贝多芬传 插图英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(法)罗曼·罗兰(Romain Rolland)著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京广播学院出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7810850350
- 页数:434 页
2.Portrait of Beethoven (1814). Engraving by Blasius Hofel after a drawing by Louis Letronne; with a dedication by Beethoven to his friend Franz Wegeler. (Reproduced from the original engraving by permission of Artaria Co., Vienna) 23
1.A portrait of Beethoven (at the age of 53) page 23
3.A portrait of Beethoven (at the age of 45) 28
4.Reproduction of the bill of Beethoven; s first public concert in Vienna 28
5.and 6, Original covers of works by Beethoven 28
7.The guartet of instruments given to Beethoven by prince Lichnowsky 36
8.Portrait of Joseph Haydn 36
9.Portrait of Giulietta Guicciardi (probably in the Moonlight period, about 1801/2). (Miniature found among Beethoven's papers) 36
10.A receipt of Beethoven 36
13.Portrait of Prince Karl Lichnowsky 42
14.Portrait of Franz clement (an Austrian violinist, 1780-1840). Beethoven wrote for him the violin concerto (opus 61) in 1806 42
12.Portrait of Princess Maria Christina Lichnowsky 42
11.A page of the autographe of the kreutzer sonata 42
15.Beethoven playing 'sonata quasi una Fantasia' for Giulietta Guicciardi 46
16.Miniature portrait of Beethoven by Christian Horneman (1802/3) 46
17.Silhouette of Beethoven at 16 46
18.Portrait of Beethoven (1800/1). Engraving by Johan Josef Neidl after a drawing by Gandolf Stainhauser 46
19.A page from Beethoven's manuscript of Missa Solemnis in C (opus 86) 58
20.General view of Heiligenstadt 58
21.The church at Heiligenstadt 58
22.A page of autograph of the finale of the Ninth symphony 58
23.The first page of the autograph of the violin concerto (opus 61) 62
24.Manuscrip title-page of the Eroica, with the dedication to General Bonaparte afterwards erased 62
25.Beethoven's stick 88
26.A page of the Eroica manuscript 88
28.The Graben, Vienna 94
27.The last piano used by Beethoven 94
29.Page of Heiligenstadt Testament (written in October 6, 1802) page 162
30.A page of the Appassionaa 162
31.Beethoven in 1804. Painted by J. W.Mahler 205
32.Beethoven's desk 210
33.A page of the Fidelio manucript 210
34.Portrait of Giulietta Guicciardi, Countess Gallenberg (probably in 1815) 210
35.A piano of Beethoven 210
36.Two pages of the autographe of the pastorale (sixth symphony) 224
37.The Kohlmarkt, Vienna, in Beethoven's time 224
38.The Michaelerplatz, Vienna, in Beethoven's time 224
39.Manuscripts of Beethoven (written in 1805) 224
42.General view and Church, Vienna 238
43.The karntnerthor Theater of Vienna, where the Ninth symphony was first performed 238
41.St.Peterplatz and Church, Vienna 238
40.The title-page of the variations on a march by Dressler (Wco.63), which was Beethoven's first published composition, written in 1782 238
44.A Mask of Beethoven 258
45.Portrait of Wilhelmine Schroeder-Devritent (1822), at the time of her debut in Fidelio 258
46.The Vienna Theatre in which Fidelio was first performed 258
47.St.Stephen's Church, Vienna 258
48.A portrait of Beethoven by Ferdinand schimon 302
49.Portrait of Josephine Brunsvik, Countess Deym (Miniature) 302
50.Portrait of Giulietta Guicciardi, Countess Gallenberg 302
51.A bust of Beethoven 302
52.Beethoven's hands 312
53.The Empress's Garden, Vienna 312
54.First page of the autograph of Trio in Bb 322
55.Portrait of Countess Therese von Brunsvik. (Original portrait by Kallhofer, hitherto known only in the mediocre reproduc-tion by J.B.Lampi, engraved by W.Unger, and in the copy, made by Therese herself, that is now in the Beethoven House in Bonn) 322
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