- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(德)豪格(E.Haug),(德)纳克尔(W.Nakel)著
- 出 版 社:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- 页数:259 页
Chapter 1.Introduction 1
1.1 General introduction 1
1.2 Short historical note 4
1.3 Notations and definitions 5
Chapter 2.Classical and semiclassical considerations on the bremsstrahlung process 9
2.1 Electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung 9
2.1.1 Screening effects 16
2.1.2 Bremsstrahlung linear polarization 18
2.1.3 Bremsstrahlung from transversely polarized electrons 22
2.2 Electron-electron bremsstrahlung 23
2.3 Weizs?cker-Williams method of virtual quanta 26
Chapter 3.Theory of the elementary process of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung 27
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 Bremsstrahlung cross section 28
3.3 Born approximation(Bethe-Heitler formula) 32
3.3.1 Atomic screening 47
3.3.2 Nuclear recoil effects 50
3.3.3 Effects of nuclear structure 51
3.4 Approximations with the Sommerfeld-Maue wave function 55
3.4.1 Sommerfeld-Maue wave function 55
3.4.2 Spin formalism 61
3.4.3 Cross section 63
3.4.4 Nonrelativistic approximation 71
3.4.5 The short-wavelength limit 72
3.4.6 Approximation for the long-wavelength limit and for high electron energies 74
3.4.7 Cross section in second Born approximation 76
3.5 Calculation using relativistic partial-wave expansions 79
3.5.1 Partial wave expansion 79
3.5.2 Calculations with a relativistic self-consistent-field potential 89
3.5.3 Calculation for a pure Coulomb potential 93
3.6 Spin-dependent cross section and bremsstrahlung asymmetry 97
3.7 Bremsstrahlung polarization 104
3.7.1 General polarization correlation 104
3.7.2 Linear polarization in Born approximation 108
3.7.3 Circular polarization from polarized electrons in Born approximation 112
3.8 Radiative corrections to bremsstrahlung 115
Chapter 4.Experiments on the elementary process of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung 119
4.1 Survey of experimental devices 119
4.2 Electron-photon coincidence experiments without regard to polarization variables 121
4.2.1 Angular distributions of photons for fixed directions of outgoing electrons 121
4.2.2 Angular distributions of electrons for fixed photon directions 123
4.2.3 Energy distributions for fixed electron and photon directions 125
4.2.4 Wide-angle bremsstrahlung experiments at very high energies 127
4.3 Electron-photon coincidence experiments including polarization variables 129
4.3.1 Linear polarization of bremsstrahlung emitted by unpolarized electrons 129
4.3.2 Photon emission asymmetry of bremsstrahlung from transversely polarized electrons 136
4.3.3 Further polarization correlations 143
4.4 Tagged photons 143
Chapter 5.Theory of the elementary process of electron-electron bremsstrahlung 147
5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 Kinematics 148
5.2.1 Center-of-mass system 151
5.2.2 Laboratory system 152
5.3 Cross section 157
5.3.1 Laboratory system 161
5.3.2 Center-of-mass system 162
5.3.3 Center-of-mass system of the outgoing electrons 162
5.4 Bremsstrahlung in the field of bound electrons 166
Chapter 6.Experiments on the elementary process of electron-electron bremsstrahlung 175
6.1 Electron-photon coincidence experiments without regard to polarization variables 175
6.1.1 Angular distribution of photons for fixed electron direction 176
6.1.2 Energy distributions 178
6.2 Electron-photon coincidence experiments including polarization variables 182
6.2.1 Linear polarization of electron-electron bremsstrahlung emitted by unpolarized electrons 182
6.2.2 Further polarization correlations 185
Chapter 7.Integrated cross sections and further bremsstrahlung processes 187
7.1 Integrated cross sections 187
7.2 Positron-nucleus bremsstrahlung 190
7.3 Electron-positron bremsstrahlung 192
7.4 Two-photon bremsstrahlung 196
7.5 Polarization bremsstrahlung 203
7.6 Crystalline targets:coherent bremsstrahlung 206
7.7 Bremsstrahlung from heavy particles 206
7.8 Bremsstrahlung in nuclear decays 207
7.8.1 Bremsstrahlung in β decay 207
7.8.2 Bremsstrahlung in orbital-electron capture 207
7.8.3 Bremsstrahlung in α decay 207
7.9 Bremsstrahlung in magnetic fields 208
7.9.1 Electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung in strong magnetic fields 208
7.9.2 Synchrotron radiation(magnetobremsstrahlung) 210
7.10 Stimulated bremsstrahlung 210
Conclusion 211
Appendix A Problems 213
Appendix B Squared matrix element of electron-electron bremsstrahlung 241
Bibliography 249
Index 257
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