Nanning Environmentally-Friendly-House Project-A Case Study on Sustainable Design in the Hot and Humid Climate Akio Okumura,Jiang He,Akira Hoyano 2
Integation of Historic preservation and green architecture:A pragmatic Approach to Preservation in Housing Chartlette P.Bonini 7
Architecture as the Tragedy of the Domination of Nature:A Study Based on the Aesthetic Writings of T.W.Adornor Marco Tulio Scarpelli Cabral 14
The Design of Intermediate Space:Along the Strada Trossi from Biella to Verrone: Cristiano Campagnolo,Filippo Corbellaro,Nicolo Corbellaro,Paolo Volpe 20
Sustainable Development and Future Chinese Architecture Dai Zhizhong 26
Bio-friendly Reconstruction of Town Prof.Zdenek Denk,Prof.Josef Smajs 30
Linkage of Environment and Politics with Architectural Theory and Practice Prof.Robert Gilkey Dyck 35
Environmentally Sustainable Design in Cuba GEF/UNDP Project Sabana-Camaguey Lourdes Ruiz Gutierrez,Gisela Diaz Quintero,Leonor Bandrich 40
Earthen Architecture in The XXI Century:An Utopia? Franisco T.Casal Iglesias 44
Ecological Architecture and Use of Natural Sources in Eco-Village Model-Hocamkoy Project Prof.Dr.Demet Irkli,Prof.Dr.Semih Eryildiz 50
Sustainable Architecture and Contemporary Solutions Prof.Dr.Arvind Krishan 55
Architectural Environment of Tourism and Sustainability of Historical Cities:The Problem s Speciality in the Inter-Penetration Areas of Asian and European Cultural Tradition and Approaches Vladimir Krogius 60
Environment-Behavior Design Framework for the Habitable Underground Space Gahngju Lee,Changsoo Kim 63
The Sustainable City of the 21st Century:Westbahnhof,Vienna-Theory and Practice Richard S.Levine,Heidi Dumreicher,Taghi Radmard,Ernest J.Yanarella 68
Ecological Development:the Future of the Traditional Chinese Settlements Dept of Architecture Li Xiaofeng,Den Xiaohong 73
Ecological Exploration of Urban Planning Lin Wenqi 77
The making of Public Space in Winter Cities Liu Deming 82
Perceiving Architecture-10 Theses Peter Lorenz 86
Dwelling Environment for the Aged in the Trans-Century Period Luo Deqi 91
The Hospital s Role in Creating The Healthy Community Prof.Derek Parker 95
Shaping Mountain Environmental Space:Tradition and New Values in Housing Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka 99
Global Environmental Biological Approach to Habitat Medecin-biologiste Dr.Pierre Plat 102
Diversity through Continuity:A Reflection on the Role of Architecture in Shaping the Environment of the City CRAD (Centre de recherche en amenagement development) Andre Potvin 113
Protection Zone of the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau Design Study Plan Jadwiga Rawecka,Marek Rawecki 119
Designing for Sustainable Futures Allan Rodger 125
Study on Architectural Environment of Disabled Children School Dongsheng Sang 132
Integrating Environmental Goals into Urban Redevelopment Schemes:Lessons from Community Development Project Along the Code River,Yogyakarta,Indonesia B.Setiawan,Dwita Hadi Rahmi 137
Needs of Sensory Disabled Children in School:Analysis of special education schools in Egypt Prof.Dr.Zakia H.Shafie,Dr.Nagwa H.Sherif,Dr.Naila F.Toulan,Arch.Mona H.Soliman 141
Architectural Environmental Colors Culture of Tibetan Traditional Houses Wan Yiyi,Yang Chunfeng 149
Discussion on Healthy Buildings Wu Yuanwei 153
The Earth Conscious Design-Passive and Sustainable Features of Architecture Yoshio Kato 155
Colors as an Element of the Architectural Form George N.Ziogas 161
Impacts of the Urbanization Process on Existing Squatter Areas of turkey Sevin Aksoylu 168
Residential Land Planning Using Optimization Models Ahmad Y.Al-Zoabi 174
From Algeciras to Istanbul:Origis,Permanences and Perspectives in the Mediterranean World Angcl Fernandez Avidad,Marcelino Martin Montero 180
Urbanization Process in Turkey:Physical and Social Problems and Search for Alternative Solutions to Squatter Affair Nuray Bayraktar 184
COUNTRY/TOWNS/MEDIA:a Key to the Understanding of the Environment Bohuslav Blazek 189
Architecture,Conservation and Context-Tradition and Evolution in Architecture and Urban Design Gerald Dix 192
Nominative for the Recuperation of the Rimac River Arq.Enrique Guzman Garcia 197
Leading Ideas for Urban Visions Andreas Gottlieb Hempel 201
The Civil Space of Urban Hong Kong After July 1,1997-Arguments and Stategies in Public Space Design Kevin K K Manuel Charlie Q L Xue 206
Making Seoul Identifiable:A New Architectural Paradigm for the 21 Century Donyum Kim,Gahngju Lee 212
21ST Century Architecture for Global Village Civilization Dr.KWAAK 216
Asian New Urbanism Willian S.W.Lim 222
Current Situation and Development of the Housing Construction in China Nie Meisheng 229
The Global City Region:Its Emerging Form In India Binoy G Panicker 232
Urbanization and the Problem of Urban Residence in China Shen Jie 237
Boulevard or Highway?Moving through Metropolis Silja Tillner 243
Medium Sized Cities and World Josep M Llop Tome 251
City Layout and Residential Spacial Surroundings in the 21st Century Wang Tinghui 256
A New Urbanism:Significant Accomplishments at Concord Pacific Place in Vancouver Brahm Wiesman 261
Viewing the Conservation and Development of the Historic Sites form the Angle of the Urban Culture Development with the Method of Urban Design Wu Liangyong,Fang Ke,Zhang Yue 269
China s Urban Flood Hazard in 21st Century and it s Reduction Countermeasures Wu Wingzhou 276
The Urbane Device Andrew Yeoman 281
Modernization and Transformation of Urban Housing in Korea 1964-1985 Chang-Bok Yim 288
Topohhilia:A Strategy to Make a City as of its Inhabitants Calos Mario Yory 292
On Development Trends in the Morphology and Patterns of Cities and Architecture in the 21st Century Yu Qingkang 296
Building a Harmonious and Sustainable Urban Space…On the Urban Space Planning in Shanghai Zheng Shiling 303
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