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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵伟华,张艳敏编著
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7561122349
  • 页数:235 页

Unit One Style in Written Communieation 书面交流文体 1

Unit Two Business Letters 商务信函 22

Letter Styles 信函格式 22

Punctuation Styles 标点格式 28

Standard Parts of a Business Letter 商务信函的标准部分 34

Styles of Envelope Addresses 信封的写法 41

Sample Business Letters 商务信函样文 43

Unit Three Social Correspondence 社交信函 63

Letter of Invitation 邀请信 64

Letter of Recommendation 推荐信 68

Letter of Introduction 介绍信 74

Certificate 证明信 76

Letter of Congratulation 贺信 78

Letter of Thanks/Thank You Note 感谢信 81

Notices and Announcements 告示和通知 83

Letter of Requesting Appointments 约定信 85

Letter of Comdolence 吊唁信 87

Letter of Suggestion 建议信 88

Unit Four Long Business Report 长篇商务报告 93

Parts of a Formal Report 正文报告的组成 93

Long Business Report 长篇商务报告的样文 103

Unit Five Short Business Report 短篇商务报告 119

Short Report in Letter Form 书信式短篇报告 119

Formal Short Report 正式短篇报告 125

Unit Six Memoranda 备忘录 139

Features of the Memorandum 备忘录的特点 140

Memoranda 备忘录的样文 141

Short Report in Memorandum Form 备忘录式短篇报告及样文 147

Unit Seven Minutes of a Meeting 会议记录 151

The Format for Minutes of a Meeting 会议记录格式 152

Minutes of a Meeting 会议记录样文 153

Unit Eight Resuné 履历书 158

The Resumé 履历 159

The Parts of A Resumé 履历的内容 160

Resumé 履历的样文 164

Unit Nine Application Letters 各种申请信 170

The Application Letter 求职信 170

Letter of Applying for Admittance 留学申请信 177

Letter of Applying for Scholarship 奖学金申请信 181

Personal Statement 自述 184

The Employment Interview 求职面试 187

Unit Ten Contracts 合同 194

Parts of Contracts 合同的组成 194

Contracts 合同的样文 195

Unit Eleven Instructions and Technical Instructions 说明书和技术说明书 204

Instrucations 说明书 204

Technical Instructions 技术说明书 210

Agenda for a Meeting 会议议程 214

Itinerary 旅行日程表 215

Returns 统计表 217

Outline 列提纲 220

Receipt 收据 225

E-mail 电子邮件 226

Newsletter 业务通信 230
