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  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:朱志忠等主编
  • 出 版 社:济南市:山东大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787560739854
  • 页数:536 页

A 1

阿德福韦酯(adefovir dipivoxil) 1

阿卡波糖(acarbose) 1

阿拉木图宣言(Declaration of Alma-Ata) 1

阿米巴(ameba) 2

阿米巴病(amebiasis) 2

阿米巴肝脓肿(amebic liver abscess) 2

阿米巴痢疾(amebic dysentery) 2

阿莫罗芬(amorolfine) 2

阿莫西林(amoxicillin) 2

阿普伽新生儿评分(apgar score) 3

阿什莉疗法(Ashley therapy) 3

阿输吠陀(Ayurveda) 3

阿司匹林耐量试验(aspirin tolerance test) 4

阿—斯综合征(Adams-Stokes syndrome) 4

阿特金斯食谱(Atkins cookbook) 4

阿托品试验(atropine test) 4

阿瓦斯丁(avastin) 5

埃可病毒(ECHO Virus) 5

癌(carcinoma) 5

癌变(canceration) 5

癌巢(cancer nests) 5

癌基因(oncogenes) 5

癌基因学说(carcinogen theory) 5

癌基因家族(families with oncogene) 6

癌家族(families with more patients suffering cancers) 6

癌胚抗原(carcinoembryonic antigen,CEA) 6

癌前病变(precancerous lesion) 6

癌肉瘤(carcinosarcoma) 6

癌细胞(cancer cell) 7

癌性腹膜炎(carcinomatous peritonitis) 7

癌性胸/腹膜炎(carcinomatous pleurisy/peritonitis) 7

癌转移(cancerometastasis) 7

艾迪生病(Addison disease) 7

艾森曼格综合征(Eisenmenger syndrome) 7

艾滋病(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS) 8

艾滋病同伴教育(AIDS peer education) 8

爱立斯征(Allis sign) 8

安乐死(euthanasia) 8

安全范围(safety range) 8

安全护理(safety nursing) 8

安全系数(safety coefficient) 8

安全性(safety) 9

安体舒通试验(antisterone test) 9

安慰剂(placebo) 9

安息护理(nursing for doomed patient) 9

氨基酸(amino acid) 9

氨基酸比值系数(amino acid ratios coefficient) 10

氨基酸代谢病(metabolic disorders of amino acid) 10

氨基酸模式(pattern of amino acid) 10

按病种付费(payment by type of disease) 10

按成本收费(determining fees according to cost) 10

暗示疗法(suggestion therapy) 10

暗适应(dark adaptation) 11

暗视野显微镜(dark-field microscope) 11

奥狄括约肌切开术(Oddi sphincterotomy) 11

奥氏移液管(Oswald pipet) 11

B 12

巴比妥类药物中毒(barbituism) 12

巴彬斯基征(Babinski sign) 12

巴氏染色法(Papanicolaou staining) 12

巴氏消毒(pasteurization) 12

白蛋白(albumin) 12

白癜风(vitiligo) 12

白喉—百日咳—破伤风三联疫苗(diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine) 13

白喉毒素(diphtheria toxin) 13

白喉和破伤风类毒素(diphtheria and tetanus toxoid) 13

白内障(cataract) 13

白内障超声乳化吸出术(ultrasonic emulsive exsuction of cataract) 13

白内障囊内摘除术(intracapsular extraction of cataract) 13

白内障囊外摘除术(extracapsular extraction of cataract) 14

白塞综合征(Behcet syndrome) 14

白细胞(white blood cell,WBC) 14

白细胞计数(white-cell count) 14

白细胞减少症(leukopenia) 14

白细胞介素(interleukin,IL) 14

白细胞介素2(interleukin 2,IL2) 15

白细胞抗体(leukocyte antibody) 15

白细胞三烯(leukotrienes) 15

白线疝(hernia of the linea alba) 15

白血病(leukemia) 15

白血病性淋巴增生(leukemic lymphadenosis) 15

百日咳(pertussis;whooping cough) 15

百日咳菌苗(pertussis vaccine) 15

败血症(septicemia) 16

班氏试剂(Benedict reagent) 16

斑秃(alopecia areata) 16

斑疹伤寒(typhus) 16

瘢痕疙瘩(keloid) 16

瘢痕体质(cicatricial diathesis) 16

瘢痕组织(scar tissue) 16

半必需氨基酸(semi-essential amino acid) 16

半昏迷(semicoma) 16

半计量资料(semi-measurement data) 16

半抗原(hapten) 17

半流质膳食(semiliquid diet) 17

半乳糖血症(galactosemia) 17

半数有效量(median effective dose,ED50) 17

半数致死量(median lethal dose,LD50) 17

半衰期(hall-life) 17

半污染区(half-contaminated area) 17

半月板损伤(injury of meniscus) 17

瓣膜畸形(deformity of valves) 18

瓣膜移植术(valvotransplantation) 18

包涵体(inclusion body) 18

包茎与包皮过长(phimosis and redundant precuce) 18

孢子丝菌病(sporotrichosis) 18

饱和脂肪酸(saturated fatty acid) 18

保健(health protection,healthcare) 18

保健门诊(health outpatient service) 19

保健性疗养(recuperation for health) 19

保健医学(health medicine) 19

保健员(health worker) 19

暴发性耳聋(fulminant deafness) 19

暴露人年(person-years exposure) 19

爆发调查(outbreak investigation) 19

备用医嘱(reserve order) 19

被动抗体(passive antibody) 20

被动体位(passive position) 20

被动运动(passive movements) 20

被动自动免疫(passive active immunity) 20

本斯·琼斯蛋白(Bence Jones protein) 20

鼻窦炎(nasosinusitis) 20

鼻饲(nasal feeding) 20

鼻纤维瘤(nasal fibroma) 20

鼻血管瘤(nasal angioma) 21

鼻咽癌(nasopharyngeal carcinoma) 21

必需氨基酸(essential aminoacid) 21

必需氨基酸指数(essential amino acid index) 21

必需微量元素(essential trace element) 21

必需脂肪酸(essential fatty acid) 21

闭合性气胸(closed pneumothorax) 21

闭经(amenorrhea) 21

闭孔疝(obturator hernia) 22

闭锁综合征(locked-in syndrome) 22

避孕(birth control;contraception) 22

臂丛损伤(injury of the brachial plexus) 22

边际成本(marginal cost) 22

边际效用(marginal utility) 23

边缘学科(frontier science) 23

编码(coding) 23

鞭虫病(trichuriasis) 23

扁平足(flat foot) 23

扁桃体癌(carcinoma of tonsil) 23

变态反应(allergic reaction;allergy) 24

变态心理(abnormal mind) 24

变异(variance) 24

变异系数(coefficient of variation,CV) 24

标化死亡率(standard death rate) 24

标准(standard,normal) 24

标准差(standard deviation) 24

标准化(standardization) 24

标准化法(standardization) 25

表皮原位癌(Bowen disease) 25

表现度(expressivity) 25

槟榔癌(betel cancer) 25

髌骨骨折(patellar fracture) 25

髌阵挛(patellar clonus) 25

丙氨酸氨基转移酶(alanine aminotransferase) 25

丙类传染病(category c infectious disease) 25

丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV) 26

丙种球蛋白(gamma globulin,γG) 26

并发性白内障(complicated cataract) 26

并发症(complication) 26

病案(medical history;case history) 26

病变(pathological changes) 26

病程(course of disease) 27

病床使用率(rate of utilization of hospital beds) 27

病床周转次数(turnover rates of hospital beds) 27

病毒(virus) 27

病毒感染(virus infection) 27

病毒性肺炎(virus pneumonia) 27

病毒性肝炎(viral hepatitis) 27

病毒学(virology) 28

病毒血症(viremia) 28

病毒诱发肿瘤(virus induced tumor) 28

病房护士长(ward charge nurse) 28

病房药品管理制度(regulations of drug control) 28

病理反射(pathological reflex) 28

病理科(department of pathology) 28

病理切片(pathological section) 29

病理生理学(pathophysiology) 29

病理性钙化(pathologic calcification) 29

病理学(pathology) 29

病历(medical history) 29

病历质量(medical records quality) 29

病例(case of illness) 30

病例对照研究(case control study) 30

病例评价方法(procedure of case estimation) 30

病例讨论(case discussion) 30

病例组合(casemix) 30

病情观察(observation of disease) 30

病情记录(pathography) 31

病区单元(ward unit) 31

病区环境(ward environment) 31

病区换药室(ward dressing room) 31

病区治疗室(ward treatment room) 31

病人(patient) 31

病人单位(patient's unit) 32

病人预期后果(expected patient outcome) 32

病史(case history) 32

病室环境(ward environment) 32

病室空气管理(ward ventilation management) 32

病死率(fatality rate) 32

病态窦房结综合征(sick sinus syndrome,SSS) 33

病态人格(personality disorders) 33

病危护理(critical illness nursing) 33

病危通知(notification of critical illness) 33

病因学(etiology) 33

病因诊断(etiological diagnosis) 33

病愈(recover from disease) 34

病原体携带者(pathogen carrier) 34

病灶(focus) 34

玻璃体混浊(vitreous opacity) 34

玻片培养法(slide cultivation) 34

补体(complement) 34

补体结合(complement fixation) 35

补体结合试验(complement fixation test,CFT) 35

不良反应(adverse reaction) 35

不能预防的感染(un-preventable infection) 35

不完全蛋白质(incomplete protein) 35

不完全恢复健康(incomplete recovery of health) 35

不完全抗体(incomplete antibody) 35

不完全显性遗传(incomplete dominant inheritance) 36

不稳定型心绞痛(unstable angina pectoris) 36

不应期(refractory period) 36

不孕症(sterility) 36

布郎罕姆试验(Branham test) 37

布氏姜片吸虫(Fasciolopsis Buski) 37

部分凝血活酶时间(partial thromboplastin time) 37

部件医学(substitute medicine) 37

C 38

餐具消毒(table-ware disinfection) 38

残疾(disability) 38

残疾人(disabled person) 38

残疾预防教育(education for prevention from deformity) 38

残缺(impairment) 38

残损(incomplete) 38

残胃癌(carcinoma of gastric remnant) 39

残障(handicap disturbance) 39

侧脑室肿瘤(tumor of lateral cerebral ventricle) 39

查对制度(checking system) 39

查房(ward inspection) 39

差别有显著性(difference with significance) 39

差别有高度显著性(difference with high significance) 39

差异无显著性(non-significance of difference) 39

产程图(graphic analysis of labor) 40

产妇膳食(diet for parturient) 40

产后出血(postpartum hemorrhage) 40

产后垂体前叶功能减退症(sheehan syndrome) 40

产后精神病(postpartum psychosis) 41

产科咨询(obstetrical counselling) 41

产前诊断(prenatal diagnosis) 41

产钳助娩(forceps delivery) 41

产褥感染(puerperal infection) 41

产褥期(puerperium,stegmonth) 42

产褥热(puerperal fever) 42

长期低热(prolonged low fever) 42

长期护理模式(long-term nursing model) 42

长期医嘱(long-term medical order) 43

长寿者率(longevity rate) 43

长效胰岛素(protamine zinc insulin) 43

肠道病毒(enterovirus) 43

肠毒素(enterotoxin) 43

肠间脓肿(interbowel abscess) 43

肠系膜肿瘤(mesenteric tumor) 43

常规检查(routine examination) 43

常染色体(autosome) 44

常染色体病(autosomal diseases) 44

常染色体隐性遗传(autosomal recessive inheritance) 44

超敏反应(hypersensitivity) 44

超声波洁牙机(ultrasonic scaling device) 44

超声波疗法(ultrasonictherapy) 44

超声检查(ultrasonic examination) 45

超声外科(ultrasonic surgery) 45

超声心动图(echocardiogram) 45

超声医学(ultrasonic medicine) 45

超声诊断(ultrasonic diagnosis) 45

超声诊断学(ultrasonic diagnostics) 46

超声治疗(ultrasonic therapy) 46

超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase,SOD) 46

车祸(traffic accident) 46

尘肺(pneumoconiosis) 46

尘螨(dust mite) 46

沉淀反应(precipitation reaction) 47

陈—施氏呼吸综合征(Cheyne-Stokes breathing syndrome,CSBS) 47

晨会(morning meeting) 47

晨间查房(morning ward inspection) 47

晨间护理(morning nursing) 47

成本(cost) 47

成本核算(cost accounting) 48

成本计算(cost planning) 48

成本价格(cost price) 48

成分输血(blood component transfusion) 48

成骨不全症(osteogenesis imperfecta) 48

成骨肉瘤(osteogenic sarcoma) 48

成骨细胞瘤(osteoblastoma) 49

成人肥厚性幽门狭窄(adult hypertrophic pyloric stenosis) 49

成人型呼吸窘迫综合征(adult respiratory distress syndrome,ARDS) 49

成软骨细胞瘤(chondroblastoma) 49

城市三级医疗机构(city three level medical organization) 49

城市社区(urban community) 50

城市医疗网(medical network of cities and towns) 50

迟发型超敏反应(delayed type hypersensitivity,DTH) 50

迟发性神经毒性(delayed neurotoxicity) 50

持续质量改进(continuous quality improvement,CQI) 51

尺神经损伤(injury of the ulnar nerve) 51

充填法(filling) 51

充血(hyperemia) 51

抽搐(tic) 51

抽屉试验(drawer test) 51

抽样调查(sampling survey) 51

臭氧(ozone) 52

出血(hemorrhage) 52

出血热(hemorrhagic fever) 52

出血时间(bleeding time) 52

出院病历排列顺序(order of medical record of discharge) 52

出院后随访(follow-up survey out of hospital) 52

出院护理(discharge nursing) 52

出院计划(discharge planning) 53

出院卫生指导(discharge hygiene instruction) 53

出院者平均住院日数(average hospitalization days of leaving persons) 53

出院指导(instruction discharge) 53

初步诊断(primary diagnosis) 53

初级卫生保健(primary health care,PHC) 53

初级卫生保健护士(primary health care nurses) 53

初级预防(primary prevention) 53

初乳(colostrum) 54

初诊(first visit) 54

除颤(defibrillation) 54

杵状指(趾)(acropachy) 54

处方(prescription) 54

触电(electric shock) 54

穿刺(puncture) 54

穿刺培养(stab cultivation) 54

传播机制(mechanism of transmission) 55

传播媒介物(vehicle of infection transmission) 55

传播途径(route of transmission) 55

传染(infection;infect) 55

传染病(infectious disease) 55

传染病报告(infectious disease report) 55

传染病防治法(infectious diseases control law) 56

传染病管理(communicable disease cotrol) 56

传染病区(infection ward) 56

传染病学(epidemiology) 56

传染病预防管理(preventive management of infectious diseases) 56

传染过程(infectious process) 56

传染免疫(infection immunity) 56

传染期(infectious period) 56

传染性(infectivity) 56

传染性单核细胞增多症(infectious mononucleosis) 57

传染性软疣(molluscum contagiosum) 57

传染源(source of infection) 57

传统质量管理(management of traditional quality) 57

床边监护器(bedside monitor) 57

床头交班(bedside handing over to the next shift) 57

创伤(trauma) 58

创伤后呼吸窘迫综合征(post-traumatic respiratory distress syndrome) 58

创伤后急性肾功能衰竭(post-traumatic acute renal failure) 58

创伤性溃疡(traumatic ulcer) 58

唇癌(carcinoma of lip) 58

唇裂(cleft lip) 58

磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging) 59

雌激素(estrogen) 59

促甲状腺激素(thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH) 59

猝死(sudden death) 59

催产素静滴引产(induction of labor by oxytocin) 60

催眠疗法(hypnotherapy) 60

存活人年数(stationary population) 60

痤疮(acne) 60

错构瘤(hamartoma) 60

D 61

大便常规(stool routine examination) 61

大肠癌(carcinoma of large intestine) 61

大环内酯类抗生素(macrolides) 61

大流行(pandemic) 61

大气污染(atmospheric pollution) 61

大气污染物质(atmospheric pollutants) 61

大网膜坏死(necrosis of the greater omentum) 61

大网膜囊肿(cyst of the greater omentum) 62

大网膜扭转(torsion of the omentum) 62

大网膜粘连(adhesion of the great omentum) 62

大血管错位(transposition of great vessels) 62

大叶性肺炎(lobar pneumonia) 62

大隐静脉剥脱术(stripping of great saphenous vein) 62

大隐静脉高位结扎术(high ligation of great saphenous vein) 62

呆小病(cretinism) 62

代偿机能(compensation) 62

代偿性酸中毒(compensated acidosis) 63

代谢试验膳食(metabolism test diet) 63

代谢性骨病(metabolic osteopathy) 63

代谢性碱中毒(metabolic alkalosis) 63

代谢性酸中毒(metabolic acidosis) 63

带血管游离骨移植(pedicled dissociated bone transplantation) 63

带状疱疹(herpes zoster) 64

待产室(labor room) 64

丹毒(erysipelas) 64

单纯癌(carcinoma simplex) 64

单纯疱疹(herpes simplex) 64

单纯疱疹性角膜炎(herpes simplex keratitis) 64

单纯随机抽样(simple random sampling) 65

单纯型精神分裂症(simple schizophrenia) 65

单纯性抑郁症(simple depression) 65

单光子发射电子计算机控制断层显像术(single emission computed tomography,SPECT) 65

单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody,McAb) 65

单因素分析(single factor analysis) 66

胆管出血(hematobilia) 66

胆管感染(infection of biliary tract) 66

胆管损伤(injury of biliary tract) 66

胆管肿瘤(tumor of biliary tract) 66

胆固醇(cholesterol) 66

胆管癌(carcinoma of bile duct) 67

胆管良性肿瘤(benign tumor of bile duct) 67

胆红素(bilirubin) 67

胆囊癌(carcinoma of gallbladder) 67

胆囊坏疽(gangrene of gallbladder) 67

胆囊积水(hydrops of gallbladder) 67

胆囊切除术(cholecystectomy) 68

胆囊切除术后综合征(postcholecystestomy syndrome,PCS) 68

胆囊炎(cholecystitis) 68

胆囊造瘘术(cholecystostomy) 68

胆囊周围脓肿(pericholecystic abscess) 68

胆石症(cholelithiasis) 68

胆汁性腹膜炎(biliary peritonitis) 68

胆汁性肝硬化(biliary cirrhosis) 69

胆汁淤积症(cholestasis) 69

胆总管空肠Y型吻合术(Roux-en Y type eholedochojejunostomy) 69

胆总管十二指肠吻合术(eholedoehoduodenostomy) 69

胆总管造口术(choledochostomy) 69

蛋白氮(protein nitrogen) 69

蛋白酶(protease) 69

蛋白尿(proteinuria) 70

蛋白质(protein) 70

蛋白质供给量(protein allowance) 70

蛋白质互补作用(complementary action of protein) 70

蛋白质节约作用(economical action of protein) 71

蛋白质缺乏病(protein deficiency) 71

蛋白质需要量(protein requirement) 71

氮平衡(nitrogen equilibrium) 71

氮平衡试验膳食(nitrogen equilibrium test diet) 71

导弹药物(missile drug) 72

登革热(dengue fever) 72

等距抽样(isometric sampling) 72

等渗尿(isosthenuria) 72

等渗溶液(isotonic solution) 72

低蛋白膳食(low protein diet) 72

低分化肿瘤(poorly differentiated tumor) 72

低钙血症(hypocalcemia) 73

低钾膳食(low-potassium diet) 73

低钾血症(hypopotassemia,hypokalemia) 73

低卡食品(low energy diet) 73

低磷血症(hypophosphatemia) 73

低镁血症(hypomagnesemia) 73

低密度脂蛋白(low density lipoprotein,LDL) 73

低钠血症(hyponatremia) 73

低渗尿(hyposthenuria) 74

低渗性脱水(hypotonic dehydration) 74

低体重儿(low birth weight newborn) 74

低温麻醉(hypothermic anesthesia) 74

低血糖(hypoglycemia) 74

低盐膳食(low salt diet) 74

低脂肪低胆固醇膳食(low-fat low-cholesterol diet) 75

骶管阻滞(caudal block) 75

地段护士(district nurse) 75

地段医疗预防保健(district curative and preventive health care) 75

地方病(endemic disease) 75

地方性甲状腺肿(endemic goiter) 75

地塞米松抑制试验(dexamethasone inhibition test) 76

地图样舌(geographic tongue) 76

地中海贫血(thalassemia) 76

第二产程延长(prolonged second stage of labor) 77

第三脑室胶样囊肿(colloid cyst of third ventricle) 77

第三状态(亚健康状态)(the third state) 77

癫痫(epilepsy) 77

癫痫持续状态(status epilepticus) 77

癫痫大发作(grand mal epilepsy) 78

癫痫小发作(petit mal epilepsy) 78

癫痫及癫痫分类(epilepsy and classification of epilepsy) 78

癫痫治疗(treatment of epilepsy) 78

碘盐(iodized salt) 78

电光性眼炎(electric ophthtalmia) 79

电击伤(electrical injury) 79

电解质(electrolyte) 79

电疗(electrotherapy) 79

电生理学(electrophysiology) 79

电睡眠疗法(clectrohypnotherapy) 79

电子病历(electronic medical record,EMR) 79

电子计算机体层摄影(computed tomography,CT) 79

电子直线加速器(electron linear accelerator) 80

靛青绿排泄试验(indocyanine green excretion test) 80

丁型肝炎病毒(hepatitis D virus,HDV) 80

定量分析(quantitative analysis) 80

定期健康检查(periodic health examination) 80

定群研究(cohort study) 80

定性分析(qualitative analysis) 81

动静脉短路(arteriovenous shunt) 81

动静脉瘘(arteriovenous fistula) 81

动脉导管结扎术(ligation of patent arterial duet) 81

动脉导管未闭(patent arterial duct) 81

动脉瘤(aneurysm) 81

动脉枪击声(arterial pistol shot sound) 81

动脉硬化性视网膜病(arteriosclerotic retinopathy) 81

动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis) 82

动脉粥样硬化膳食(atherosclerosis diet) 82

动脉粥样硬化血栓形成性脑栓塞(atherothrombotic infarct of the brain) 82

动物模型(animal model) 82

动物实验(animal experiment) 82

动物源性传染病(zoonosis) 83

冻伤(congelation) 83

毒理学(toxicology) 83

毒力(virulence) 83

毒蛇咬伤(snakebite) 83

毒素(toxin) 83

毒物(poison;toxicant) 84

毒物排出途径(route of poison excretion) 84

毒性反应(toxic reaction) 84

毒血症(toxemia) 84

毒药(poison) 84

杜加氏征(Duga's sign) 84

短小棒状杆菌(coryne bacterium parvum) 84

短暂性脑缺血发作(transient cerebral ischemic attacks,TIA) 85

断肢(指)再植[replantation of the severed limb(finger)] 85

队列分析(cohort analysis) 85

对流免疫电泳(counter immunoelectrophoresis,CIEP) 85

对照(control) 85

对照组(control group) 85

多发性大动脉炎(multiple aorto-arteritis) 86

多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma) 86

多发性肌炎(polymyositis) 86

多发性结肠息肉病(multiple polyposis of colon) 87

多发性神经纤维瘤(multiple neurofibroma) 87

多发性神经炎(polyneuritis) 87

多发性硬化症(multiple sclerosis,MS) 87

多汗症(hyperhidrosis) 87

多基因病(polygenic disease) 88

多级抽样(multi-stage sampling) 88

多克隆抗体(polyclonal antibody) 88

多囊卵巢综合征(polycystic ovary syndrome,PCOS) 88

多囊肾(polycystic kidneys) 88

多尿(polyuria) 88

多胎妊娠(multiple pregnancy) 89

多系统器官功能衰竭(multiple system organ failure,MSOF) 89

多原发癌(multiple primary carcinoma) 89

E 90

额外牙(supernumerary teeth) 90

恶病质(cachexia) 90

恶露(lochia) 90

恶性高血压(malignant hypertension) 90

恶性黑色素瘤(malignant melanoma) 90

恶性淋巴瘤(malignant lymphoma) 90

恶性贫血(pernicious anemia) 90

恶性葡萄胎(malignant mole) 91

恶性肉芽肿(malignant granuloma) 91

恶性肿瘤(malignant tumor) 91

恶性肿瘤转移(malignant tumor metastasis) 91

恶性组织细胞病(malignant histiocytosis,MH) 92

恶液质(cachexia) 92

腭裂(cleft palate) 92

儿科学(paediatrics) 92

儿童基础免疫(children fundamental immunity) 92

儿童健康指导师(children's health instructor) 92

儿童心理学(child psychology) 93

耳鼻喉科(otorhinolaryngologieal department) 93

耳鼻喉科学(otolaryngology;otorhinolaryngology) 93

耳鸣(tinnitus) 93

二重感染(double infection) 93

二级护理(second-order nursing) 93

二级医院(secondary hospital) 94

二级预防(secondary prevention) 94

二尖瓣闭式分离术(closed mitral commissurotomy) 94

二尖瓣病面容(mitral facies) 94

二尖瓣成形术(mitral valvuloplasty) 94

二尖瓣分离术(separation of mitral valve) 94

二尖瓣关闭不全(mitral insufficiency) 94

二尖瓣膜置换术(mitral valve replacement) 95

二尖瓣脱垂综合征(mitral valve prolapse syndrome) 95

二尖瓣狭窄(mitral stenosis) 95

二尖瓣型心脏(mitralization) 95

二期愈合(delayed healing) 95

二氧化碳(carbon dioxide) 95

二氧化碳分压(partial pressure of carbon dioxide) 95

二氧化碳激光疗法(carbon dioxide laser therapy) 96

二氧化碳结合力(carbon dioxide combining power,CO2CP) 96

F 97

发病机制(pathogenesis) 97

发病率(morbidity) 97

发热(fever) 97

发热病人膳食(febrile patient diet) 97

发作性睡病(narcolepsy) 98

法定传染病(notifiable disease) 98

法乐四联症(tetralogy of Fallot) 98

法医(medicolegal physician) 98

法医学(forensic medicine;legal medicine) 99

法医学鉴定(forensic identification) 99

反流性食管炎(reflux esophagitis) 99

反射痛(referred pain) 99

反射性呕吐(reflex vomiting) 99

反应性低血糖(reactive hypoglycemia) 99

反应性精神病(reactive psychosis) 99

反应性抑郁症(reactive depression) 99

饭后护理(postprandial nursing) 100

防腐剂(antiseptic;preservative) 100

防疫(epidemic prevention) 100

防疫措施(prophylactic measures) 100

防御功能(defense function) 100

防御性医疗行为(defensive medical behaviour) 100

房间隔缺损(atrial septal defect) 101

放射病(radiation disease) 101

放射免疫测定(radioimmunoassay) 101

放射线(radioactive rays) 101

放射性肠炎(radiation enteritis) 102

放射性同位素(radioactive isotope) 102

放射性同位素检查(radioisotope examination) 102

放射性污染(radioactive contamination) 102

放射性药物(radiopharmaceutical) 102

放射医学(radiology) 102

放射治疗(radiotherapy) 102

放射状角膜切开术(radial keratotomy,RK) 103

放松疗法(relaxation therapy) 103

飞沫传染(droplet infection) 103

非骨化性纤维瘤(non-ossifying fibroma,NOF) 103

非淋菌性尿道炎(nongonococcal urethritis,NGU) 103

非特异性免疫(nonspecific immunity) 104

非条件反射(unconditioned reflex) 104

非心源性心脏骤停(non-cardiogenic cardiac arrest) 104

非阵发性心动过速(nonparoxysmal tachycardia) 104

肥大性龈炎(hyperplastic gingivitis) 104

肥胖症(obesity) 104

肺癌(carcinoma of lung) 105

肺错构瘤(hamartoma of lung) 105

肺功能测定(pulmonary function test) 105

肺活量(vital capacity) 105

肺脓肿(pulmonary abscess) 106

肺炎性假瘤(inflammatory pseudotumor of lung) 106

肺转移性癌(metastatic carcinoma of lung) 106

分层抽样(stratified sampling) 106

分级护理(grading nursing care) 106

分解代谢(catabolism) 107

分娩节育保险(insurance on birth control after childbirth) 107

分娩室(delivery room) 107

分期护理(stage nursing) 107

分诊(individual diagnosis) 107

分子生物学(molecular biology) 107

分子遗传学(molecular genetics) 108

酚红排泄试验(phenolsulfanphthalein excretion test) 108

粉刺癌(comedocarcinoma) 108

粉瘤(atheroma) 108

风湿热(rheumatic fever) 108

风湿性关节炎(rheumatic arthritis) 108

风湿性小结(rheumatic nodules) 108

风湿性心包炎(rheumatic pericarditis) 109

风湿性心肌炎(rheumatic myocarditis) 109

封闭(blockade) 109

封闭因子(blocking factor) 109

服药单(medication list) 109

氟斑牙(dental fluorosis) 109

浮髌试验(floating patella test) 110

辐射病(radiation sickness) 110

辐射损伤(radiation damage) 110

辅酶(coenzyme) 110

辅助检查(auxiliary examination) 110

辅助治疗(adjuvant treatment) 110

妇女健康教育(health education in women) 111

妇女卫生学(women health) 111

妇幼保健(children and maternity health care) 111

附睾结核(tuberculosis of epididymis) 111

附睾肿瘤(tumor of epididymis) 111

复发性口疮(recurrent aphtae) 111

复合性溃疡(compound ulcer) 112

复视(diplopia) 112

副霍乱(paracholera) 112

副伤寒(paratyphoid fever) 112

副性征(secondary sex characters) 112

副作用(side effects) 112

腹壁反射(abdominal reflex) 113

腹壁损伤(injury of the abdominal wall) 113

腹股沟斜疝(indirect inguinal hernia) 113

腹股沟直疝(direct inguinal hernia) 113

腹会阴联合直肠切除术(Mile operation) 113

腹膜后包块(retroperitoneal mass) 114

腹膜后脓肿(retroperitoneal abscess) 114

腹膜炎(peritonitis) 114

腹内疝(abdominal internal hernia) 114

腹腔穿刺术(abdominocentesis) 114

腹腔积血(hemoperitoneum) 115

腹腔镜检查(celioscopy,laparoscopy) 115

腹腔脓肿(abdominal abscess) 115

腹水(ascites) 115

腹痛(abdominal pain) 115

腹外疝(abdominal external hernia) 115

腹主动脉瘤(abdominal aneurysm) 116

覆盖义齿(overlay denture) 116

G 117

干酪样肺炎(caseous pneumonia) 117

干酪样坏死(caseation) 117

干啰音(dry rales;rhonchi) 117

干扰素(interferon,IFN) 117

干热灭菌(dry heat sterilization) 117

干细胞(stem cell) 118

干性坏疽(dry gangrene) 118

干性胸膜炎(dry pleurisy) 118

肝癌(hepatic carcinoma;carcinoma of liver) 118

肝病面容(hepatic face) 118

肝动脉栓塞术(transcatheter arterial embolization,TAE) 119

肝豆状核变性(Wilson disease) 119

肝功能检查(liver function test) 119

肝功能衰竭(hepatic failure) 119

肝海绵状血管瘤(cavernous hemangioma of liver) 120

肝昏迷(hepatic coma) 120

肝母细胞瘤(hepatoblastoma,FIB) 120

肝囊肿(hepatic cyst) 120

肝脓肿(hepatic abscess) 120

肝脓肿引流术(drainage of hepatic abscess) 121

肝破裂(hepatorrhexis) 121

肝切除术(hepatectomy) 121

肝肾综合征(hepatorenal syndrome,HRS) 121

肝损伤(injury of the liver) 122

肝细胞性黄疸(hepatocellular jaundice) 122

肝—心综合征(hepatocardial syndrome) 122

肝性腹水(hepatic ascites) 122

肝性脑病(hepatic encephalopathy) 122

肝性胸水(hepatic hydrothorax) 122

肝血管瘤(hepatic hemangioma) 123

肝炎后肝硬化(posthepatitic cirrhosis) 123

肝移植术(hepatic transplantation) 123

肝硬化(liver cirrhosis) 123

肝脏恶性肿瘤(malignant tumor of liver) 123

肝脏良性肿瘤(benign tumor of liver) 123

肝掌(liver palms) 124

感觉性失语症(sensory aphasia) 124

感觉异常(abnormal sensation) 124

感冒(cold) 124

感染(infection) 124

感染率(infection rate) 124

感染性休克(septic shock) 124

肛管直肠周围脓肿(perianal and perirectal abscess) 125

肛裂(anal fissure) 125

肛瘘(anal fistula) 125

高胆固醇血症(hypercholesterolemia) 125

高蛋白膳食(high-protein diet) 125

高钙膳食(high-calcium diet) 126

高钙血症(hypercalcaemia) 126

高级综合模拟人(emergency care simulator,ECS) 126

高钾膳食(high-potassium diet) 126

高钾血症(hyperkalemia) 126

高镁血症(hypermagnesemia) 126

高密度脂蛋白(high density lipoprotein,HDL) 127

高尿酸血症(hyperuricemia) 127

高热能膳食(high-energy diet) 127

高渗尿(hyperosmotic urine) 127

高渗性失水(hyperosmotic dehydration) 128

高糖膳食(high-carbonhydrate diet) 128

高危妊娠(high risk pregnancy) 128

高危胎儿(high risk fetus) 128

高危险人群(high risk group) 129

高维生素膳食(high-vitamin diet) 129

高血压脑病(hypertensive encephalopathy) 129

高血压膳食(hypertension diet) 129

高血压危象(hypertensive crisis) 129

高血压性视网膜病变(hypertensive retinopathy) 130

高血压性心脏病(hypertensive heart disease) 130

高压灭菌(autoclaving) 130

高压氧疗法(hyperbaric oxygenation) 130

高压氧治疗(hyperbaric oxygen therapy) 131

高原反应(high altitude reaction) 131

高原肺水肿(high altitude pulmonary edema) 131

高原心脏病(high altitude heart disease) 131

高脂血症(hyperlipemia) 132

睾丸肿瘤(testicular tumor) 132

革兰染色法(Gram'stain) 132

隔离(isolation) 132

膈疝(diaphragmatic hernia) 132

膈下脓肿(subphrenic abscess) 132

个人(病)史(personal case history) 132

个人健康检查(personal health examination) 133

个人人寿保险(individual life insurance) 133

个人卫生(personal hygiene) 133

个人卫生保健(personal hygiene and health care) 133

个体差异(individual difference) 133

根管治疗术(root canal therapy) 133

跟骨骨折(fractures of calcaneus) 134

跟腱断裂(Achilles tendon rupture) 134

跟腱反射(Achilles tendon reflex) 134

跟痛症(calcanodynia) 134

更年期(climacteric) 135

更年期保健(climacteric hygiene) 135

更年期综合征(climacteric syndrome) 135

梗阻性黄疸(obstructive jaundice) 135

弓形体病(toxoplasmosis) 136

公共保健(public health) 136

公共卫生护理(public health nursing) 136

公共营养学(public nutrition,social nutrition) 136

功能失调性子宫出血(dysfunctional metrorrhagia) 136

功能性蛋白尿(functional proteinuria) 136

功能性低热(functional low grade fever) 137

功能性低血糖(functional hypoglycemia) 137

功能性二尖瓣狭窄(functional mitral stenosis) 137

功能性疾病(functional disease) 137

肱骨干骨折(fracture of humeral shaft) 137

肱骨外科颈骨折(fractures of surgical neck of humerus) 138

肱骨外上髁炎(humeral epicondylitis) 138

宫颈癌(cervical carcinoma) 138

宫内节育器(intrauterine device,IUD) 138

宫内诊断(intrauterine diagnosis) 139

宫腔镜检查(hysteroscopy) 139

宫腔粘连(intrauterine adhesions) 139

宫缩乏力(uterine atony) 139

共济失调(ataxia) 140

钩虫病(ancylostomiasis) 140

钩端螺旋体病(leptospirosis) 140

孤立肾(solitary kidney) 140

股骨干骨折(fracture of femoral shaft) 140

股骨颈骨折(fracture of femoral neck) 141

股骨头缺血坏死(ischemic necrosis of femoral head) 141

股疝(femoral hernia) 141

股外侧皮神经炎(neuritis of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh) 141

骨化性纤维瘤(ossifying fibroma) 141

骨坏死(osteonecrosis) 142

骨巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor of bone) 142

骨膜反应(periosteal reaction) 142

骨囊肿(bone cyst) 142

骨盆骨折(fracture of pelvis) 142

骨盆狭窄(contracted pelvis) 143

骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma) 143

骨软骨瘤(osteochondroma) 143

骨髓检查(bone marrow examination) 143

骨髓瘤(myeloma) 143

骨髓炎(osteomyelitis) 144

骨髓移植(bone marrow transplantation) 144

骨纤维肉瘤(fibrosarcoma of bone) 144

骨纤维异常增生症(fibrous hyperplasia of bone) 144

骨移植(bone transplantation) 144

骨折(fracture) 144

骨质破坏(destruction of bone) 145

骨质软化(osteomalacia) 145

骨质疏松(osteoporosis) 145

骨质增生(hyperosteogeny) 145

固定矫正器(fixed orthodontic appliance) 145

固定义齿(fixed prosthesis) 145

固定义齿固位体(retainer or fixed denture) 146

固定义齿连接体(connector of fixed denture) 146

关节僵硬(ankylosis) 146

关节腔穿刺术(arthrocentesis) 146

关节腔积液(intra-articular effusion) 146

冠心病(coronary heart disease) 146

冠周炎(pericoronitis) 146

冠状动脉(coronary artery) 147

冠状循环(coronary circulation) 147

光化性唇炎(actinic cheilitis) 147

光化学疗法(photochemical therapy,PCT) 147

光污染(light pollution) 147

广谱抗生素[broad-spectrum antibiotic(s);wide-spectrum antibiotic(s)] 148

国际残疾分类(international classification of disability) 148

国际疾病分类(international classification of diseases,ICD) 148

国际南丁格尔奖章(winner of International Nightingale Prize) 149

国民生产总值(gross national product,GNP) 149

国内生产总值(gross domestic product,GDP) 149

过敏性肺炎(allergic rhinitis) 150

过敏性疾病(anaphylactic disease) 150

过敏性休克(anaphylactic shock) 150

过敏性紫癜(anaphylactoid purpura;allergic purpura) 150

过敏原(allergens) 150

过期流产(missed abortion) 151

过期妊娠(prolonged pregnancy) 151

H 152

海绵窦血栓形成(cavernous sinus thrombosis) 152

汗腺癌(carcinoma of sweat sland) 152

合理膳食(rational diet) 152

合理营养(adequate nutrition) 152

合作医疗(cooperative medical care) 152

合作医疗制度(system of cooperative medical care) 153

核磁共振成像(nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,NMRI) 153

核黄疸(kernicterus) 153

核酸酶实验(nuclease test) 153

核糖核酸(ribonucleic acid,RNA) 153

核心期刊(core periodical) 153

核医学(nuclear medicine) 153

颌骨骨髓炎(osteomyelitis of the jaw) 154

颌骨囊肿(cyst of jaw) 154

颌下腺炎(submaxillaritis) 154

黑矇性猫眼(amaurotic cat's eye) 154

黑尿热(black-water fever) 154

黑热病(kala-azar) 154

横膈疝(diaphragmatic hernia) 155

横纹肌瘤(rhabdomyoma) 155

红斑狼疮(lupus erythematosus,LE) 155

红皮病(erythroderma) 155

红外线疗法(infra-red therapy) 155

红细胞(red blood cell,RBC) 155

红细胞沉降率(Erythrocyte sedimentation rate,ESR) 156

红细胞压积(hematocrit) 156

虹视(iridization) 156

喉癌(carcinoma of larynx) 156

喉阻塞(laryngeal obstruction) 156

后尿道损伤(injury to posterior urethra) 157

后葡萄膜炎(posterior uveitis) 157

后遗症(sequela) 157

呼吸内科(department of respiratory internal medicine) 157

呼吸性碱中毒(respiratory alkalosis) 157

呼吸性酸中毒(respiratory acidosis) 158

呼吸中枢(respiration center) 158

壶腹癌(carcinoma of ampulla) 158

壶腹周围癌(periampullary carcinoma) 158

护理查房(nursing round) 158

护理常规(nursing routine) 158

护理单元(nursing unit) 158

护理等级(nursing grade) 159

护理观察(nursing observation) 159

护理管理(nursing management) 159

护理记录(nursing record) 159

护理技能(nursing skill) 159

护理技术操作规程(nursing technic procedures) 159

护理交接班(nursing shift) 160

护理目标(nursing goal) 160

护理评价(nursing evaluation) 161

护理评审(nursing audit) 161

护理日志(nursing diary) 161

护理事故(nursing accident) 161

护理文件(nursing records) 162

护理小结(nursing summary) 162

护理学(nursing science) 162

护理业务技术管理(management of nursing technique) 162

护理诊断(nursing diagnosis) 162

护理制度(nursing regulations) 163

护理质量(quality of nursing) 163

护理质量目标管理(target control of nursing) 164

护理咨询(nursing consultation) 164

护理组织管理(nursing organizational management) 164

护士长例会(head nurses'regular meeting) 164

花斑癣(pityriasis versicolor;tinea versicolor) 164

花粉症(pollinosis) 164

华佛综合征(Warerhouse-Friderichsen syndrome) 165

华枝睾吸虫病(clonorchiasis) 165

滑膜囊肿(cyst synovial) 165

滑膜肉瘤(synovial sarcoma,SS) 165

滑囊炎(bursitis) 166

化疗指数(chemotherapeutic index,CI) 166

化脓(suppuration) 166

化脓性骨髓炎(pyogenic osteomyelitis) 166

化脓性关节炎(suppurativearthritis) 167

化脓性脑膜炎(purulent meningitis) 167

化脓性胸膜炎(purulent pleurisy) 167

化脓性炎症(purulent inflammation;suppurative inflammation) 167

化生(metaplasia) 168

化学感受器(chemoreceptor) 168

化学疗法(chemotherapy) 168

化学消毒法(chemical disinfection) 168

踝部骨折(fracture of the ankle joint) 168

踝关节扭伤(ankle sprain) 169

踝阵挛(ankle clonus) 169

坏死(necrosis) 169

坏死性筋膜炎(necrotic fasciitis) 169

坏死性龈口炎(necrotic gingivo-stomatitis) 169

坏血病(scurvy) 169

环境保护(environmental protection) 170

环境保护标准(standard of environmental protection) 170

环境病理学(environmental pathology) 170

环境毒理学(environmental toxicology) 170

环境流行病学(environmental epidemiology) 170

环境卫生防护(environmental hygiene protection) 171

环境卫生学(environmental health/environmental hygiene) 171

环境污染(environmental pollution) 171

环境医学(environmental medicine) 171

环境治疗(milieu therapy) 172

环境致癌因素(environmental carcinogenic factor) 172

幻觉(hallucination) 172

幻觉症(hallucinosis) 172

幻视(visual hallucination) 172

幻听(auditory hallucination) 173

幻味(gustatory hallucination) 173

幻想(illusion) 173

幻嗅(olfactory hallucination) 173

幻肢(phantom limb) 173

幻肢痛(phantom limb pain) 173

换药室(dressing room) 174

患病率(morbidity) 174

黄疸(jaundice) 174

黄疸型肝炎(icteric hepatitis) 174

黄褐斑(chloasma) 174

黄曲霉毒素(aflatoxin) 175

黄热病(yellow fever) 175

黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone) 175

黄体生成素释放激素(luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) 175

恢复室(recovery room) 175

回顾群组调查研究(retrospective cohort study) 175

回顾性调查(retrospective investigation) 176

回顾性研究(retrospective studies) 176

回归热(regressing fever) 176

蛔虫(ascaris) 176

蛔虫病(ascariasis) 176

蛔虫性肠梗阻(intestine obstruction due to ascariasis) 176

会阴切开(perineotomy) 177

会诊(consultation) 177

会诊制度(consultation regulations) 177

混合喂养(mixed feeding) 177

混合性紫绀(mixed cyanosis) 178

活动矫治器(removable orthodontic appliance) 178

活体组织检查(biopsy) 178

活疫苗(live vaccine) 179

获得性免疫缺陷综合征(acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS) 179

霍夫曼征(Hoffmann sign) 179

霍乱(cholera) 179

霍乱肠毒素(cholera enterotoxin) 179

霍乱弧菌(vibrio cholerae) 180

霍纳综合征(Horner syndrome) 180

霍奇金病(Hodgkin disease) 180

J 181

饥饿疗法(limotherapy) 181

机会感染(opportunistic infection) 181

机械呼吸(mechanical respiration) 181

机械性肠梗阻(mechanical ileus) 181

肌电图(electromyography,EMG) 181

肌酐(creatinine) 182

肌力测定的标准(standard of myodynamic assay) 182

肌强直综合征(myotonia syhdlome) 182

肌肉痉挛(myospasm) 182

肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) 182

肌无力危象(myasthenic crisis) 183

肌营养不良症(muscular dystrophy) 183

基本医疗保险(basic medicare) 183

基本医疗保险基金(fund for basic medicare) 184

基层医疗机构(basic level medical institutions) 184

基础代谢(basal metabolism) 184

基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate,BMR) 184

基础护理(basal nursing) 184

基础麻醉(basal anesthesis) 184

基础免疫(fundamental immunity) 185

基础培养基(basic medium) 185

基础体温(basal body temperature,BBT) 185

基础医学(basic medicine) 185

基因(gene) 185

基因重组(gene recombination) 186

基因簇(gene cluster) 186

基因工程(genetic engineering) 186

基因疾病(genopathy) 186

基因库(gene pool) 186

基因扩增(gene amplification) 187

基因疗法(gene therapy) 187

基因探针(gene probe) 187

基因突变(gene mutation) 187

基因图(gene map) 188

基因芯片(gene chip) 188

基因治疗(gene therapy) 188

畸胎瘤(teratoma) 189

畸胎学(teratology) 189

激光疗法(laser therapy) 189

激光医学(laser medicine) 190

激素(hormone) 190

即刻义齿(immediate denture) 190

急产(precipitate labor) 190

急腹症(acute abdomen) 191

急进型高血压(accelerated hypertension) 191

急进性肾小球肾炎(rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis,RPGN) 192

急救(first aid) 192

急救疗法(emergency treatment) 192

急救医学(critical care medicine;emergency medicine) 192

急救中心(the emergency medical center;first-aid center) 192

急性白血病(acute leukemia) 193

急性闭角型青光眼(acute angle-closure glaucoma) 193

急性出血性胰腺炎(acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis) 193

急性胆囊炎(acute cholecystitis) 193

急性放射病(acute radiation disease) 194

急性肺源性心脏病((acute corpulmonale)) 194

急性附睾炎(acute epididymitis) 194

急性感染性多发性神经根炎(Guillain-Barre syndrome) 194

急性根尖周炎(acute apical periodontitis) 195

急性虹膜睫状体炎(acute iridocyclitis) 195

急性化脓性腮腺炎(acute pyogenic parotitis) 195

急性黄疸型肝炎(acute icteric hepatitis) 195

急性脊髓炎(acute myelitis) 196

急性结膜炎(acute conjunctivitis) 196

急性淋巴结炎(acute lymphadenitis) 197

急性尿道炎(acute urethritis) 197

急性尿潴留(retention of urine) 197

急性肾功能衰竭(acute renal failure) 197

急性肾小球肾炎(acute glomerulonephritis) 197

急性肾炎膳食(acute nephritis diet) 198

急性粟粒性肺结核(acute military tuberculosis of the lung) 198

急性胃炎(acute gastritis) 198

急性细菌性膀胱炎(acute bacterial cystitis) 199

急性细菌性痢疾(acute bacillary dysentery) 199

急性细菌性前列腺炎(acute bacterial prostatitis) 199

急性细菌性心内膜炎(acute bacterial endocarditis) 199

急性心包炎(acute pericarditis) 199

急性心功能不全(acute cardiac insufficiency) 199

急性心肌梗塞(acute myocardial infarction,AMI) 200

急性心力衰竭(acute heart failure) 200

急性牙髓炎(acute pulpitis) 200

急性胰腺炎(acute pancreatitis) 200

急性中毒(acute poisoning) 201

急诊(emergency treatment) 201

急诊病人(emergency patient) 201

急诊观察室(emergency observation ward) 201

急诊护理(emergency nursing) 201

急诊科(室)(emergency department) 202

急诊绿色通道(the emergency green chanel) 202

急诊医学(emergency medicine) 202

疾病(disease) 203

疾病分类学(nosology) 203

疾病管理(diseases management) 203

疾病监测(surveillance of diseases) 203

疾病普查(screening examination of disease) 203

疾病诊断相关组(diagnosis related groups,DRGs) 203

挤压综合征(crush syndrome) 204

脊髓(spinal cord) 204

脊髓半切综合征(Brown-Sequard syndrome) 204

脊髓横贯性损伤(spinal transversal lesion) 204

脊髓灰质炎(poliomyelitis) 204

脊髓灰质炎病毒(poliovirus) 204

脊髓灰质炎后遗症(sequela of poliomyelitis) 204

脊髓灰质炎疫苗(poliomyelitis vaccine) 205

脊髓灰质炎疫情快速报告规定(report route of poliomyelitis) 205

脊髓空洞症(syringomyelia) 205

脊髓痨(locomotor ataxia) 205

脊髓损伤(spinal injury) 206

脊髓休克(spinal shock) 206

脊髓血管畸形(vascular malformation of spinal cord) 206

脊髓压迫症(spinal cord compression) 206

脊髓炎(myelitis) 207

脊索瘤(chordoma) 207

脊柱(spinal column) 207

脊柱侧凸(scoliosis) 207

脊柱骨折与脱位(fracture and dislocation of the spine) 208

脊柱裂(spina bifida) 208

脊柱外科疾病(surgery of spinal disease) 208

脊椎穿刺模型(spinal injection simulator) 208

计划免疫(planned immunity) 209

计划生育(family planning) 209

计划生育率(rate of planned parenthood) 209

计量诊断(quantitative diagnosis) 209

计量资料(measurement data) 209

计数资料(enumeration data) 209

计算机体层扫描(computer tomography,CT) 209

计算机体层摄影(computer tomography) 209

既往史(past history) 210

继发感染(secondary infection) 210

继发性癫痫(secondary epilepsy) 210

继发性肝癌(secondary hepatic carcinoma) 210

继发性免疫缺陷病(secondary immunodeficiency) 210

继发性青光眼(secondary glaucoma) 210

寄生虫(parasite) 211

寄生虫病(parasitosis) 211

寄生虫学(parasitology) 211

加强医疗监护病房(intensive care unit,ICU) 211

家庭病床(home sick-bed) 211

家庭健康档案(file of family health) 211

家庭静脉营养(family intravenous feeding) 212

家庭康复(home-based rehabilitation) 212

家庭治疗(family therapy) 212

家族史(family history) 213

家族性癌(cancer with familiar inherence) 213

甲胎蛋白(α-fetoprotein,αFP或AFP) 213

甲型H1N1流感(influenza A) 214

甲型肝炎病毒(hepatitis A virus,HAV) 214

甲状旁腺功能减退症(hypoparathyroidism) 215

甲状旁腺功能亢进症(hyperparathyroidism) 215

甲状旁腺素(parathyroid hormone,PTH) 215

甲状旁腺危象(parathyroid crisis) 216

甲状舌管囊肿(thyroglossal tract cyst) 216

甲状腺(thyroid) 216

甲状腺癌(thyroid carcinoma) 216

甲状腺功能减退症(hypothyroidism) 217

甲状腺功能亢进症(hyperthyroidism) 217

甲状腺功能亢进症性心脏病(hyperthyroid cardiopathy) 217

甲状腺囊肿(thyroid cyst) 217

甲状腺素(thyroxine,T4) 218

甲状腺危象(thyroid crisis) 218

甲状腺腺瘤(adenoma of thyroid) 218

甲状腺炎(thyroiditis) 219

甲状腺肿瘤(tumor of thyroid) 219

假两性畸形(pseudohermaphroditism) 219

假性动脉瘤(pseudoaneurysm,PSA) 219

假性尖锐湿疣(pseudo-condyloma) 220

假性近视(pseudomyopia) 221

尖锐湿疣(condyloma acuminatum) 221

间脑综合征(diencephalic syndrome) 221

间歇性跛行(intermittent claudication) 221

间叶组织(mesenchymal tissue) 222

间叶组织肿瘤(tumout of mesenchymal tissue) 222

间质性肺炎(interstitial pneumonia) 222

肩关节镜(shoulder arthroscopy) 222

肩关节前脱位(anterior dislocation of shoulder joint) 222

肩关节脱位(dislocation of the shoulder joint) 223

肩关节周围炎(periarthritis of shoulder) 223

监护(monitor) 223

监护病房(intensive care unit,ICU) 223

减毒疫苗(attenuated vaccine) 224

减压病(decompression disease) 224

检验科(laboratory) 224

检疫(quarantine) 224

睑板腺癌(meibomian gland carcinoma) 224

睑内翻(entropion) 224

睑内翻矫正术(correction of entropion) 224

睑球粘连(symblepharon) 225

睑外翻(ectropion) 225

睑缘炎(blepharitis) 225

健康(health) 225

健康促进(health promotion) 225

健康带菌者(healthy carrier) 225

健康档案(health files) 226

健康的整体观(the overall concept of health) 226

健康访视者(health visitor) 226

健康风险评估和分析(risk evaluation and analysis of health) 226

健康管理(health management) 226

健康管理师(health administrator) 227

健康检查(health examination) 227

健康教育(health education) 227

健康评价(health assessment) 227

健康膳食(healthful diet) 227

健康水平(level of health) 227

健康投资(health investment) 228

健康危险因素干预(intervention on health risk factors) 228

健康相关行为(health related behavior) 228

健康心理学(health psychology) 228

健康行为(healthy behavior) 229

健康指导(health guidance) 229

健康中心(health centre) 229

健康咨询(health consultation) 229

健康咨询师(health consultant) 229

腱鞘囊肿(ganglion) 229

鉴别诊断(differential diagnosis) 230

交叉过敏(cross allergy) 230

交叉免疫电泳(cross immunoelectrophoresis) 230

交叉免疫反应(cross immunoreaction) 230

交叉配血试验(blood cross matching test) 230

交接班记录(relief of a shift record) 231

胶乳凝集试验(latex agglutination test) 231

胶原蛋白(collagen) 231

胶质细胞瘤(glioblastoma) 232

焦虑性神经症(anxiety neurosis) 232

角膜混浊(corneal opacity) 232

角膜基质炎(parenchymatous keratitis) 233

角膜葡萄肿(corneal staphyloma) 233

角膜软化症(keratomalacia) 233

角膜炎(keratitis) 234

角膜移植术(keratoplasty) 234

角膜异物(corneal foreign body) 234

脚气病(beriberi) 234

脚癣(dermatophytosis) 235

教学查房(teaching rounds) 235

疖(furuncle) 235

接触传染(contact transmission) 235

接触性传染病(contagious infectious disease) 235

接触性皮炎(contact dermatitis) 235

接种(inoculation) 235

节育(birth control) 236

节育措施(birth control measure) 236

节育手术(contraceptive operation) 236

拮抗作用(antagonism) 236

结肠癌(carcinoma of colon) 236

结肠过敏症(colon anaphylaxis) 236

结肠镜检查(colonscopy) 237

结肠克隆病(Clone disease of colon) 237

结肠类癌(carcinoid of colon) 237

结肠息肉(polyp of colon) 237

结肠炎(colonitis) 237

结缔组织(connective tissue) 238

结缔组织疾病(connective tissue disease) 238

结核病(tuberculosis) 238

结核杆菌(tubercle bacillus) 238

结核菌苗(tuberculosis vaccine) 238

结核菌素(tuberculin) 239

结核菌素试验(tuberculin skin test) 239

结核瘤(tuberculoma) 239

结核性腹膜炎(tuberculous peritonitis) 239

结核性脑膜炎(tuberculous meningitis) 239

结核性心包炎(tuberculous pericarditis,TP) 240

结核性胸膜炎(tuberculous pleurisy) 240

结节性多动脉炎(polyarteritis nodosa,PAN) 240

结节性肝硬化(nodular cirrhosis) 241

结节性红斑(erythema nodosum) 241

结节性硬化病(tuberous sclerosis) 241

结膜充血和睫状充血(conjunctival congestion and ciliary congestion) 241

结膜干燥症(xerosis conjunctivae) 241

解除隔离(terminate isolation) 242

介入放射学(interventional radiology) 242

介入性CT(interventional CT) 242

介入性超声(interventional ultrasound) 242

介入治疗(interventional treatment) 242

疥疮(scabies) 243

近视眼(myopia) 243

进行性延髓麻痹(progressive bulbar paralysis) 244

浸润型肺结核(infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis) 244

禁忌证(contraindication) 244
