- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李洪涛,费维栋主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- ISBN:7560314082
- 页数:360 页
Unit 1 Materials and Heat Treatment 1
1.1 Ferrous Alloys 1
1.2 Heat Treatment of Steel 9
1.3 Principle of Heat Treatment of Steel 11
1.4 Non-ferrous Alloys 39
1.5 Composites 42
1.6 Advanced Structural Ceramics 54
1.7 Functional Ceramics 60
1.8 Conductive Ceramics 69
1.9 Glass Ceramics 81
1.10 Magnetic Materials 82
1.11 Plastics 84
1.12 Polymer 85
Unit 2 Casting 100
2.1 Metal Flow in Die Casting 100
2.2 Optimization of Properties in Aluminum Casting 124
2.3 Precision Casting Process 132
Unit 3 Forming 171
3.1 Fundamentals of Metal Forming 171
3.2 Bulk-metal Forming 186
3.3 Sheet-metal Forming 195
Unit 4 Welding 204
4.1 Arc Characteristics 204
4.2 Arc Welding 227
4.3 Electronic Beam Welding 230
4.4 Electroslag Welding 235
4.5 Explosion Welding 237
4.6 Friction Welding 240
4.7 Laser Beam Welding 241
4.8 Oxyfuel Gas Welding 243
4.9 Resistance Welding 247
4.10 Solid State Welding 250
4.11 Thermit Welding 253
4.12 Ultrosonic Welding 256
5.1 Portland Cement 258
Unit 5 Inorganic Non-metallic Materials 258
5.2 Burning of Clinker 260
5.3 Cooling of Cement Clinker 263
5.4 Chemical and Mineralogical Composition of Portland Cement 266
5.5 Different Types of Portland Cement 269
5.6 Factors Affecting the Rate of Hydration of the Cement 273
5.7 Strength of Concrete 277
5.8 Durability of Concrete 291
6.1 Abrasives 302
Unit 6 General Science 302
6.2 Adhesives 309
6.3 Analysis and Measurement 315
6.4 Chemical Reaction 317
6.5 Computers 318
6.6 Condensation and Condensers 319
6.7 Conductors and Conductivity 321
6.8 Conservation of Natural Resources 323
6.9 Electric Magnetic Material 325
6.10 Electronics 326
6.11 Electrolysis 329
6.12 Energy Conversion 331
6.13 Explosion 332
6.14 Jet Engine 333
6.15 Lathe 335
6.16 Liquid Pumps 337
6.17 Lubrication of Bearings 339
6.18 Matter 341
6.19 Mechanics 343
6.20 Mineral and Rock 346
6.21 Navigation 347
6.22 Petrol Engine 350
6.23 Physical Science 352
6.24 Radar 354
6.25 Radioactivity 356
6.26 Semiconductor 358
6.27 Surface Coating 360
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