广坪主编
- 出 版 社:重庆:重庆大学出版社
- 出版年份:1995
- ISBN:7562410070
- 页数:359 页
1. Science and Reality 1
2. Adolescent Students 6
3. On Beauty 11
4. Training the Athletes,High-tech Style 15
5. Ecology 20
6. Children of Extraordinary Ability 25
7. Napoleon and the Polish Uhlans 30
8. Graduates 35
9. Pop 40
10. Who should Run the University 45
11. The American Dream 50
12. Icebergs 54
13. Weather Report 58
14. Icy Tongue to Lick Global Warming 62
15. The Delights of Books 67
16. Inside Story 73
17. The Diamond 78
18. Treat with Caution 83
19. Fighting Fires with Computers 89
20. Search for Cheaper Solar Power Units 95
21. Future Technology Trends in Five Industrial Areas 101
22. A Stamp Made the Canal 106
23. The Unicorn in the Garden 112
24. In Case You Lose Your Grip 117
25. Control Units 122
26. Sleep 128
27. Farmers Wait in Vain for Investment 134
28. Classification of Mass Wasting Processes 139
29. How Should One Read a Book? 144
30. What's Your Best Time of Day? 150
31. Drop in Ocean Saltiness May Indicate Long-term Shiftin Earth's Climate 156
32. Role of Animal Agriculture 161
33. Submarine Rescue 166
34. The Rise of College Football 171
35. Comets 177
36. Water Pollution 183
37. Let Yourself Go 189
88. The Town That Kids Built 195
39. Preschool Day Care: Which Type Is Best? 201
40. Drinking While Driving--How Does The Test Work? 206
41. Geography of USA 211
42. Perception 217
43. Dicing with Death 223
44. Humans Can Be Frozen and Revived 229
45. Come Inside! 235
46. The Countryside Under Threat 241
47. World Food and Natural Resources Outlook in 2000 248
48. LIoyd's of London 255
49. The Age of Superstuff 262
50. Pitying Animals 268
1 274
2 279
3 284
4 289
5 295
6 300
7 305
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