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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:五洲传播出版社编;王国振译
  • 出 版 社:五洲传播
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:200 页


The National Flag of the People's Republic of China 2

The National Emblem of the People's Republic of China 2

National Anthem of the People's Republic of China 3

Organizational Structure of the National Congress of CPC 4

Organizational Structure of the NPC 4

Organizational Structure of the State Council 5

Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee 6

CPPCC National Committee and Leaders 7

Proportion of Deputies to the 10th NPC 8

Composition of the 10th CPPCC 8

113 Laws Adopted by the 9th NPC and Its Standing Committee 9

Motions Received and Handled by the CPPCC 10

Basic Situation of the Eight Democratic Parties 11

Map of Administrative Divisions in China 12


China's Geographic Location in the World 14

Size Comparison Between China and Other Countries and Regions 15

Map of the People's Republic of China 16

Sketch Map of China's Geography 17

Sketch Map of China In Terms of Land Types 18

Sketch Map of China In Terms of Temperature Zones 19

Sketch Map of Major Mountains in China 20

Average Temperature in January and July 21

Sketch Map of Annual Precipitation in China 22


Sketch Map of River Systems in China 26

Sketch Map of Water Resources in China 27

Sketch Map of Forest Resources in China 28

Changes in China's Cultivated Lands 29

Forest Area 30

Sketch Map of Oil Resources and Oilfields in China 31

Sketch Map of Major Coal Mines in China 32

Basic Reserves of Some Mineral Ores 33

Marine Economic Sector Maintains Healthy Growth 33

Area of Wetlands Ranks First in Asia 34

Land Use in 2004 34


A Brief Chinese Chronology 36

Ancient Chinese Coins 38

Zheng He's Seven Voyages 40


Scientific Development and Harmonious Society 42

Key Figures on China's Economic Development in 2004 43

China's Economy Shall Rise at an Annual Average Rate of About 8% During the 11th Five-Year Plan(2006-2010) 44

Remarkable Growth of Comprehensive National Might Resulting From Fast Economic Growth 45

Impressive Increase in the Primary Industry's Contribution to GDP 46

Steady Development of Industrial Production 47

Sustained Fast Growth of Investment in Fixed Assets 47

Higher Contribution of Cities to China's GDP 48

Coal Production in the Forefront of the World 48

China Retains as Number One Steel Producer in the World 49

Natural Gas Production Continues to Grow 49

China Grows Into a Power In Terms of Oil Production 50

Output of Some 20 Kinds of Petrochemical Products Rank Among First in China 50

Energy Production and Consumption 51

Total Energy Consumption 52

Ten Major Power Guzzlers 53

Oil Production and Consumption 53

Automobile Industry Develops Apace 54

China Builds Half of Ships Built Worldwide 54

Agricultural Tax Abolished to Benefit Farmers 55

Per-Capita Share of Major Agricultural Crops 55

Basically Balanced Production and Marketing of Cereals 56

Production of Fruit and Vegetables Grows at a High Rate 57

Scope of Chain Restaurants Expands Rapidly 58

Economic Might of State-Class Economic and Technological Development Areas 59

Output of Gold Creates a Record High 59

Private Businesses Mushroom 60

Latest Progress of Western Region Development 61

Initial Success in Revitalizing the Old Industrial Base of Northeast China 62

Economic Development of 10 Provinces and Municipalities Directly Under the Central Government in East China in 2004 63

Economic Development of Six Provinces in Central China in 2004 63

Project to Divert Water From South to North China 64

Project to Divert Gas From West to East China 64

Project to Transmit Power From West to East China 65

Financial Institutions of China 66

Capital Market Makes Remarkable Progress 67

Ranking of Banks in Chinese Mainland 67

Foreign Exchange Trade of Banks Makes New Breakthrough in 2004 68

Stock Market Narrows in Scope 69

Companies Listed in China Reach 1377 69

Balance of Foreign Debts Reaches US$228.596 Billion 70

Tax Revenues Approach 2600 Billion Yuan 70

Tax Revenues and Income on Individual Tax 71

Rates of China's Individual Income Taxes 72

Increase in Beth Financial Revenues and Expenditures 72


Fifth National Census in 2000 Data Fastly Collected to Show Population Distribution 74

Changes in China's Population in 2004 75

Composition of Chinese Population at the End of 2004 75

China's Population Hits 1.3 billion 76

Global Population Reaches 6.4 Billion 76

Chinese Population to See the Summit Figure in 2030 77

Chinese Population Gets Older 78

Growth Rate of China's Population Keeps Falling 79

Scope of Families Shrinks 79

Population Growth Slows Down Pace 80

China's Life Span to Average 100 Years in 2300 According to UN Prediction 80

Minimum Standard of Living Guaranteed for Urban and Rural Areas 81

Basic Situation of Work on the Handicapped 82

More Workers Enjoy Medicare System and More Unemployed People Are Covered by Unemployment Insurance 82

Employment and Social Securities 83

More People Are Employed 84

Strengthened Social Security Work in the Urban Areas 85

Faster Construction of Disease Prevention and Control System 86

90%of Urban Residents Think They Are Healthy 87

Remarkable Progress Made in Preventing and Treating Local Diseases 87

Hospitalized Expenses Average 4000 Yuan Per Capita 88

Ten Major Killers for Urban Residents and Composition 88

Legally Reported Deaths Resulting From Contagious Diseases 89

Medicare System Keeps Improving 90

More People Voluntarily Donate Blood 90

Achievements in International Sports Competitions 91

Achievements Made at Olympic Games 91

Educational Level of Chinese Women Keeps Improving 92

Women Receive Better Education 93

Women Participate in More Government Affairs 94

Women Guaranteed for Right to Participate in Government Affairs 94

Scope of Employment of Women Continues to Expand 95

Work Strengthened for Healthcare of Women and Children 95

Close to 60% of Child-Bearing Women Give Births in Hospitals 96

China's State Report on Development of Children in 2003-2004 96

Distribution of National Autonomous Regions in China 97

Distribution of Ethnic Groups in China 98

Religious Activities Venues in China 100


Top 10 Scientific and Technological Progress in China in 2004 104

Top 10 Scientific and Technological Progress in the World 105

Proportion of Funds for Scientific Research in GDP Increases Further 106

Number of Scientists and Technical Personnel 106

China Expands Overseas Scientific and Technological Cooperation 107

Number of Patent Applications Handled Tops the World 107

Two Million Pieces of Patent Applications Handled in Nine Years 108

Proportion of People With Different Levels of Education in Total Population 109

Educational Undertakings Develop Apace 109

China Constantly Increases Financial Input in Education 110

Educational Level of Urban Family Members Gets Higher 110

Elementary Education Becomes Increasingly Popularized 111

Development of All Kinds of Education 111

Number of Students Taught by Full-Time Teachers in Various Kinds of Schools 112

Longer Period of Education Received Per Capita 113

Scope of Higher School Education Enlarged 113

More Graduate Students Enrolled 114

Investigation Shows Closer Ties Between Salaries and School Degrees 115

More Go Study in the Americas Than Any Other Part of the World 116

Major Measures Adopted for Overseas Students to Return 117

Enrolment of Foreign Students 118

Scholarship for Foreign Students in China 119

About 100 Million People the World Over Expected to Study Chinese in Four Years to Come 119

Electronic Information Industry Becomes Number One Sector of China's Industry 120

Number of Netizens Surpasses 100 Million 121

Internet Gets Increasingly Popularized in China 121

Scope of China's Electronic Information Industry Takes Second Place in the World 122

China's Ranking in Information Rises to the 10th 123

Most of the Netizens Are Youths 124

Broader International Expressway for Internet 125

About 70% of Internet Subscribers Search for News and Information 125

Mobile Phone Users Surpass Fixed Phone Subscribers in Number 126

Chinese Export of Mobile Phones Increased by 66% in 2004 127

Number of Male and Female Netizens 127

Export of Software Increases 6 Times in 5 Years 128

China's Postal Network Is the Largest in the World 128


Sketch Map of Distribution of China's Highway Network 130

85000 km of National Expressways Built in 30 Years 131

Distribution of Major Highways in China 132

China Speeds Up Construction of Highways 133

Construction of Rural Highways Quickens Pace 133

Sketch Map of Railway Transportation in China 134

Railways Run Faster 135

Aviation Takes Off 136

Sketch Map of Civil Aviation 137

Passengers and Goods Transport 138


Stable Quality of Air in the Urban Areas 140

Initial Success Won in Controlling Pollution 141

Treatment Rate of Urban Garbage Approaches 60% 141

More Investment Made in Treatment of Environmental Pollution 142

Half of Cities Suffer From Acid Rain 142

Faster Exploitation of Geothermal Resources 143

11 Cities Awarded"Best China Environment Prize" 143

Strengthened Protection of Wild Plants and Animals 144

One-Seventh of Land Listed as Nature Reserves 144

Work on Six Major Forests Makes Remarkable Progress 145

Forest Area Increases 146

Lake Water Quality Has to Be Improved 147

River Water Quality Not Satisfactory 147

Less Economic Loss Resulting From Geological Disasters in 2004 148


Better Material Life for Urban Residents 150

The Chinese Get Richer 150

Remarkable Increase in the Income of Urban and Rural People 151

Number of Commodities Purchased by Each Member of Urban Families in a Year 152

Engle Coefficient of Rural Residents 153

Engle Coefficient of Urban Residents 153

Composition of Consumption of Urban Families 154

Housing in the Urban and Rural Areas Become Even More Spacious 155

Cultural Life of the Chinese Gets Rich in Terms of Variety and Content 155

Remarkable Achievement Made in Alleviating Poverty in the Rural Areas 156

Income of Rural Residents Increases on the Yearly Basis 156

Living Conditions of Rural Residents Improve Further 157

60% of Farmers Have Access to Tap Water 157

Composition of Household Consumer Goods of Farmers in the Rural Areas 158

Half of the Rural Houses Are Complete With Sanitary Toilets 158

Impressive Increase in the Number of Durables Owned by Famers 159

Automobiles,Mobile Phones and Other"Major Products"Favored by an Increasing Number of Urban Residents 160

Urbanization Levels Enhanced Continuously 160

More Ordinary Families Own Cars 161

More Than 60% of the Individual Spending Centering Around Famous Brands 161

Media Develops Apace 162

Media Market Value Reaches 300 Billion Yuan 162

Online Purchase of Books Fashionable 163

The Chinese Becomes More Beautiful 163

Janunary-June 2005 Saw Better Commodity Supply and Demand 164

Sample Survey Shows Close to 80% of Products Up to Quality Requirement 165

About 90% of the Chinese Satisfied With Social Security Situation 166


Sketch Map of China's International Aviation 169

Map of China's Tourism Resources 170

Map of China's Ten Major Scenic Spots 171

Impressive Development of China's Tourism 172

Booming Domestic Tourism 172

Income From Overseas Tourists Ranks 7th in the World 173

Composition of Expenditures of Overseas Visitors in China 173

Star Hotels Accommodating Foreign Tourists Number Close to 10000 174

China Ranks Third in Terms of the Number of World Heritages 174


Defense Budgets of Some Countries in 2003 and 2004 176

Proportion of the National Defense Budget in the National GDP and Financial Expenditures in the 2004 Fiscal Year 177

Growth Rate of China's National Defense Budget and Growth Rate of National Financial Expenditures in 1995-2005(%) 177

National Defense Budget of China and Other Countries in 2005 178

Proportion of China's National Defense Budget in National Financial Expenditures in 1979-2004 179

Highest Age of Army Officers in Active Service 180

Large-Scale Disarmaments Since the 1980s 180

China Takes an Active Part in UN Peace-Keeping Activities 181

Remarkable Progress Made in Manufacture of Civilian Products by National Defense Industrial Sector 182


China's Diplomatic Activities 184

Top 10 in the World Competition in 2005 185

15 Asian-Pacific Countries and Regions in World Competition in 2003-2004 Fiscal Year 185

Ranking of Four Major Elements Concerning China's International Competition in 2003-2004 Fiscal Year 186

Contents of Four Major Elements Concerning International Competition 186

Top 10 Countries and Regions in Terms of Fast Forward Moving in International Competition in 2004 186

Growth Rate of GDP of Major Countries and Regions in the World in 2003-2005 Fiscal Year 187

China's Foreign Trade 188

Top 10 in the World in Terms of Foreign Exchanges Reserves in 2004 188

Foreign Direct Investment Introduced by Major Countries and Regions in the World in 2001-2004 189

Top 15 Countries and Regions in Terms of Investment in China by 2003(arranged in accordance with investment actually made in China) 190

Top 10 in the World in Terms of GDP in 2004 191

Chinese and American Contribution to World economic Growth 191

Top 10 in the World in Terms of Goods Import-Export Value in 2004 192

Top 10 in the World in Terms of Service Import-Export Value in 2004 192

Top 10 in the World in Terms of Per-Capita GDP in 2004 193

China's Per-Capita Goods Import-Export Value as a Percentage of That of Major Developed Countries 193

China's Major Trading Partners 194

Level of China's Energy Consumption and Amount of Energy Imports When Compared With Some Economically Developed Countries in the World 194

China's Imports and Exports Surpass US$1000 Billion 195

China Becomes Hot Spot for International Investors 195

Top 10 Commodities Exporters in the World 196

Major Foreign Trade Ports of China 197

Arms Control,Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Treaties China Involve 198

Chinese Laws on Prohibition of Proliferation 199

Trust Measures and Agreements Signed With Other Countries on Disarmament 200
